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MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus - Komponisten, page 33

   Titels gefunden: 376

Andrew Kennedy - Sings arias by Mozart, Gluck and Berlioz

Andrew Kennedy - Sings arias by Mozart, Gluck and Berlioz
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

Star tenor Andrew Kennedy is accompanied by Southbank Sinfonia in this collection of arias by three unique Classical-era composers. This disc showcases some of the best in young British musical talent, with rising star tenor Andrew Kennedy and Southbank Sinfonia, conducted by Simon Over. Their programme explores three phases of the Classical era, with early arias from Gluck, later classical works by Mozart, and the beginnings of Romanticism with Berlioz. Andrew’s previous releases with Signum Records have been greeted with exceptionally good reviews from music magazines and national newspapers and we have every confidence his latest release will be as successful.
18.00 eur Buy

Rossini | Mozart | Beethoven - London Chamber Orchestra - Conductor: Christopher Warren-Green - Soprano: Susan Gritton

Rossini | Mozart | Beethoven - London Chamber Orchestra - Conductor: Christopher Warren-Green - Soprano: Susan Gritton
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Orchestral WorksSubkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

The London Chamber Orchestra, the UK’s oldest chamber orchestra, has nurtured the new and paid homage to the traditional since 1921. Since 1988 Principal Conductor and Music Director Christopher Warren-Green has brought together the inspirational musicians and repertoire for which LCO is renowned. The remarkable acoustic and intimate ambience of St. John’s, Smith Square, its London home, enable the LCO - the only chamber orchestra resident in London - to give vibrant performances and establish a close rapport with its audiences. The recordings on the LCO Live label, in partnership with Signum Classics, are the result of this happy marriage of orchestra and venue.
18.00 eur Buy

Claire Jones - Harp Concertos - Glière, Debussy, Mozart

Claire Jones - Harp Concertos - Glière, Debussy, Mozart
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Harp

The Gliere Harp Concerto has always been a favourite among harp enthusiasts: written in the 1930s, the work’s stylistic features are reminiscent of the Viennese classical style united with Russian romantic nationalism.
This disc highlights the extraordinary talent of the Official Harpist to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Claire Jones. She is joined by renowned flautist William Bennet OBE, and the English Chamber Orchestra to complete the release with Mozart’s Concerto for flute, harp and Orchestra and Debussy’s Danses pour Harpe Chromatique. Claire has performed for members of the Royal Family on more then 70 occasions and recently premiered a brand new Royal Commission by Patrick Hawes at Highgrove House with the Philharmonia. She is also featured on a new release with the National Youth Choir of Scotland, performing Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols (released on September 20 SIGCD228).
Patrick Hawes' Highgrove documentary is broadcast on 23rd September on BBC2. It is all about the writing of his piece The Highgrove Suite which is due out on Classic FM next month, guaranteeing good exposure for Patrick and Claire Jones.
18.00 eur Buy

The Rodolfus Choir - Choral Collection

The Rodolfus Choir - Choral Collection
CDs: 3
Type: CD
Kolektion: Choral CollectionSubkolektion: Choir

Thomas Tallis Latin Motets and Anthems
Francis Grier Twelve Anthems
By Special Arrangement Choral arrangements of favourite classics

CD1: 12 Anthems by Francis Grier
12 original compositions by Francis Grier, set to sacred words and texts. Grier has written much for the Anglican choral tradition, having pieces commissioned and performed from Westminster Abbey, King's College, Cambridge, as well as Durham, Edinburgh, Salisbury and Winchester Cathedrals.
CD2: Thomas Tallis: Latin & English Motets and Anthems
Latin and English motets and anthems by the accomplished 16th Century polyphonist. Few, if any, composers of the era can boast such a variety of musical styles and genres as Thomas Tallis. His diverse yet strikingly individual voice was a product of an outstanding musical imagination combined with the extraordinary historical context in which he lived. His working life spanned the reign of four monarchs, each preferring a drastically different flavour of Christian worship from his or her predecessor.
CD3: By Special Arrangement
A dazzling selection of arrangements of instrumental and orchestral music, performed by the Rodolfus Choir, by Mahler, Tchaikovsky, Chopin , Schubert and Widor

The Rodolfus Choir
Rodolfus Choir, made up of singers aged from 16 to 25 who have been chosen from past and present members of Eton College's summer choral courses for prospective choral scholars. It follows the release in May of a new recording of choral works by Herbert Howells (SIGCD190), which was enthusiastically received and praised by listeners and reviewers.
30.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

