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HARPER, Edward - Dirigenti

   Nalezeno titulů: 2

EDWARD HARPER - LYELL CRESSWELL - Jane Manning, soprano - The New Music Group of Scothland

EDWARD HARPER - LYELL CRESSWELL - Jane Manning, soprano - The New Music Group of Scothland
ID: MSVCD92014
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Vocal CollectionPodkolekce: Voices and Chamber Ensemble

Edward Harper is also the director of the New Music Group as well as being a fine composer, as is his contemporary Lyell Cresswell. Jane Manning is acknowledged as one of the world's leading singers of new music.

William Byrd, arr. Edward Harper:
Laetentur Coeli
Timor et Hebetudo
In Resurrexione Tua
L. Cresswell:
Prayer for the Cure of a Sprained Back
Words for Music
E. Harper:
Fantasia III
Ricercari in memoriam Luigi Dallapiccola
Byrd arrangements
12.00 eur Buy

FANNY ROBIN - an opera by Edward Harper - Jane Manning - Nigel Waugh - Roderick Horn - Scottish Opera Chours

FANNY ROBIN - an opera by Edward Harper - Jane Manning - Nigel Waugh - Roderick Horn - Scottish Opera Chours
ID: MSVCD92015
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Opera CollectionPodkolekce: Voices and Orchestra

JANE MANNING, NIGEL WAUGH, RODERICK HORN, Scottish Opera Chorus, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, cond. Edward Harper

A lovely little one-act opera based on scenes from Thomas Hardy novels, the titel role was written for Jane Manning who sings here. Musically it is a companion piece to Purcell's Dido and Aeneas with fragments of Purcell's mucic quoted in the epilogue and alluded to throughout.

01. Flourish 02. Ensemble I - The Courtship 03. Dialogue I - By the Churchyard 04. Arioso I - I go to my Love 05. Ensemble II - At the Malthouse 06. Dialogue II - Outside the Barracks 07. Arioso II - Good Night 08. Interlude: The Letter 09. Ensemble III - In Church 10. DialogueIII - At the Church Door 11. Arioso III - O Frank 12. Ensemble IV - The Wedding 13. Epilogue
12.00 eur Buy

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