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Orchestr, page 70

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Neujahrskonzert 2010 - Kendlinger / K&K Philharmoniker

Neujahrskonzert 2010 - Kendlinger / K&K Philharmoniker
ID: DVD914
Disk: 1
Type: DVD
Kolekce: Orchestral WorksPodkolekce: Orchestr

Region Code: PAL. Region 0, Plays in all territories
Screen Format: 16.9
Sound Format: Dolby Digital Stereo
Subtitles: none
DVD Format: DVD 5

Ein Neujahrskonzert mit Wiener Walzerseligkeit gehört für viele musikliebende Menschen so selbstverständlich zum Jahresablauf wie Sommer und Winter oder Weihnachten und Ostern. Schneetreiben und Nordwind vor der Tür und drinnen reiche Blumenbuketts und Johann Strauß: Da kann das neue Jahr kommen. Genau diese Erwartungen erfüllt auch das Neujahrskonzert der K & K Philharmoniker aus der Berliner Philharmonie. Natürlich mit Klassikern wie dem „Radetzky-Marsch“, „An der schönen blauen Donau“, dem „Frühlingsstimmen-Walzer“ und „G’schichten aus dem Wienerwald“, aber auch eher selten zu hörenden Nummern wie dem „Deutschen Union-Marsch“. Das Ganze mitreißend und authentisch österreichisch musiziert. Orchester und Dirigent haben sich seit 2002 den Ruf erstklassiger musikalischer Interpretationen erarbeitet und in bisher 16 europäischen Ländern mit jährlich über 100 Auftritten unter Beweis gestellt.
27.00 eur Buy

FRIEDRICH CERHA - Spiegel-Monumentum-Momente

FRIEDRICH CERHA - Spiegel-Monumentum-Momente
ID: KAI0013002
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Orchestral WorksPodkolekce: Orchestr

I have always regarded Friedrich Cerha as one of the most important personalities of his generation. I have followed his composing with great interest whenever I had the opportunity to listen to a work or read it during its creation. I am delighted that an album has now appeared which makes it possible to get an impression of his music’s remarkable development. I hope that this will serve to create an awareness of his true significance.
Pierre Boulez (Paris, 21 Dec. 2009)

Includes booklet with text by Friedrich Cerha and comments by internationally acclaimed composers
28.00 eur Buy

Quiroga - Versions orquestales de la Copla

Quiroga - Versions orquestales de la Copla
ID: E098_99
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Orchestral WorksPodkolekce: Orchestr

28.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

J.S. Bach - Markuspassion BWV 247 - Volker Bräutigam: Evangelienmusik zu Bachs Markuspassion

J.S. Bach - Markuspassion BWV 247 - Volker Bräutigam: Evangelienmusik zu Bachs Markuspassion
ID: RK2307
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Voices

Leipziger Vocalensemble
Leipziger Barockorchester
Ulrike Staude - Sopran/soprano
Klaudia Zeiner - Alt/alto
Martin Petzold - Tenor/tenor
(Leitung/direction: David Timm)

cantores lipsienses
Hermann Oswald - Tenor/tenor
Wolf Matthias Friedrich - Bass/bass
Christiane Bräutigam - Orgel/organ
Stephan Stopora - Schlagzeug/percussion
(Leitung/direction: Volker Bräutigam)
28.00 eur Buy

Horizon 4 - Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Mahler, Glanert, Jeths and Roukens

Horizon 4 - Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Mahler, Glanert, Jeths and Roukens
ID: RCO11001
Disk: 2
Type: SACD
Podkolekce: Violin

