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A. Naumov - E. Gorchakova - C. Cui. 18 poems of A. Tolstoy - M.Mussorgsky. Songs and Dance of Death

A. Naumov - E. Gorchakova - C. Cui. 18 poems of A. Tolstoy - M.Mussorgsky. Songs and Dance of Death-Viola and Piano-Vocal Collection
ID: ART137 (EAN: 0000107001375)  | 1 CD | ADD
Publi: 2007
Vocal Collection
CUI, César Antonowich | MUSSORGSKY, Modest Petrovich
GORCHAKOVA, Ekaterina (piano) | NAUMOV, Aleksandr (bass)
CUI, César Antonowich (1835-1918) 
18 stikhotvorenij A. Tolstogo Op. 67 (18 poems of A. Tolstoy) 
1. Oj, kaby Volga matushka2:55 
2. Gornimi tikho letela dusha nebesami2:52 
3. Zmeja, chto po skalam2:04 
4. Uzh ty, niva moja2:19 
5. Grjadoj klubitsja0:55 
6. Zvonche zhavoronka pene1:01 
7. Kol ljubit1:00 
8. K stradanijam chuzhim1:42 
9. Na nivy zheltyja1:58 
10. Osen! Obsypaetsja1:42 
11. Slushaja povest tvoju3:05 
12. Nad nepristupnoj krutiznoju2:28 
13. Klonit k leni1:11 
14. Ty pomnish li vecher2:07 
15. Vy vse ljubuetes na skaly1:22 
16. Kak chudesno khoroshi vy0:59 
17. Obychnoj polnaja pechali1:27 
18. Solntse zhzhet1:57 
MUSSORGSKY, Modest Petrovich (1839-1881) 
Pesni i pljaski smerti (Songs and Dance of Death) 
19. Kolybelnaja4:58 
20. Serenada4:43 
21. Trepak5:11 
22. Polkovodets1:57 


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