MOZART - An Italian Journey - Jermy Ovenden, tenor

MOZART - An Italian Journey - Jermy Ovenden, tenor
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

A fascinating musical journey through the Italian arias of Mozart, from one of his earliest works Lucio Silla (composed when he was just 16) through to his final Italian opera La Clemenza di Tito.
18.00 eur Buy

Mozart - Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots

Mozart - Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Oper

Allan Clayton, tenor
Andrew Kennedy, tenor
The Orchestra of Classical Opera
Cora Burggraaf, mezzo-soprano
Ian Page, conductor
Sarah Fox, soprano
Sophie Bevan, soprano

CD 1 (52’52) Page
1. Sinfonia 3’20 32
2. Recitative: “Die löblich’ und gerechte Bitte” 1’46 32 (Gerechtigkeit, Christgeist, Barmherzigkeit)
3. No. 1, Aria: “Mit Jammer muß ich schauen” (Christgeist) 6’05 33
4. Recitative: “So vieler Seelen Fall” (Barmherzigkeit, Gerechtigkeit) 1’59 34
5. No. 2, Aria: “Ein ergrimmter Löwe brüllet” (Barmherzigkeit) 6’14 36
6. Recitative: “Was glaubst du” (Barmherzigkeit, Gerechtigkeit, Christgeist) 0’51 36
7. Accompanied recitative: “Wenn aus so vieler Tausend Mund” 2’20 37 (Christgeist, Barmherzigkeit, Gerechtigkeit)
8. No. 3, Aria: “Erwache, fauler Knecht” (Gerechtigkeit) 7’36 38
9. Recitative: “Er reget sich” (Christgeist, Barmherzigkeit, Gerechtigkeit) 0’18 39
10. Accompanied recitative: “Wie, wer erwecket mich?” 3’56 39 (Der Christ, Weltgeist, Christgeist)
11. No. 4, Aria: “Hat der Schöpfer dieses Leben” (Weltgeist) 7’14 41
12. Accompanied recitative: “Daß Träume Träume sind” (Der Christ) 1’28 42
13. No. 5, Aria: “Jener Donnerworte Kraft” (Der Christ) 9’37 42
CD 2 (31’50) Page
1. Recitative: “Ist dieses, o so zweifle nimmermehr” 1’43 44 (Weltgeist, Der Christ, Christgeist)
2. No. 6, Aria: “Schildre einen Philosophen” (Weltgeist) 5’14 45
3. Recitative: “Wen hör’ ich nun hier” (Weltgeist, Der Christ, Christgeist) 4’06 46
4. No.7, Aria: “Manches Übel will zuweilen” (Christgeist) 7’29 49
5. Recitative: “Er hält mich einem Kranken gleich” 2’26 50 (Der Christ, Christgeist, Weltgeist)
6. Recitative: “Hast du nunmehr erfahren” 1’11 52 (Barmherzigkeit, Christgeist, Gerechtigkeit)
7. No. 8, Trio: “Laßt mir eurer Gnade Schein” 9’36 53 (Christgeist, Barmherzigkeit, Gerechtigkeit)
Additional Bonus Features:
Film - ‘The Making of the Recording’
French and Italian translations of the notes, synopsis and libretto This additional content can be viewed by playing CD 2 through a CD-Rom or DVD-Rom drive on a computer

The first release in a new partnership between Classical Opera and Signum Records begins with Mozart’s remarkable sacred singspiel Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots, composed when he was just eleven. The music is full of tender beauty, dynamism and descriptive flair, and the young composer’s innate sense of understanding and sympathy for the human condition already shines through.

The story follows the efforts of The Spirit of Christianity (Andrew Kennedy) - aided by Divine Justice (Cora Burggraaf ) and Divine Mercy (Sarah Fox) - to win back the heart of a Lapsed Christian (Allan Clayton) as he lies fast asleep. In opposition to this however stands The Spirit of Worldliness (Sophie Bevan), who urges the Christian to forget what The Spirit shows him and to follow her pleasure-seeking philosophies. As Justice and Mercy withdraw to observe, The Spirit of Christianity seeks to win back the lapsed Christian, but will this lost soul be able to resist the temptations of indulgence and short-term satisfaction that Worldliness offers?

