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Orchestr, page 71

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Penguin Café Orchestra - Concert Program

Penguin Café Orchestra - Concert Program
ID: DPC099
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Klavír

Concert Program, originally released in 1995, has been re-mastered, repackaged and presented in this digipack double cd edition to coincide with the re-releases of both Piano Music (Simon Jeffes solo piano) and Union Cafe (Penguin Cafe Orchestra). All three are available now on the new Penguin Cafe Label.

This album is a live recording in the studio in real time - a concert without an audience.
The album contains excellent versions of all Penguin Cafe Orchestra classics.
This is the re-mastered version of the original 1995 release.
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ID: DVD1705763
Disk: 1
Type: DVD
Podkolekce: Violin

1 Entry March
2 Trumpet Voluntary
3 At The Hunt / Auf Der Jagd
4 Facherpolonaise
5 Roses From The South / Rosen Aus Dem Suden
6 Heia In The Mountains / Heia In Den Bergen
7 Tales From The Vienna Woods / G'schichten Aus Dem Wienerwald
8 The Third Man / Der Dritte Mann
9 Comerades, This Is The Life For Me / Freunde, Das Leben Ist...
10 The Girls From The "Chantant"
11 The Gypsy Princess / Die Csardasfurstin
12 Without A Care! / Ohne Sorgen
13 Feast Of Fire / Feuerfest
14 My Heart Will Go On (From Titanic)
15 Wenn Ich Mit Meinem Dackel
16 Heut' Kommen D'engerin Auf Urlaub Nach Wean
17 Spiel Mir Das Lied Von Gluck Und Treu
18 Emperor's Waltz / Kaiserwaltz
19 I Belong To Me / Ich Gehor Nur Mir
20 The Beautiful Blue Danube / An Der Schonen Blauen Donau
21 Radetzky March / Radetzkymarsch
22 Strauss & Co
23 Vienna, City Of My Dreams / Wien Du Stadt Meiner Traume
24 Music, Music
25 Anton Aus Tirol
26 Donauwalzer / Danube Waltz
27 Strauss Party
28 Adieu, Little Captain Of My Heart / Adieu, Mein Kleiner Gardeoffizier

Region Code: PAL.Region 0, Plays in all territories
Format: DVD- 9 - STANDARD
Color mode: Colour
Screen (Picture) Format: 16:9
Language: English, Deutsch
Subtitles: English, francais, Nederlands
Audio: DD 5.1, DD 2.0
Release Date: 29 Nov 2010
Time: 150 min.
29.00 eur Buy

Wagner - Dedicated To The 200th Anniversary Of The Birth Of Richard Wagner

Wagner - Dedicated To The 200th Anniversary Of The Birth Of   Richard Wagner
ID: MELCD1002095
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Orchestral WorksPodkolekce: Orchestr

This Melodiya release, dedicated to the bicentennial of the composer's birth, features widely popular overtures and entr'actes from Wagner's operas, which became part of the repertoire of such outstanding conductors as Evgeny Svetlanov, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, David Oistrakh, Evgeny Mravinsky and others.

Richard Wagner
1. Overture to Rienzi
2. Faust Overture
3. Overture to The Flying Dutchman
4. Overture to Tannhäuser
5. Ride of the Valkyries from The Valkyrie
6. Forest Murmurs from Siegfried
7. Funeral March from Twilight of the Gods
1. Prelude to Lohengrin
2. Entr'acte to Act 3 of Lohengrin
3. Siegfried's Rhine Journey from Twilight of the Gods
4. Overture to The Mastersingers of Nuremberg
5. Prelude and Isolde's Death from Tristan and Isolde
6. Overture to Parsifal
29.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

A. Borodin - Complete Symphonies More Orchestral Works - USSR State Symphony Orchestra - E. Svetlanov

A. Borodin - Complete Symphonies  More Orchestral Works - USSR State Symphony Orchestra - E. Svetlanov
ID: MELCD1001946
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Orchestral WorksPodkolekce: Orchestr

This collection includes some lesser known works by Borodin, including his Petite Suite for piano which is performed here in Glazunov’s instrumentation. Symphony No.3 was never finished. Borodin often played it to his friends and we can listen to it thanks to Glazunov writing down the first movement. All the works are interpreted by the expert Russian conductor Svetlanov.

