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MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, Felix - Les compositeurs, page 1

   Les titres retrouvé: 149

Riko Fukuda, Fortepiano - F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy

Riko Fukuda,  Fortepiano - F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy
ID: ACDHJ032-2
CDs: 1
Type: SACD
Subcollection: Piano

Before his travels Mendelssohn had already started to compose the Fantasy in F sharp, which is also called Sonata écossaise (Scottish sonata), but only after the three years’ tour did he finish and publish it. The work is comprised of three parts and continues with the attacca as one big whole. After his three years’ journey Mendelssohn returned to the parental home in Berlin in June 1832. The following month he ordered a piano by Conrad Graf from Vienna. His specific wish was a grand piano with a compass of 6½ octaves. The development of the piano in the late 18th century up to the mid 19th century went very fast and its compass increased every time. The piano Felix mother and aunts knew in the days of their youths had a compass of but 5 octaves, the Broadwood grand at his parents’ had 6.
He was so pleased with the Graf that he ordered two more within a time span of three years; one for the city of Düsseldorf where he had become General Musical Director and one as a wedding present for his brother’s bride.
Although he also received a grand piano as a present from the Erard factory in 1832, his enthusiasm for this make is not registered until 1838. The 1832 instrument did not play easily and after he had sent it back to the factory in 1837 to have it modified, he unexpectedly got offered a new instrument. He described this instrument ‘so full and rich in tone’ and praised the Erard quoting Lord Byron, ‘There be none of Beauty’s daughters with a magic like Erard’s.’
18.00 eur Buy

SPIRALE PIANO TRIO - Mendelssohn, Shostakovich, Roost

SPIRALE PIANO TRIO - Mendelssohn, Shostakovich, Roost
ID: ACDHN013-2
CDs: 1
Type: SACD
Subcollection: Piano and Cello

SACD Hybrid Disc (SACDH) = CD Digital Audio + Super Audio CD
18.00 eur Buy

Emil Gilels, piano - The early years: Chopin - Liszt - Schumann - Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and etc....

Emil Gilels, piano - The early years: Chopin - Liszt  -  Schumann - Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and etc....
ID: AQVR292-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Piano

Recordings (1934-1938)
16.00 eur Buy

Emil Gilels, piano - "Unrelesed recordings from Yokohama and Tokyo 1984" - Brahms - Schumann - Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

Emil Gilels, piano - "Unrelesed recordings from Yokohama and Tokyo 1984"  - Brahms  - Schumann - Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
ID: AQVR294-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Piano

Live recordings:
18.03. 1984 Kanagawa Kenmin Hall (Yokohama) (2)
20.03. 1984 Ueno Bunka Kaikan (Tokyo) (1, 3, 4, 5)
"Live recording at AurexClassicConcert" for Toshiba - EMI Ldt/Japan
16.00 eur Buy

E. Katulskaya, soprano - “Romances & Songs” - Gurilev - Dvorak - Chopin and etc…

E. Katulskaya, soprano - “Romances & Songs” - Gurilev - Dvorak - Chopin and etc…
ID: AQVR323-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Romances and Songs
Subcollection: Vocal and Piano

Piano: B.Yurtaikin (1-22), S.Pogrebov (23), the conductor is unknown (24)
Recorded: 1912 (24), 1936 (23), 1941 (18-20), 1946 (1-3, 11-16, 21, 22), 1947 (4, 17), 1948 (5-10)
16.00 eur Buy

Dargomyzhsky - "Esmeralda" - Choir & orchestra of the All-Union Radio -O. Bron

Dargomyzhsky - "Esmeralda" - Choir & orchestra of the All-Union Radio -O. Bron
ID: AQVR325-2
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Opera Collection
Subcollection: Voice, Piano and Orchestra

Opera in 3 acts (montage)
Libretto by Victor Hugo after novel "Notre-Dame de Paris"
translation in Russian by A.Dargomyzhsky, A.Bashutsky, N.Aksel (Lindforce)

Cast of characters:
Esmeralda, gypsy, street dancer....................................Galina Sakharova (soprano)
Phoebus de Chatoper, captain of Royal riflemans........Anatoly Orfenov (tenor)
Claude Frollo, archdeacon of Notre-Dame de Paris.....Vladimir Zakharov (baritone)
Quasimodo, bell-ringer.................................................Konstantin Polyaev (bass)
Fleur-de-Lys.................................................................Alexandra Yakovenko (soprano)

Choir & orchestra of the All-Union Radio -O. Bron
Recorded in 1950

Anatoly Orfenov sings: opera arias from "Couchers on relay" by E.Fomin,
"Mr. Tvardovsky" by A.Verstovsky, "Lesta, Dnieper's mermaid" by S.Davydov,
"Eurianthe" by K.M.von Weber, "The Jealous Lover" by A.Gretri,
"Treason" by M.Ippolitov-Ivanov, "Les pecheurs de perles" by G.Bizet,
romances & songs by M.Yakovlev, N.Ogarev, V.Andreev, P.Bulakhov, F.Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (-50 minutes)

Recorded in: 1947 (21), 1948 (16, 17, 19), 1949 (20), 1950 (9, 11), 1951 (18),
1952 (10, 12), 1967 (13-15)
Moscow symphony orchestra (9), The All-Union Radio Committee orchestra (10-12),
Russian folk Instruments orchestra (16),
Russian folk Instruments orchestra of the All-Union radio and Television (13-15),
The Ensemble of soloists of the All-Union Radio Committee (17)
Conductors: Sergey Gorchakov (9), Onissim Bron (10, 12), Victor Smirnov (11), Pyotr Alexeev (16), Vladimir Fedoseev (13-15)
Piano: Olga Tomina (18), David Gaklin (19, 20), Naum Walter (21)
28.00 eur Buy

J.S.Bach and romantic organ music - Konstantin Volostnov, organ

J.S.Bach and romantic organ music - Konstantin Volostnov, organ
ID: ART043
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Organ Collection
Subcollection: Organ

Live Recording in St. Alexander Church, Kirov 24.02.2002
Hugo Mayer organ at St. Alexander Church, Kirov
17.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Timofey Dokshitser - Romantic music

Timofey Dokshitser - Romantic music
ID: ART113
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Musique Romantique

17.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Mikhail Bourlakov- bayan (accordion) - Phantasmagorias

Mikhail Bourlakov- bayan (accordion) - Phantasmagorias
ID: ART167
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Accordion

17.00 eur Buy

Tatiana Sergeeva, organ - Gagliarda

Tatiana Sergeeva, organ - Gagliarda
ID: ART230
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Organ

1 - Victor Sych (percussions)
3, 4, 17 - Ivan Vikharev (trombone)
7, 18, 19 - Anton Skiba, Filipp Chumaev (saxophones)
17.00 eur Buy

Client: not signed in

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