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MAHLER, Gustav - Komponisten

   Titels gefunden: 44

Komponist: MAHLER, Gustav ((1860-1911))
MAHLER, Gustav Sein Leben:
Mahler was born in Kalischt, Bohemia, on July 7, 1860. At the time, Bohemia (later to form a major component of Czechoslovakia, and later the Czech Republic) was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire, then enduring its final crumbling decades, and the region where Mahler spent his youth was strongly associate with the Czech independence movement. However, Mahler also was a Jew, and Jews in the region were associated by ethnic Czechs with Germans. Mahler's famous quote is: "I am thrice homeless, as a native of Bohemia in Austria, as an Austrian among Germans, and as a Jew throughout the world. Everywhere an intruder, never welcomed."
(Contributed by Jan Vávra <janvavra

[in Dutch] Gustav Mahler was de zoon van een Joodse koopman. Hij studeerde vanaf zijn 15e aan het Weens Conservatorium. Mahler was operadirigent aan vele theaters, zoals Budapest, Hamburg en Wenen, waar hij de Wiener Hofoper tot de voornaamste in Europa maakte. Vanwege hartproblemen en de dood van zijn oudste dochter verliet hij Wenen, waar hij ook radicale jonge componisten als Schönberg, Berg, Webern en Zemlinsky had gesteund door zijn activiteiten voor de Vereinigung schaffender Tonkünstler. Intussen was zijn liedoeuvre uitgebreid met vier van de vijf Rückert-Lieder, de Kindertotenlieder (1901-1904). Tijdens zijn leven genoten zijn werken niet veel waardering; pas in de jaren '50 werd zijn werk populair. (conntribution by Robbert Muuse <robbertmuuse

To the Music - Charles Dekeyser

To the Music - Charles Dekeyser
ID: ACDBL081-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Vocal and Piano

The joined forces of music and literature can lift up both arts beyond themselves. It is this promise that impelled many composers throughout the centuries to transcend their talents in the own musical discipline to create a higher reality - whether in the intimate atmosphere of the Lied or in the exhilarating publicity of the opera. A late seventeenth-century testimony of this is the semi-opera King Arthur (1691) by Henry Purcell: In What Power art thou, who from below… chills run down the spine when the allegorical figure Cold Genius shakes off the snow from his cloak at the request of Cupid, who wants to incite a new spring with his love.
18.00 eur Buy

G.Mahler - Songs of Wayfarer - Songs on the Death of Children - O. Sedelnikova

G.Mahler - Songs of Wayfarer - Songs on the Death of Children - O. Sedelnikova
ID: ART256
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Russian Voices 21th centurySubkolektion: Vocal and Piano

Gustav Mahler. Songs of Wayfarer. Songs on the death of children (in the original language)
17.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

G. Mahler - Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen - Kindertotenlieder

G. Mahler - Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen - Kindertotenlieder
ID: AV2100146
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Voices and Orchestra

15.00 eur Buy

G. Mahler - Symphony No. 4 in G major

G. Mahler - Symphony No. 4 in G major
ID: AV2100148
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Orchester

Celestina Casapietra, soprano
György Garay, violin solo
Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester Leipzig, Herbert Kegel
15.00 eur Buy

One Clear Call - New Music with Tuba

One Clear Call - New Music with Tuba
ID: BC3008
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Brass Collection

One Clear Call is a dynamic album of newly commissioned works and arrangements recorded by outstanding tuba player Nick Etheridge. Included are pieces for brass, woodwind, strings, percussion and big band, providing a wonderful showcase for the evocative sound of this instrument. Nick shows how the tuba can be expressive, virtuosic and fun, blending beautifully into any ensemble, this recording features forty of London’s ?nest young musicians.
15.00 eur Buy

Mahler - Lieder und Gesaenge - Roland Hermann - Geoffrey Parsons

Mahler - Lieder und Gesaenge - Roland Hermann - Geoffrey Parsons
ID: CLAVES509011
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Vocal CollectionSubkolektion: Vocal and Piano

G. Mahler:
Lieder und Gesänge aus der Jugendzeit (14 songs, complete)
Revelge (Des Knaben Wunderhorn)
Der Tambourg'sell (Des Knaben Wunderhorn)
16.00 eur Buy

Masters of the Piano Roll, Vol. 6 - Mahler plays Mahler, Bartók plays Bartók

Masters of the Piano Roll, Vol. 6 - Mahler plays Mahler, Bartók plays Bartók
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Piano

All works performed by the composers on piano
15.00 eur Buy

Espaňa en el lied romántico - Mahler, Rubinstein , Mendelssohn, Grieg, etc...