This fourth release in the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra’s ‘Horizon’ Series brings together two forms of homage. CD 1 represents a tribute to Gustav Mahler, the orchestra having devoted itself to a large-scale project commemorating the composer’s 150th birthday and the 100th anniversary of his death during its 2009- 2011 seasons. In addition to a chronological series of performances of all the great symphonies - effectively constituting the third Mahler Festival held in Amsterdam following those of 1925 and 1995, the orchestra programmed a series of concerts featuring works exhibiting a strong connection to Mahler’s compositions. Four world premieres of works composed for this series have been brought together on CD 1, the fifth being the opening title on CD 2.
The three other recordings on CD 2 feature members of the orchestra playing high-profile roles as solo or ensemble players, thereby symbolising a hommage to the virtuosity and the musical intelligence and flexibility of the 120 individual musicians making up the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. Oboist Alexei Ogrintchouk and trombonist Jörgen van Rijen are heard here in the world premieres of two works written for their instruments by Rodion Shchedrin and Luciano Berio respectively. Assistant principal violinist Marijn Mijnders and Monica Naselow, a member of the second violin section, team up in an explosive performance of Hindson’s 'Chrissietina’s Magic Fantasy' for two violins, the discovery of the chamber music marathon with which the Society of Friends of the Concertgebouw and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2009.
28.00 eur Buy

A. Glazunov - Raymonda, Op. 57, Ballet in 3 acts - Orchestra of USSR State Academic Bolshoi Theatre - E. Svetlanov

A. Glazunov - Raymonda, Op. 57, Ballet in 3 acts - Orchestra of USSR State Academic Bolshoi Theatre - E. Svetlanov
ID: MELCD1001959
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ballet MusicPodkolekce: Orchestr

