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Orchestra, page 30

   Found CDs: 740

Ludvig Norman - Symphonies 1 and 3 National Symphony Orchestra of Johannesburg, Mika Eichenholz

Ludvig Norman - Symphonies 1 and 3 National Symphony Orchestra of Johannesburg, Mika Eichenholz
ID: CDS1038-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestra

Schumann is not far away in these unusual, most competent and exquisite performances. Third symphony particularely noteworthy for flow and charm
16.00 eur Buy

Hans Huber - Sym. No. 1 - 8; Erste Serenade (Sommernächte), Sym. Einleitung zur Oper "Der Simplicius", Eine Lustspiel-Ouvertüre

Hans Huber - Sym. No. 1 - 8; Erste Serenade (Sommernächte),  Sym. Einleitung zur Oper "Der Simplicius",  Eine Lustspiel-Ouvertüre
ID: CDS1042-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestra

Continuation of the Huber series. This time an immature but vivacious 1th and a refined and personal 7th. This time a beautiful and serene ending of the slow movement of no. 7. Much lovely Swiss folklore in orchestral dress!
16.00 eur Buy

Franz Berwald - The Battle of Leipzig

Franz Berwald - The Battle of Leipzig
ID: CDS1051-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestra

Battle of Leipzig, ouvertures and more. A collection of world prémiere recordings! The Battle of Leipzig is the real sensation here. A battle very much in Beethovian style, but with lots of typical Berwald signs! And some charming and early pieces for violin and orchestra.
"The Battle of Leipzig is quite a find." - ClassicsToday.com
16.00 eur Buy

Bernard Zweers - Symphony 2, Saskia, ouverture and Gijsbrecht van Aamstel, orchestral music.

Bernard Zweers -  Symphony 2, Saskia, ouverture and Gijsbrecht van Aamstel, orchestral music.
ID: CDS1061-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestra

A Dutch master! The gifted composer is leaning towards the Schumann direction in the Symphony. Delicate second movement with exquisite woodwind scoring. Gijsbrecht short introduction pieces mixing quick movements based on Dies Irae with captivating beauty in number 3. 'What a glorious piece to use in figure skating!

Symphony No. 2 in E flat major (1882/3); Concert Overture Saskia (1906); Suite from Incidental Music for Vondel’s "Gijsbrecht van Aemstel". Netherlands Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Antoni Wit (Symphony); Radio Filharmonisch Orkest Holland conducted by Jean Fournet (Overture); Radio Filharmonisch Orkest Holland conducted by Lucas Vis (Suite).
16.00 eur Buy

Jaques-Dalcroze - Vol. 2 - Janie - Idylle musicale en trois actes in A major, Moskcow Symphony Orchestra conducted Adriano.

Jaques-Dalcroze - Vol. 2 - Janie - Idylle musicale en trois actes in A major, Moskcow Symphony Orchestra conducted Adriano.
ID: CDS1065-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestra

Here is the second volume of orchestra works by this remarkable pioneer in body and movement. His orchestral music is very personal -but influenced by Delibes and other contemporary French composers. Very colourful orchestral writing and truly complex, just listen to Tableaux Romands. Swiss in style and spirit.

Emile Jaques-Dalcroze wrote in almost every musical genre except for religious music. His style and his artistic approach are distinguished above all by his extraordianry melodic gift and the originality of his sense of rhythm. Aestetically close to the French school (of which he was a fervent champiion), he nevertheless showed the influence of Germanic post-romanticism.
16.00 eur Buy

Oskar Lindberg - Orchestral works - Three Dalecarlian Paintings, op 1

Oskar Lindberg - Orchestral works - Three Dalecarlian Paintings, op 1
ID: CDS1067-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestra

Three Dalecarlian Paintings, op 1, Festive Polonaise, op 13, From Home, symphonic poem, Leksand Suite, op 41, Gesunda, symphonic poem, op 54. Gävle Symphony Orchestra, Michael Bartosch, conductor. Here is a world prémiere selection of symphonic works from the composer´s first orchestral writings and on to his last symphonic poem Gesunda. He is basically a melodical sentimentalist with a distinct Swedish rustic flavour. In the Dalcarlian Paintings there are also elegiac folklore and in the From Home, you can more or less hear the green Swedish forests rustle in an orchestral setting....A real gem!
16.00 eur Buy

Ruben Liljefors -Symphony in E flat major, Op. 14; Piano Concerto in F minor, Op. 5.

Ruben Liljefors -Symphony in E flat major, Op. 14; Piano Concerto in F minor, Op. 5.
ID: CDS1017-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Piano

Liljefors was the leading figure head in orchestral life in the city of Gävle. The symphony, again influenced by Swedish folk-music, is in a personal, densely orchestrated style, with an impressive and moody second movement. All lovers of great romantic piano concertos will surely enjoy this one, by the romantic specialist Irčne Mannheimer.
16.00 eur Buy

Romantic Danish Overtures - Weyse, C.E.F. (& Friedrich Kuhlau, Edouard du Puy, J.P.E. Hartmann, Peter Heise, C.F.E. Horneman)

Romantic Danish Overtures - Weyse, C.E.F. (& Friedrich Kuhlau, Edouard du Puy, J.P.E. Hartmann, Peter Heise, C.F.E. Horneman)
ID: CDS1018-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: World Music
Subcollection: Orchestra

Charming and idyllic overtures, originally issued on LP. They are real treasures!
16.00 eur Buy

Nathanael Berg - Suite from 'Birgitta'; Piano Concerto in C sharp minor; Symphony No. 4, "Pezzo Sinfonico".

Nathanael Berg - Suite from 'Birgitta'; Piano Concerto in C sharp minor; Symphony No. 4, "Pezzo Sinfonico".
ID: CDS1019-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestra

A vet by profession Berg belonged to the Atterberg generation and showed great instrumental skill. The Symphony, with profound tone, points towards the 20 Century. Piano concerto in old tradition.

Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Per Borin (Suite);
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by S. Westerberg (Concerto);
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by G. W. Nilson (Symphony).
16.00 eur Buy

A. Järnefelt -Ouverture lyrique; Korsholm; Berceuse; Praeludium; Music from "Sången om den eldröda blomman" and "Der förlovande landet".

A. Järnefelt -Ouverture lyrique; Korsholm; Berceuse; Praeludium; Music from "Sången om den eldröda blomman" and "Der förlovande landet".
ID: CDS1021-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestra

Armas Järnefelt was a great advocate of his brother-in-law Jean Sibelius. Järnefelt was himself a master of instrumentation, and his works on this CD, among them the well-known Prćludium and Berceuse, are all well worth hearing!
16.00 eur Buy
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