Symphony No. 1 by A. Borodin composed in 1862-1867 and performed in 1869 is original in the image content. The music, epic according to its scope and Russian by nature, bears the genuine symphonism of the development of the major thematic grain. It was conceived in the land of endless valleys and grand deliberate rivers, it evokes in one's imagination the pictures of the spring waters, awakening of the life forces. The third movement of the symphony has the Oriental intonations. It took a long time (from 1869 to 1876) for Borodin to write Symphony No. 2. The premiere performance took place in 1877. The symphony was composed parallel with the opera “Prince Igor” which is close to the symphony by its imagery and character. The symphony was later called “Heroic” which is in perfect harmony with the music, full of spontaneous force, audacity and scope, the music monumental by its proportions, original by its image con tent which evokes in memory the Russian bylinas. Each of four movements is individual by nature: powerful, ponderous march of Allegro, irresistible in its flight Scherzo, songful Andante, reminding of the legendary singer Bayan, solemn Finale all this is united in the whole monumentary fresco painted with the bold wide strokes. Alexander Borodin began to work over the Third Symphony in winter 1883-84. The work over the Symphony continued up to the end of his life. He often played music of the Symphony to his friends, but he didn't write it down and unfortunately it remained unfinished. Now we can listen to it thanks to A. Glazunov who remembered the author's performing of the first movement of the Symphony and used Borodin's Scherzo, intended initially for a Quartet, for the second movement according to A. Borodins will. As a result of this now we have the score of two movements of the Third Symphony known as “Unfinished”. First the Symphony was performed on October 24, 1887 at a concert dedicated to A. Borodin's memory. The "Petite Suite" for Piano was written in 1885 in usual for the genre inter change of programme and dance miniatures. It is quite an original composition because of expressive manners and innovatory approaching of art task. "Petite Suite" is recorded on this disc in A. Glazunov's instrumentation. In Finale he used music of Borodin's piano Scherzo, repeating it twice in different instrumentation. Orchestral version of the Suite was premiered on October 28, 1889 in St. Petersburg, performed by the orchestra under Rimsky-Korsakov. Overture to the opera “Prince Igor” was written from memory and orchestrated by A. Glazunov, who heard its piano version in the author's performance. It is based on contrasts of Russian and oriental, polovtsian images, on opera's melodies and tunes.
29.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

R. Schumann - Symphonies Nos. 1-4 (complete) - Estonian Symphony Orchestra - G. Rozhdestvensky

R. Schumann - Symphonies Nos. 1-4 (complete) - Estonian Symphony Orchestra - G. Rozhdestvensky
ID: MELCD1001879
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: SymphonyPodkolekce: Orchestr

This release features Schumann’s symphonies edited by George Szell.

These versions were a result of the conductor’s tremendous experience combined with a most delicate feeling for style and were the choice of Rozhdestevensky for these performances.

Schumann: Symphonies Nos. 1-4 (complete) edited by George Szell

"Among the German composers, the first place, after Beethoven, indisputably belongs to Schumann… Schumann's symphonies yield to Beethoven's Ninth only … in thought, his overtures are more diverse and deeper than Mendelssohn's ones," the Russian composer and music critic César Cui said about Robert Schumann's symphonic works. The composer's symphonic heritage includes four symphonies written within the 1840-1850s: symphony No. 1 in B flat major (known as Spring), Op. 38; symphony No. 2 in C major, Op. 61; symphony No. 3 "Rhenish" in E flat major, Op. 97; and symphony No. 4 in D minor, Op. 120. This Firma Melodiya release features Schumann's symphonies edited by George Szell and performed by the Estonian Symphony Orchestra conducted by the celebrated Gennady Rozhdestvensky. "The remarkable conductor George Szell made superb versions of Schumann's four symphonies. These recordings have been made based on his versions … they are a result of the conductor's tremendous experience combined with a most delicate feeling for style…" that's how the maestro explained his choice of Szell's versions.
29.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

R. Shchedrin - Seagull - Ballet in Two Acts - Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra - A. Lazarew

R. Shchedrin - Seagull - Ballet in Two Acts - Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra - A. Lazarew
ID: MELCD1001683
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ballet MusicPodkolekce: Orchestr

This two act ballet based on Chekhov’s play was composed in 1980 and was premiered in the Bolshoi Theatre. The libretto is by R Shchedrin and V. Levental. The score includes 24 Preludes (the main contents of the ballet), three interludes and the postlude. This is an exciting work full of belief in life and in the power of art, high romanticism and tragic pathos.
29.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Mravinsky Collection Vol. 10 - Shostakovich - E. Mravinsky - Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra

Mravinsky Collection Vol. 10 - Shostakovich - E. Mravinsky - Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra
ID: MELCD1000775
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: SymphonyPodkolekce: Orchestr

Symphony No. 11 in G minor, Op. 103 'The year 1905'
Symphony No. 12 in D minor, Op. 112 'The Year 1917'
Symphony No. 15 in A major, Op. 141
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Arif Malikov - Legend of Love -The Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra - V. Gergiev, conductor