In spring of 1896, Alexander Glazunov received a commission from the director of the St. Petersburg Imperial Theatres Ivan Vsevolozhsky to compose the score to the ballet Raymonda. Despite being busy (Glazunov was already a well-known composer at the time whose works were loved by the public, an author of five symphonies, chamber and instrumental pieces), Glazunov found the offer interesting and agreed. "Acceptable orders to write compositions did not tie me. On the contrary, they heartened me. For example, I composed the ballet Raymonda quickly enough with special fervour and enthusiasm," he wrote later. It was the composer's first experience with a score for a ballet performance. However, he had had some creative experience of realizing the principles of dancing. It would suffice to recall his previous opuses such as Characteristic Suite and Ballet Suite, and concert waltzes. The libretto was written by Princess Lidya Pashkova, a traveler and columnist of the Parisian newspaper Le Figaro, who also wrote novels and librettos. The script plot belonged to Marius Petipa, an illustrious ballet master who staged ballets in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. The story involved characters who actually existed (Jean de Brienne and King Andrew) and fictional ones, and was historically inaccurate. But that was not a serious obstacle for the composer who started to think over the first ten numbers of Raymonda and wrote them down in summer of 1897 before he even received the script. The first two acts were finished in August, and the third one in autumn of 1897. The score autograph has the composer's inscription: "The ballet finished 21 October, 1897. Orchestrated within 1 year." While working on the music, Glazunov closely cooperated with the author of the script. Marius Petipa gave the composer a thoroughly developed plan of each scene with tempos, measures, and even the number of times. In that way Glazunov perceived the nature of choreography. Spending a great deal of time at the theatre working with the ballet dancers, musicians and the ballet master, he left all his other business behind to a great chagrin of Mitrofan Belyayev, who was Glazunov's partner in not only the same music circle, but in publishing activities as well (Glazunov helped Belyayev publish works by the contemporary Russian composers in Leipzig). Pyotr Lambin, Orest Allegri and Konstantin Ivanov worked on the sketches of the ballet set. Many of the costumes for the first staging were created by Ivan Vsevolozhsky himself. The premiere took place on 7 (19) January, 1898, on the stage of the Mariinsky Theatre and was conducted by Riccardo Drigo. The main parts were performed by Pierina Legnani as Raymonda, Sergei Legat as Jean de Brienne and Pavel Gerdt as Abderakhman. The performance was a real triumph. The encores began as early as after the first act. Glazunov was presented a laurel wreath, and the artists read a letter of greetings to him. One of the reviews explained the success of the ballet as a combination of three factors - "beautiful, melodic and captivating music, the ballet master's unfading talent and the artists' wonderful performance." Glazunov's progress in symphonic music obviously influenced the music of the ballet with its principles of through development and diverse techniques of orchestral writing. The music plays a huge role in Raymonda (in that way, Glazunov continued the reforms in the art of ballet initiated by Pyotr Tchaikovsky). The musical content facilitates the expansion of the plot line, at times prevailing over the plot thanks to its depth and vivid development of the musical characteristics so important to the dramaturgic function of dance and pantomime. The dances in Raymonda are not illustrative yet efficient as they embody the situation, the state and disposition of the characters. The continuing symphonic development, wealth of melodic patterns and organic integrity of the work are what help us perceive the performance as completely as possible. The destiny of Raymonda has been happy. The ballet has been staged many times both in the Soviet Russia and overseas. Synopsis France in the time of crusades Act I Tableaux 1 Pages and court ladies have gathered in a big castle of Countess Sybille de Doris to congratulate the countess's niece Raymonda on her name day. Awaiting Raymonda, the pages play the lutes and viols, some compete in fencing. A few girls leave their fancywork to dance with the pages. Soon, Countess Sybille appears. Her coming ruins the common merriment. The countess tells the young ones about the foremother of the Doris family, who was known as the White Lady. It is her statue that stands on the terrace. The White Lady does not stand idlers and can strictly punish those who do not fulfill their duties, but she always protects the members of her household, and every time one of them is in danger she shows up and warns. The young people do not take the countess's words seriously and continues to amuse themselves. Before long, a messenger appears sent by Jean de Brienne, Raymonda's fiancé, who is crusading with Andrew II of Hungary. The messenger hands Raymonda a letter from de Brienne, in which he informs Raymonda that he is returning home in triumph and he will be at the Doris castle the next day. Raymonda rejoices. She orders a sumptuous reception in honour of her fiancé. Vassals and peasants congratulate Raymonda on her name day, and dances begin. The day is over and the evening comes. Exhausted, Raymonda falls asleep on the terrace. Tableaux 2 Illuminated by the light of the moon, the White Lady comes down from her pedestal. With a gesture, she orders Raymonda to follow her. The garden around the castle gets covered in fog. Tableux 3 The garden has transformed. Jean de Brienne appears before the amazed Raymonda. The beloved are happy. Suddenly, she sees Abderakhman who has taken the place of her fiancé. The White Lady tells Raymonda to be cautious. Abderakhman declares his passionate love for her, but she is frightened. Corpse lights and imps surround her. Raymonda is perturbed. It is dawning. The pages and maids of honour come and find Raymonda unconscious on the terrace. Act II Sybille and Raymonda surrounded by the pages, maids of honour and guests come out to the courtyard. Fanfares sound announcing the arrival of new guests. However, it is not Jean de Brienne, but Saracen Abderakhman accompanied by his suite. Raymonda recognises the stranger seen in her dream. She is agitated, and Sybille reassures her. Captivated by Raymonda's beauty, Abderakhman speaks of his love for her. She is frightened and rejects him with contempt but feels attracted to him at the same time. Dancing goes on. Wishing to impress Raymonda, Abderakhman calls his servants. Jugglers, Arab boys and Saracens appear. The dances follow one after another becoming bacchanal. Using the bustle, Abderakhman's servants abduct Raymonda. But at that moment, Jean de Brienne and the knights stands on the Saracens' way. Raymonda is freed. King Andrew II of Hungary allows de Brienne to challenge Abderakhman to a duel, during which de Brienne kills Abderakhman. De Brienne requests the king to be present at his wedding. The king agrees. The procession enters the castle. Act III The garden in Jean de Brienne's castle. A celebration for the wedding of de Brienne and Raymonda. King Andrew II comes out surrounded by the retinue and guests. Everyone greets the bride and groom. One dance is followed by another. A knightly tournament on the occasion of the wedding. The anxiety of the past is forgotten.
29.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