Espaňa en el lied romántico - Mahler, Rubinstein , Mendelssohn, Grieg, etc...
ID: E058
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Spanish Songs

This is the debut CD of young Spanish soprano Sylvia Schwartz. The programme is a recollection of lieder by different composers who used lyrics of poets inpired by Spain or by Spanish poems. A good collection of songs by Wolf and some very rare lied like the “Spanische Romanze” by Halfdan Kjerulf. A really beautiful recording.
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

40 Years Sofia Soloists Chamber Ensemble - TELEMANN - BRITTEN - SCHUBERT - MAHLER

40 Years Sofia Soloists Chamber Ensemble - TELEMANN - BRITTEN - SCHUBERT - MAHLER
ID: GD286
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Chamber MusicSubkolektion: Chamber Ensemble

The programme is released in connection with the 40th anniversary of Sofia Soloists Chamber Ensemble. It presents three works from different epochs in music. These pieces are part of the large repertoire of the ensemble, which includes more than 400 works together with some Bulgarian composers (the album of Sofia Soloists - GD 273, as well as the compact discs GD 139, GD 160, and GD 218 released on the Gega New label include only Bulgarian authors). Founded in 1962, the ensemble quickly established itself as an elite musical formation. It has given more than 2500 concerts in Bulgaria and abroad and has a discography of over 60 releases for various music companies, Gega New included, regular television and radio broadcasts. The soloists participate in prestigious international festivals and have partnered world-renowned artists such as Henryk Szeryng, Heinz Hollinger, Daniil Shafran, Nicanor Zabaletta, Patrick Galois, Nigel Kennedy, and others. The ensemble also supports the development of many young Bulgarian musicians. Plamen Djouroff has been the conductor of Sofia Soloists since 1988. He is also Associate Professor in conducting at the Pancho Vladigerov State Academy of Music. His compositions, including Fantasia, Elegy and Toccata, Oratorio-Requiem and others have been performed many times. He is director of the Boris Christoff International Festival for Young Opera Singers.
15.00 eur Buy


ID: GD332
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Orchestral WorksSubkolektion: Orchester

The premiere performance of Symphony No. 1 took place on November 20th, 1889 in Budapest, conducted by the author himself. Almost 120 years after the premiere, Njagul Tumangelov accomplished the recording of this massive work.
Being the son of the famous composer, choir conductor and music pedagogue Dragia Tumangelov, he naturally chose music as his career. Njagul Tumangelov received his music education at the Music School for Gifted Children in Sofia and then went on to study at the State Academy of Music - Sofia, in the class of Professor Boyan Lechev. In 1962 he became the principal concertmaster of Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra, and in 1969 he received the position of principal concertmaster of the Austrian Radio and Television, and later - the Bavarian Radio and Television. He is a founder and primarius of the Austrian Radio and Television string quartet. It was by accident that he launched on his career as a conductor - the conductor of Il barbiere di Siviglia by Paisiello in the chamber opera in Vienna was suddenly taken ill and Mr. Tumangelov took his place and conducted the performance. Since then he has been successfully working both as a violin player and a conductor.
In 2000 Gega New released a CD with three sonatas for violin and piano by Villa-Lobos, recorded by Njagul Tumangelov - violin, and Bojidar Noev - piano (GD 224). Now, 8 years later, his admirers will be able to appreciate his talent as a conductor.

Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra
Njagul Tumangelov, conductor

Recorded in Studio 1 of the Bulgarian National Radio, October 2-4th, 2007
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Kunde: ungemeldet

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