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ID: MSVCD92031 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Vocal and Piano One of the most orginal of contemporary British composers, Fox wrote all these pieces in response to the work of other artists, whether as a result of inspiration or by meeting and working with them. You, us, me itself, for example, is based on the Habañera from Bizet's "Carmen". The disc includes songs, and pieces for piano solo and piano with tape, and shows the wide variety of Fox's styles including (as on the sample track) jazz.
A-N-N-A Blossom Time (wds. Kurt Schwitters)
(9 songs)
You, Us, Me
Louisiana (11 songs)
Second Eight
Cylinders Barn, 1947
I Sing for the Muses and Myself |
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ID: MSVCD92025 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Vocal and Piano British music for voice and piano, all written between 1970 and 1998, by the cream of contemporary compsoers
tracks:James MacMillan:
The Children
Scots SongElizabeth Maconchy: Sun Moon and Stars / The Hill / SolitudeClothed with the StarJudith Weir:Bessie Bell and Mary GrayBonnie James CampbellLady Isobel and the Elf Knight The Gypsy LaddieThe Braes of YarrowGabriel Jackson:Liadan LamentsRobin Holloway:Olive TreeThe Palm TreeRobbers' DenFig Tree in LeafWherever we may BePeter Maxwell Davies:Farewell to Stromness Yesnaby GroundNicola LeFanu:But Stars RemainingGeorge Nicholson:Abroad and at HomeI passed by his GardenJ'ai peurCall (Incident at Weekend Party) |
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ID: MSVCD92039 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Vocal and Piano In the days when serious composers wrote good music for children to play, sing or just to appreciate, many minor classics were penned. Mussorgsky's "The Nursery" is such and the British songs here, settings of masterpieces of prose by A A Milne and Kipling among others, are also of the highest standard, one or two having become ingrained in the memories of a generation.
Thea Musgrave (wds M. Lindsay):
"A Suite o' Bairnsangs":
The Man in the Moon
Willie Webster
A Child's Prayer at Night
The Cherry Tree
Harold Fraser-Simson (wds a a milne):
Halfway Down
The King's Breakfast
Bad Sir Brian
The Emperor's Rhyme
At the Zoo
The Christening
The Four Friends
Twice Times
Wind on the Hill
Buckingham Palace
If I were King
Lines and Squares
Market Square
Edward German (wds R Kipling):
When the Cabin Portholes
The First Friend
The Camel's Hump
I keep Six Honest Serving Men
There was never a Queen like Balkis
Rolling down to Rio
Modest Mussorgsky: "The Nursery":
With Nanny
In the Corner
The Beetle
With the Doll
Bedtime Prayer
Sailor the Cat
Riding the Hobbyhorse |
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ID: MSVCD92068 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Vocal and Piano The Lieder of Wolfgang Rihm is one of the most significant bodies of new vocal music to emante from Europe in the last forty years. Here sung with enormous sensitivity and expression by Clare Lesser, this is an important recital for all connoisseurs of art-song.
tracks:Ende de Handschrift (1999):Glückloser Engel 2Nature MorteBlaupauseLeere ZeitTraumwald"Im ächten Manne"Mit der Wiederkehr der Farbe""..Und gehe weiter in die Landschaft..""Wie einen Schatten hat gott den.."Drama"geh Ariel bring den Sturm.."Drei Gedichte von Monique Thoné(1997):"Vielleicht kommt mich morgen..""Es ist unerträglich..""ich bleibe allein"Lenz-Fragmente (1980):den 28 December 1775"Ich will den nagenden Beschwerden ein Ende machen..""Fühl alle Lust, fühl alle Pein.."An die SonneLied zum teutschen TanzDas Rot (1990):HochrothIst alles stumm und leerDes Knaben MorgengrußDes Knaben AbendgrußAn CreuzerLiebst du das Dunkel |
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ID: MSVCD92100 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Vocal and Piano New French Song has created a whole new repertoire of songs by British composers. The artists commissioned twenty exceptional British composers, some of whom were well established, others of whom were yet to receive the recognition they deserve. The composers were asked to set French literature of their choice from the past two hundred years. The result is a fascinating rainbow work covering all the major literary movements of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, overlapping into the twenty-first century - Romanticism, Symbolism, Surrealism, Cubism, Modernism and post-Modernism.
tracks:O'Regan: SainteHarrison: ...issu stellaire..Todd: Le Pont MirabeauCowie: Les HibouxChilcott: L'enfant dortCasken: Colloque SentimentalCrane: Tour de France Statistics 1902-2003Gorb: La Cloche FêléeJackson: A la Mémoire de Claude DebussyFinnissy: SaloméKeeling: ArtemisWood: AlicanteBurrell: Longtemps ce fut l'étéRoe: Pourquoi?LeFanu: Billet à WhistlerMcGuire: Rêves de la Bonne HeureBingham: La Jeune MorteRedgate: MirlitonnadesSkempton: Le Pont MirabeauFitkin: Les Aliments Blancs |
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ID: MSVCD92102 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Vocal and Piano A most remarkable CD, demonstrating the real avant-garde in vocal music, requiring phenomenal levels of vocal virtuosity. The performance by Clare Lesser is awesome and an object lesson in how to interpret challenging material.
Michael FINNISSY:Song 15 Giacinto SCELSI:HôHans Werner HENZE:Being Beauteous (with David Lesser, piano)David LESSER:Ten Virgil Settings Milko KELEMEN:Die sieben Plagen Cathy BERBERIAN:Stripsody |
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ID: RCD16017 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Kolektion: Russischen RomanzenSubkolektion: Vocal and Piano Recorded in the Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory in January, 1996
Sound Producer - Maria Soboleva / Sound Engineer - Lev Bolotsky / Arranged by Maria Soboleva |
15.00 eur Buy |
ID: RCD16614 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Kolektion: Russische KompositionsschuleSubkolektion: Vocal and Piano
Poor Folks, Opera in One Act for Soprano, Baritone and String Quartet - Libretto by Gleb Sedelnikov/ Accompanied by a String Quartet, Conductor Vladimir Argonsky, Recorded in 1979
I Knew, 12 Preludes for Voice and Piano - Verses by Velemir Khlebnikov / Recorded in 1992 |
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ID: NFPMA9910 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Kolektion: St. Petersburg Musical ArchiveSubkolektion: Vocal and Piano Recorded: St. Catherine Lutheran Church, St. Petersburg, March 25 & April 7, 1998 (1-11); May 15, 2000 (12-15); May 10 & June 18 2001 (16-24)
CD series “St. Petersburg Musical Archive”
“St. Petersburg Musical Archive” is a series dedicated to St. Petersburg’s 300th anniversary. Many of the works in this series will be CD premieres, and many of the recordings will introduce famous St. Petersburg musicians, composers and ensembles as well as new performing artists. The “St. Petersburg Musical Archive” series includes rediscovering forgotten works - both of the 19th and 20th centuries. |
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