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Voices and Orchestra, page 15

   Titels gefunden: 337

Kendlinger - Die schönsten Opernchöre II - K&K Philharmoniker - K&K Opernchor - Dirigent: Matthias Georg Kendlinger

Kendlinger - Die schönsten Opernchöre II - K&K Philharmoniker - K&K Opernchor - Dirigent: Matthias Georg Kendlinger
ID: CD984
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Opera & Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

18.00 eur Buy

Anna Cramer - Songs - Nathalie Mees, soprano

Anna Cramer - Songs - Nathalie Mees, soprano
ID: ACDBH051-2
CDs: 1
Type: SACD
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

Anna Cramer was born in Amsterdam on July 15th, 1873. She studied at the Conservatory of Music in Amsterdam, and on her graduation in 1897 she travelled to Germany to study composition with Wilhelm Berger and Max von Schillings. She enjoyed some early successes, and in 1906-07 several of her songs were performed in The Netherlands and Germany. Between 1907 and 1910 her songs op.1 - 4 were published in Germany.

The time she spent in Germany and Austria brought Anna Cramer into close contact with the latest compositional developments of the day. Her songs are products of German romanticism, although she created her own distinctive style. Despite not being avant-garde by the standards of the early twentieth century, Cramer was capable of writing passages of striking modernity. She felt her debt to Wagner and Strauss, and acknowledged the influence of Mahler, Wolf and Berg, but also incorporated features of folk music and cabaret into her songs. It would appear that Cramer often composed with an orchestra in mind, and Jeppe Moulijn’s orchestration of her Sechs Lieder, op.4 is a natural step forward in the exploration of her oeuvre, which is still widely unknown.

Soprano Nathalie Mees performs the lost works of Dutch composer Anna Cramer, discoverd after her death. Ably backed by the Leiderdorps Chamber Orchestra, Mees' light vibrato and monochrome approach highlights the musical treature that has been uncovered and recorded by Aluid Records: A true labour of love.
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Vocal Recital: Emilia Dalby - The London Esterhazy Orchestra - Graham Dalby, conductor

Vocal Recital: Emilia Dalby - The London Esterhazy Orchestra - Graham Dalby, conductor
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

Emilia Dalby is one of the most promising new talents of her generation, and in her short career has already performed before illustrious figures such as Princess Anne and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Aged 11 when this disc was recorded, Emilia is one of Signum Record’s youngest artists. Emilia made her debut singing Rule Britannia at The Sail for Gold Ball 2004 when she was just nine. Since then she has completed a full-time chorister post at Salisbury Cathedral, leaving in July 2008 with a music scholarship. During this period she has sung in Venice (San Marco), performing in many of the Great Cathedrals of Tuscany and a tour of Vienna and Salzburg.

The young soprano sings a selection of traditional folk tunes including The Last Rose of Summer and Steal Away, alongside Handel’s Laschia ch’io Pianga and IF by Michael Nyman, who proclaimed Emilia’s technique and sound as being “absolutely gorgeous”.
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Silvia Tro Santafé -Spanish Heroines - Orquesta Sinfónica de Navarra, Julian Reynolds - conductor

Silvia Tro Santafé -Spanish Heroines - Orquesta Sinfónica de Navarra, Julian Reynolds - conductor
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

Since her American debut in the early nineties, Silvia Tro Santafé has become one of the most sought after coloratura mezzos of her generation. On this disc we hear the proof of her operatic talents, performing some of the greatest and most passionate arias of any operatic mezzo soprano.
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Giuseppe Verdi - Messa Da Requiem - Bruno Walter

Giuseppe Verdi - Messa Da Requiem - Bruno Walter
ID: IDIS6575
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Funeral MusicSubkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

Live Recording, new York, March 29, 1959

Bergonzi, Elias, Metrop, Milanov, Tozzi
18.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Poetry Serenade - Brian Knowles

Poetry Serenade - Brian Knowles
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

Elin Manahan Thomas Juliette Pochin Jon Christos Nick Garrett

Poetry Serenade brings together four top british singers to perform the newest masterpieces from Brian Knowles, based on the work of poets including William Wordsworth, Thomas Hood and Christina Georgina Rossetti. The eighteen songs on Poetry Serenade have been chosen to give the listener an eclectic array of the differing texts and contrasting styles of composition. A disc marvelled with talent, not only from the principle voices but also the RSVP Voices, the Brighton Festival Youth Choir and the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra.

