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   Titels gefunden: 128

Orthodox Wedding Ceremony - and New-Year Service

Orthodox Wedding Ceremony - and New-Year Service
ID: GD142
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Voices

As a continuation of GEGA NEW's idea to present troparia and chants from the Passion Week common in the practice of East-Orthodox community, Miroslav Popsavov has selected in this programme some of the most typical for the New-Year service chants related to the wedding ceremony. The psalms glorifying God and Jesus Christ are arranged in the order required by the canons. Most of the melodies, of ancient origin, have been arranged by Russian and Bulgarian composers. The most popular among them are Mnogoletie (For Many Years) and Dostoino est (Meet It Is), which have also become concerto pieces in the repertoire of the Slavic male choirs. The CD is of interest for everybody who would want to look into the world of Orthodox music, the ancient roots of which are in the Byzantine chant and service. Later on, in Church-Slavonic singing there were not only transferred canons, troparia and various jubilation modulae, but new chants were also created on the basis of Bolgarskii rospev and the so called znamenii chant, elements of which are present in some of the works included in this release.
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

NELLA ANFUSO - Domenico Scarlatti - Cantate

NELLA ANFUSO - Domenico Scarlatti - Cantate
ID: SN8824
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: BaroqueSubkolektion: Voices

15.00 eur Buy

NELLA ANFUSO - Sigismondo D’India - Madrigali

NELLA ANFUSO - Sigismondo D’India - Madrigali
ID: SN8828
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Voices

Elena Polonska - Renaissance harp
15.00 eur Buy

God Rot Tunbridge Wells [Soundtrack] - The Life of Georg Frederic Handel: Sir Charles Mackerras

God Rot Tunbridge Wells [Soundtrack] - The Life of Georg Frederic Handel: Sir Charles Mackerras
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Voices

The soundtrack to Tony Palmer’s classic biographical film, which was originally shown in 1985 on British television, to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Handel’s birth. Performed by The English Chamber Orchestra and conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras.
Written by John Osbourne & starring Trevor Howard
15.00 eur Buy

Vaughan Williams - Folk Songs of the Four Seasons

Vaughan Williams - Folk Songs of the Four Seasons
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Folk MusicSubkolektion: Voices

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons - (world premiere recording)
In Windsor Forest - (world premiere recording of this arrangement for women's voices by Guthrie Foote)

Both the Folk Songs of the Four Seasons and this arrangement of In Windsor Forest are world premiere recordings. The Folk Songs of the Four Seasons is a substantial work by Vaughan Williams, over 40 minutes long, for women’s chorus and orchestra. It is the most significant of his works never to have been recorded in any format.
The Folk Songs of the Four Seasons was commissioned by the Women’s Institute and first performed in 1950. The work has a Prologue and four sections: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
The coupling is the rare arrangement for women’s voices, by Guthrie Foote and Vaughan Williams, of the Cantata In Windsor Forest based on choruses from the opera Sir John in Love.
This new Albion recording is issued to mark the 90th birthday of Sir David Willcocks on 30 December, 2009. Sir David is world famous for his recordings for EMI and for his work at King’s College, Cambridge and the Bach Choir. For Sir David to record another major Vaughan Williams disc at the age of almost 90 is remarkable in itself and will ensure national and international interest in this recording.
15.00 eur Buy

English and Scottish Romantic Songs for voice and guitar - G. Olafsdottir - F.J. Jauregui,

English and Scottish Romantic Songs for voice and guitar - G. Olafsdottir - F.J. Jauregui,
ID: E104
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Voices

Francisco Javier Jauregui, Lacote guitar (1840)
Gudrun Olafsdottir mezzo-soprano
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

NELLA ANFUSO - Monodia Toscana (XVI - XVII sec.)

NELLA ANFUSO - Monodia Toscana (XVI - XVII sec.)
ID: SN8809
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Voices

15.00 eur Buy

NELLA ANFUSO - Antonio Vivaldi - Mottetti à Canto solo con Istromenti

NELLA ANFUSO - Antonio Vivaldi - Mottetti à Canto solo con Istromenti
ID: SN8805
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Voices

15.00 eur Buy

NELLA ANFUSO - Nicolò Porpora - Cantate (1735) I

NELLA ANFUSO - Nicolò Porpora - Cantate (1735) I
ID: SN8810
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Voices

Nicola Antonio Porpora
1. Cantata XI 'Oh Dio! Che Non E Vero': Recitativo / Aria / Recitativo / Aria
2. Cantata IV 'Queste Che Miri O Nice': Recitativo / Aria / Recitativo / Aria
3. Cantata XII 'Dal Povero Mio Cor': Recitativo / Aria / Recitativo / Aria
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Georg Frideric Handel: Nel Dolce dell'Oblio: Italian Cantatas and German Arias

Georg Frideric Handel: Nel Dolce dell'Oblio: Italian Cantatas and German Arias
ID: CLS0403
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Baroque

15.00 eur Buy

Kunde: ungemeldet

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