H. Berlioz - Requiem Op.5 - Grande Messe des Morts - R. Dowd - tenor / Wandsworth School Boys' Choir / London Symphony Orchestra - Sir C. Davis

H. Berlioz  - Requiem Op.5 - Grande Messe des Morts - R. Dowd - tenor / Wandsworth School Boys' Choir /  London Symphony Orchestra - Sir C. Davis
ID: PTC5186191
Disk: 2
Type: SACD
Podkolekce: Choir

Multichannel Hybrid SACD - DSD
29.00 eur Buy


ID: QTZ2045
Disk: 2
Podkolekce: Violin

This unique CD and DVD set features recordings by one of the UK's outstanding young violinists, Ruth Palmer, of two major works for the violin by Dmitri Shostakovich. It also includes a documentary film by Tim Meara, A People's Music, in which Ruth travels to Russia to find out more about the origins of the music and to discover what led Shostakovich to write these two works.

Also included is a documentary film on DVD by Tim Meara, A People's Music, in which Ruth travels to Russia to find out more about the origins of the music and to discover what led Shostakovich to write these two works.

Shostakovich - Violin Concerto No 1 in A minor Op 77 (Op 99)
Shostakovich - Sonata for Violin & Piano Op 134

Ruth Palmer - Violin
Philharmonia Orchestra
Benjamin Wallfisch - Conductor
Alexei Grynyuk - piano

A People's Music
A film by Tim Meara
29.00 eur Buy

S.Prokofiev - Cinderella, Op. 87 in 3 Acts - On the Dnieper, ballet, Op. 51-G. Rozhdestvensky

S.Prokofiev - Cinderella, Op. 87 in 3 Acts - On the Dnieper, ballet, Op. 51-G. Rozhdestvensky
ID: MELCD1000906
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ballet MusicPodkolekce: Orchestr

Cinderella, Op. 87
On the Dnieper, ballet, Op. 51

USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra, Gennady Rozhdestvensky
29.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Andre Jolivet - Selected Works

Andre Jolivet - Selected Works
ID: MELCD1002215
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Orchestral WorksPodkolekce: Orchestr

On the threshold of the 40th anniversary of death of the prominent 20th century French composer André Jolivet, Firma Melodiya presents a set of works by the French master.

“I want music to have its original ancient sense back, when it was an expression of a magical and invocating element of a religion which united people”, Jolivet wrote.

He was born in Paris to a family of an artist and a pianist, and became known as a member of the composers’ group La jeune France (Young France), which also included Olivier Messiaen. Edgard Varèse, one of the biggest master of musical avant-garde, was Jolivet’s teacher. Arnold Schoenberg’s works also had a certain influence on the young composer.

Jolivet’s works combined diverse features of 20th century art - on the one hand, new musical means (polytonality, atonality), echoes of jazz and non-European musical cultures and, on the other hand, choral polyphony of the renaissance era, and also clarity and accuracy of statement not devoid of theatrical affectation so characteristic of French art.

André Jolivet’s works are performed by well-known Soviet and Russian musicians such as Mstislav Rostropovich (cello), Alexander Korneyev (flute), Valery Popov (bassoon) and others.

Radio France Philharmonic Orchestra, Ensemble of Soloists of the USSR State Symphony Orchestra, State Symphony Orchestra of the Latvian SSR, Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, André Jolivet (Composer), G. Rozhdestvensky (Conductor), V. Sinaisky (Conductor), A. Jolivet (Conductor) & 7 more

Concerto for Flute and String Orchestra (1949)
Cello Concerto No. 2 (1966)
Concerto for Bassoon, String Orchestra, Harp and Piano (1954)
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra
Symphony No. 1
Five Ritual Dances
Rhapsody for Seven
29.00 eur Temporarily out of stock
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