FOREWORD by ALAN TITCHMARSH Brian Knowles is that rare thing - a composer of great originality who can also write good tunes! This CD is a terrific example of his work in setting some of the nation’s favourite poems to music. Having enjoyed Brian’s work myself for many years now, I’m happy to think that this CD will ensure it of a wider audience. His is a talent that deserves greater recognition and I congratulate him on a tremendous achievement. Alan Titchmarsh MBE

Jon Christos • Nick Garrett Juliette Pochin • Elin Manahan Thomas

The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra

RSVP Voices - Director Rob Johnston (Tracks 2, 6, 10, 14, 17)

Brighton Festival Youth Choir - Director Juliette Pochin (Tracks 7, 8, 11)

Conducted By James Morgan
18.00 eur Buy

Rossini | Mozart | Beethoven - London Chamber Orchestra - Conductor: Christopher Warren-Green - Soprano: Susan Gritton

Rossini | Mozart | Beethoven - London Chamber Orchestra - Conductor: Christopher Warren-Green - Soprano: Susan Gritton
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Orchestral WorksSubkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

The London Chamber Orchestra, the UK’s oldest chamber orchestra, has nurtured the new and paid homage to the traditional since 1921. Since 1988 Principal Conductor and Music Director Christopher Warren-Green has brought together the inspirational musicians and repertoire for which LCO is renowned. The remarkable acoustic and intimate ambience of St. John’s, Smith Square, its London home, enable the LCO - the only chamber orchestra resident in London - to give vibrant performances and establish a close rapport with its audiences. The recordings on the LCO Live label, in partnership with Signum Classics, are the result of this happy marriage of orchestra and venue.
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PUCCINI - MADAMA BUTTERFLY - London 1957 - Rudolf Kempe

PUCCINI - MADAMA BUTTERFLY - London 1957 - Rudolf Kempe
ID: GM5.0058
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Kolektion: Opera Collection

Victoria de los Ángeles (Cio Cio San), John Lanigan (Pinkerton), Geraint Evans (Sharpless), Barbara Howitt (Suzuki), Joyce Livingston (Kate Pinkerton), David Tree (Goro), David Allen (Yamadori), Michael Langdon (Lo zio Bonzo), Ronald Firmager (Il commissario imperiale), Harry Gawler (L'ufficiale del Registro)

Recorded in London 1957
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BEETHOVEN - FIDELIO - Buenos Aires 1958 - Sir Thomas Beecham

BEETHOVEN - FIDELIO -  Buenos Aires 1958 - Sir Thomas Beecham
ID: GM5.0075
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Kolektion: Opera Collection

Live recording, Buenos Aires, September 19, 1958

Leonore, his wife - Gré Brouwenstijn, soprano
Florestan, a prisoner - Hans Hopf, tenor
Don Pizarro, governor of the prison - Paul Schoeffler, baritone
Jaquino - Murray Dickie, tenor
Don Fernando, King's minister - Angelo Mattiello, bass
First Prisoner - Italo Pasini, tenor
Second Prisoner - Hector Barbieri, bass
18.00 eur Buy

VOICES OF EXILE - Richard Blackford

VOICES OF EXILE - Richard Blackford
ID: QTZ2018
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

World Premiere recording of Richard Blackford's acclaimed new secular oratorio based on songs, poems and recordings from countries around the world where issues of exile and freedom are dominant themes.
18.00 eur Buy

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