ID: RK9707 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Medieval PeriodPodkolekce: Sbor Media vita in morte sumus - im Leben des mittelalterlichen Menschen war der Tod allgegenwärtig. Ausgehend von den christlichen Hoffnungen auf ein Leben im Jenseits, entwickelten sich umfassende Bilder vom Tod: Fegefeuer, Jüngstes Gericht, Seelenheil im Himmel, Liebes-und Märtyrertod. Im Spätmittelalter entstand daraus in Dichtung und Musik eine Kultur des "schönen Todes". Die IOCULATORES haben die unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen auf den Tod im Mittelalter in diesem Programm kaleidoskopartig zusammengestellt. Während der CD-Einspielung in der romanischen Klosterkirche zu Thalbürgel arbeitete das Ensemble mit variablen Spielorten. Durch diese veränderlichen Klangräume, die natürliche Klangkulisse und die gesprochenen Texte gewinnt die Aufnahme zusätzlich den Reiz eines Hörspiels. |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: RKS59802 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Medieval PeriodPodkolekce: Chamber Ensemble A collection of spiritual and contemplative music by the two most famous female mystics and composers from the middle ages.
Birgitta of Schweden
Patris excelsi
Iam laetaris
Hildegard of Bingen
Hodie aperuit
O victoriosissimi Triumphatores
O virga ac diadema |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: RK2005 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Podkolekce: Lute Les Flamboyants:
Michael Form - flute, artistic leader
Silvia Tecardi - fidel, viola d’arco
Irene Klein - viola d’arco
Romina Lischka - viola da gamba
Giovanna Pessi - harp
Michael Form - flute, clavicytherium
Marc Lewon - lute, vihuela, viola d´arco
Rogério Gonçalves - dulzian, perkussions |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: RK2501 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Podkolekce: Voices Im Europa des 12. Jahrhunderts erlebte die Marienverehrung mit ihrer spezifischen Spiritualität eine Hochblüte. Künstlerinnen und Künstler ließen sich in Dichtung, bildender Kunst und Musik zu immer reicheren und kunstvolleren Schöpfungen zum Lobpreis der Gottesmutter inspirieren. „Mel et lac“ bringt eine Auswahl ein- und mehrstimmiger Mariengesänge aus dieser aufregenden Zeit kompositorischer Experimente und Neuerungen.Dies ist das CD-Debüt des noch jungen, aus Frauenstimmen bestehenden Ensembles Peregrina, das sich der klangsinnlichen Entdeckung verschiedenster musikalischer Repertoires aus dem Europa des 12. bis 14. Jahrhunderts widmet. |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: RK2407 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Podkolekce: Voices Ensemble Nu:n
Falk Zenker (Weimar) - Gitarren, Live-Elektronik, Konzept
Gert Anklam (Berlin) - Saxophone
Rebecca Bain (Montreal) - Vocal
Cora Schmeiser (Rotterdam/ D) oder Tobie Miller (Basel/ Can) - Vocal |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: RK2605 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Vocal CollectionIoculatores; Ars Choralis Coeln; Amarcord; Jörg Peukert (narr); Sabine Heller (hp)
This deluxe presentation celebrates the eighth centenary of its subject. Here called “St. Elizabeth of Thuringia,” but better known as St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1207-1231), this daughter of the king and queen of Hungary was betrothed to the future margrave of Thuringia in infancy and brought up at that court. She was 14 when the marriage was celebrated, and they had three children before he went off to the Crusades, dying along the way at Otranto in 1227. Elizabeth, already moved by the ideals of the newly founded Franciscan order, devoted herself as Landgravine to the needs of the poor. As a widow, she left the inhospitable court to live in Marburg, where she established a hospital and labored for the sick until her death at the age of 24. Celebrated for her works on behalf of the poor and sick, she was canonized four years later. Devotion spread from Thuringia as far as Cambrai and her native Hungary. Schola Hungarica recorded two chant Offices for her feast (19:4), one from Cambrai, where her heart had been enshrined, and the other from Warburg, a source also copied in Hungary.
Unlike that collection of Office chants, this program is a wide-ranging group of vocal and instrumental pieces from the period, all related closely to the life of the saint. Three separate ensembles take their turns, in addition to Jörg Peukert, who reads from an early biography of the saint with aural punctuation by a harpist. Besides an antiphon, a responsory, a sequence, and a hymn from the Office, we hear vernacular songs by the monk of Salzburg and Walther von der Vogelweide, an Italian lauda, and instrumental pieces by Ioculatores. On two tracks Ioculatores ensemble joins with one or the other group. The tracks spoken in German run over 20 minutes without printed text. The booklet offers a detailed guide to the program, with notes and summaries of each track in addition to the full texts with translations, and it is lavishly illustrated. Everything has been achieved on the highest level to make this a worthy tribute on the saint’s anniversary. As a gift package, it would be a compliment to the taste of the recipient.