Arif Malikov - Legend of Love -The Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra - V. Gergiev, conductor
ID: MELCD1002326
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ballet MusicPodkolekce: Orchestr

Firma Melodiya presents a recording of Arif Melikovs Legend of Love, one of the most outstanding works of Soviet ballet theatre. Legend of Love (19581961) was one of the first large-scale works written by the 28-year-old composer, but it was this ballet that brought him worldwide fame. The ballet was commissioned by the Kirov (now Mariinsky) Opera and Ballet Theatre and created in close collaboration with its co-authors choreographer Yuri Grigorovich, librettist Nâzim Hikmet, set designer Semyon Virsaladze and conductor Niyazi. Following a triumphant premiere in 1961 in Leningrad, Legend of Love was produced at the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre and then staged at many theatres of the USSR, Europe and the world. The popularity of the ballet based on the Persian legend Khosrow and Shirin about tragic love and self-sacrifice has not waned. The recording was made by the Big Symphony Orchestra of All-Union Radio and Central Television of the USSR conducted by young Valery Gergiev in 1988.
29.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Concerts of Herbert von Karajan in Moscow - Mozart - Strauss - Orchestral Works - Vol. 3

Concerts of Herbert von Karajan in Moscow - Mozart - Strauss - Orchestral Works - Vol. 3
ID: MELCD1001514
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Orchestral WorksPodkolekce: Orchestr

Live recording of a concert given on 30th May 1969 in The Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory.
29.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Music from Diaghilev's BALLET RUSSES - Stravinsky - Liadov - Polenc - Thierry Fischer, conductor

Music from Diaghilev's BALLET RUSSES - Stravinsky - Liadov - Polenc - Thierry Fischer, conductor
Disk: 3
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Orchestr


CD 1: SIGCD165 - Firebird - Works by Igor Stravinsky for the Ballet Russes

He music commissioned by Sergei Diaghilev for his Ballet Russes has generated some of the most inventive and popular orchestral works of the 20th Century.

Led by Principal Conductor Thierry Fischer, these recordings capture the excitement and vibrancy of the BBC National Orchestra of Wales in live performance - the first recording made in their new home of BBC Hoddinott Hall, Wales. This is the first release in a series of three with future repertoire including The Rite of Spring and Petrushka.

CD 2: SIGCD195 - Petrushka - Igor Stravinsky - BBC National Orchestra of Wales

Because Igor Stravinsky's "Petrushka" usually runs almost 35 minutes in duration, it either needs to be paired with a work of comparable length or presented with several short filler pieces to give reasonable value to a CD. In the case of this recording by Thierry Fischer and the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, the disc is filled out with three atmospheric pieces by Anatol Lyadov -- "Baba-Yaga," Enchanted Lake, and Kikimora -- which only add a little over 20 minutes to this rather brief package. Still, there are affinities between Liadov's colorful, impressionistic music and Stravinsky's brilliant ballet, not least the strong influence of both composers' orchestration teacher, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Lyadov, an older contemporary of Stravinsky, was the composer Sergei Diaghilev had originally sought to compose music for the ballet "L'oiseau de feu," before having to settle on the as-yet untried Stravinsky. Furthermore, Lyadov was practiced at composing music on fairy tale themes, so his music is a sometimes suitable match in style and content with Stravinsky's magical depiction of the folk tale of "Petrushka." Furthermore, Lyadov's selections have comparatively few recordings, so grouping these tone poems with Stravinsky's famous work gives them much needed exposure. The performances on this 2010 Signum Classics release are accurate and expressive, if a little restrained, and the audio is exceptional in its wide range of timbres, details, and dynamics.
˜ Blair Sanderson, Rovi All Music Guide

CD3: SIGCD 205 - The Rite of Spring - Igor Stravinsky
The conclusion to a three part-series of Igor Stravinsky‘s ballets from Sergei Diaghilev,s Ballet Russes, performed by BBC National Orchestra of Wales under Thierry Fischer. These recordings capture the excitement and vibrancy of the BBC National Orchestra of Wales in live performance at their home of BBC Hoddinott Hall, Wales.

Almost no musical work has had such a powerful influence or evoked as much controversy as Stravinsky's ballet score The Rite of Spring. The work's premiere on May 29, 1913, at the Théatre des Champs-Elysées in Paris, was scandalous. In addition to the outrageous costumes, unusual choreography and bizarre story of pagan sacrifice, Stravinsky's musical innovations tested the patience of the audience to the fullest.

This disc also features Francis Poulenc‘s ballet Les Biches, premiered at the Ballet Russes in 1924. Originally commissioned by Diaghilev to write a piece based on Glazunov‘s Les Sylphides, Poulenc instead chose to base his piece on the paintings of Watteau that depicted Louis XV and various women in his "Parc aux biches"
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