The second disc in this 2CD Set is an Enhanced CD, with an exclusive 10-minute feature on the making of the recording additional libretto and programme note translations. Full German to English translations included in the booklet.
26.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Mozart: The Complete Horn Concertos

Mozart: The Complete Horn Concertos
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Orchester

Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
Margaret Faultless, conductor, violin
Roger Montgomery, natural horn

Under the direction of Margaret Faultless the OAE shine on these new recordings of Mozart’s horn Concertos, featuring sublime performances by Roger Montgomery on the natural (valveless) horn.

As well as lesser-known gems of Mozart’s horn repertoire, at the centre of the collection comes the lyrical fourth horn Concerto (K.495), featuring thrilling fanfares and brilliant dialogue between the solo instrument and orchestra.
18.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

W.A. Mozart - The A-Z of Mozart Opera -The Orchestra of Classical Opera - I. Page, conductor

W.A. Mozart - The A-Z of Mozart Opera -The Orchestra of Classical Opera - I. Page, conductor
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Opera CollectionSubkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

Natus cadit (from Apollo et Hyacinthus)
Amoretti, che ascosi qui siete (from La Finta Semplice)
Diggi, daggi, schurry, murry (from Bastien und Bastienne)
Se viver non degg’io (original version) (from Mitridate, Re di Ponto)
Fra i pensier più funesti (from Lucio Silla)
Geme la tortorella (from La finta giardiniera)
Viva l’invitto Duce (from Il Re Pastore)
Ruhe sanft, mein holdes Leben (from Zaïde)
Andrò ramingo e solo (from Idomeneo)
Konstanze, Konstanze...O wie ängstlich (from Die Entführung aus dem Serail)
Bravo, signor padrone…Se vuol ballare (from Le nozze di Figaro)
Deh! vieni alla finestra (from Don Giovanni)
Di scrivermi ogni giorno (from Così fan tutte)
Ah perdona al primo affetto (from La Clemenza di Tito)
Hm! hm! hm! hm! (from Die Zauberflöte)

Rebecca Bottone, Klara Ek, Martene Grimson, Susan Gritton, Anna Leese (soprano), Cora Burggraaf (mezzo), Allan Clayton, Andrew Staples (tenor), Mark Stone (baritone), Matthew Rose (bass)

Classical Opera Company, Ian Page

Featuring Rebecca Bottone, Cora Burggraaf, Allan Clayton, Klara Ek, Martene Grimson, Jennifer Johnston, Susan Gritton, Anna Leese, Matthew Rose, Andrew Staples & Mark Stone

Signum are proud to reissue Classical Opera’s debut CD, ‘The A-Z of Mozart Opera’, selected for Gramophone magazine’s annual Critic’s Choice in 2007. Based on the coincidence that Mozart’s first opera (Apollo et Hyacinthus) begins with ‘A’ and his last (Die Zauberflo?te) with ‘Z’, this disc takes the listener on a chronological journey through Mozart’s operatic canon, featuring an aria or ensemble from fifteen of his operas.

“My personal pick for giving this year is the Classical Opera Company’s glorious The A-Z of Mozart Opera, which is fresh, diverse, insightful and illuminating (everything that such recital anthologies usually fail to be). ... “... uniformly superb interpretations... an auspicious de?but recording of intelligence, finesse and quality.” Gramophone
18.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Mozart and Nielson Concertos - Bliss - RNS - Venzago

Mozart and Nielson Concertos - Bliss - RNS - Venzago
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Clarinet

Mozart & Nielsen Clarinet Concertos
Julian Bliss, Royal Northern Sinfonia
Julian Bliss clarinet
Royal Northern Sinfonia
Mario Venzago conductor

Julian Bliss performs the Clarinet Concertos of Mozart and Nielsen - often thought of as the two greatest such works in the repertoire: twin examples of what can be achieved by composers who have been truly inspired to write for the clarinet, using its uniquely expressive qualities to produce enduring and comprehensively masterly compositions.

Clarinet Concerto: I. Allegretto un poco
Clarinet Concerto: II. Poco adagio
Clarinet Concerto: III. Allegro un poco
Clarinet Concerto: IV. Allegro vivace
Non che non sei capace, K. 419 (arr. Julian Bliss)
Der Liebe himmlisches Gefuhl, K. 119 (arr. Julian Bliss)
Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K. 622: I. Allegro
Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K. 622: II. Adagio
Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K. 622: III. Rondo - Allegro
18.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

BACH - HANDEL - MOZART - ARIAS - Aksel Rykkvin, treble

BACH - HANDEL - MOZART - ARIAS - Aksel Rykkvin, treble
CDs: 1
Type: CD

18.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Kunde: ungemeldet

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