FANFARE: J. F. Weber |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: RK2604 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Medieval PeriodSelections from The Song Book of Anna von Köln
This collection of devotional songs in Latin and the vernacular (indeed, in several medieval dialects) was compiled about 1500 in Cologne, an example of devotio moderna, the late-medieval movement to adopt a lifestyle midway between secular society and the religious orders. The title of the disc, “the rose of Jericho,” refers to a Macaronic song in low German and Latin honoring the Blessed Virgin, who was invariably venerated while her Son was worshipped. A few of these songs have appeared in collections of the LP era. Konrad Ruhland’s group sang “Jure plaudant omnia,” included here. Several other songs recorded in that era are not duplicated here, but this seems to be the first focused collection drawn from this source.
Late-medieval collections of anonymous vocal music of this type have been largely overlooked in music history courses and texts in favor of identifiable composers. Reinhard Strohm, in The Rise of European Music, 1380-1500 (Cambridge, 1993), made a major breakthrough in devoting the entire Part 3 of his four-part book to the subject. The Songbook of Anna of Cologne (D-B 8o 280) has been edited by Salmen and Koepp (Schwann, 1954), so it should be accessible at least to performers and scholars. Even so, Strohm barely mentions the collection in a paragraph devoted to 15th-century compilations of this type, next to the slightly earlier Wienhäuser Liederbuch, which was given a whole disc on a Psallite LP of 1976.
The 16 songs from this source that are recorded here make a delightful program. All are sung by the women’s group of 11 singers and five players, while four instrumental selections from the Glogauer and Locheimer songbooks are inserted at intervals. Some of the songs are sung solo, and some are lightly accompanied on period instruments. The acoustics of the chapel cast a warm glow around the voices. Anonymity is a burden, as evident from the attention devoted to composers (Perotinus) and works (the “Farewell” symphony of Haydn) not so disabled. Anyone who comes across this disc is going to be entranced by the unexpected pleasure that it affords. Give it a chance and you’ll turn back to it again and again. The last time I was so unexpectedly delighted was on hearing “Ninna Nanna” by Montserrat Figueras (26:6). That’s the kind of disc it is.
FANFARE: J. F. Weber
Ars Choralis Coeln - Ensemble for Medieval Music / Ensemble für mittelalterliche Musik / Ensemble de musique médiévale
Cora Schmeiser, Uta Kirsten, Petra Koerdt, Mikari Shibukawa, Pamela Petsch, Inga Schneider, Amanda Simmons, Stefanie Brijoux, Elodie Mourot, Katherine Hill, Karolina Brachmann - Gesang | voice | chant
Lucia Mense - Blockflöte, Glocken, Gesang | recorder, bells, voice | flûte à bec, cloches, chant
Elisabeth Seitz - Hackbrett | dulcimer
Johanna Seitz - Harfe | harp | harpe
Susanne Ansorg - Fidel | fiddle | vielle
Maria Jonas - Leitung | direction; Gesang, Drehleier | voice, hurdy-gurdy | chant, vièle à roue |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: ACDBE064-2 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Medieval PeriodPodkolekce: Vocal Ensemble Gregorian Chant and Modern Devotion in the Low Countries
This CD is part of the project "Gregorian chant and Modern Devotion in the Low Countries" of the Key2 Singing foundation in cooperation with TRIGON, vocal ensemble for medieval spiritual music led by Margot Kalse. The project is a plea for the revival of this magnificent native spiritual music from the late Middle Ages. Unfortunately, this music is seldom performed, and even more rarely so by professional ensembles such as TRIGON. This cultural-historical heritage has been preserved in several Dutch and Belgian manuscripts, and some German ones, originating from monasteries and houses of the Sisters and Brethren of the Common Life, as the Modern Devotion movement is also known. Fortunately a number of these valuable medieval manuscripts have remained well preserved, following closure of the monasteries during the reformation. |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: RK2901 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Medieval PeriodPodkolekce: Sbor Oswald von Wolkenstein is today considered to be one of the most important songwriters of European literature in the Middle Ages.
Ensemble Unicorn has made early music accessible to a wide international audience and has many fans; “...extraordinary virtuosity paired with unrestrained joy of playing.” |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: RK2809 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Medieval PeriodPodkolekce: Choir Ars Choralis Coeln is an all-female ensemble with international membership and has succeeded in establishing itself in the medieval music at home and abroad. Oni Wytars was founded in 1983 to explore new ways of interpreting Early Music.
»Canto Novello« - Lieder einer geistigen Erneuerung, einer sozialen und vor allem einer musikalischen: ein Schmelztiegel, ein Konglomerat aus der jahrhundertealten Tradition der Musik der christlichen Kirche und der reichen Poesie des Volkes, individuell, kraftvoll und mitreißend.
Die Ensembles Ars Choralis Coeln und Oni Wytars haben sich eigens für dieses Projekt zusammengefunden, in dem sie ihre unterschiedlichen Spezialisierungen - berückende Klangschönheit und temperamentvolle instrumentale Virtuosität - vereinen können, um ein faszinierend vielschichtiges Klangbild der volksprachlichen geistlichen Musik der oberitalienischen Städte des 14. Jahrhunderts wiedererstehen zu lassen: ganz im Sinne der Compagnie delle Laude. |
18.00 eur Buy |