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Michael Nyman - Six Celan Songs - The Ballad of Kastriot Rexhepi

Michael Nyman - Six Celan Songs - The Ballad of Kastriot Rexhepi-Voices and Orchestra-Vocal Collection
ID: MNRCD108 (EAN: 5060116570564)  | 1 CD | DDD
Released in: 2006
MN Records
Vocal Collection
Voices and Orchestra
NYMAN, Michael Laurence
LEONARD, Sarah (soprano) | SUMMERS, Hillary (contralto)
Michael Nyman Band | Nyman Quartet
Other info:

The MN Records catalogue is significantly enriched with a second set of CDs to add to the 6 released in 2005. Two major albums are released on 24 July featuring Nyman's non-operatic vocal music:

Six Celan Songs/The Ballad of Kastriot Rexhepi and Acts of Beauty/Exit no Exit are new recordings that present compelling examples of Nyman's vibrant approach to word-setting, song structure and subject matter.

Six Celan Songs/The Ballad of Kastriot Rexhepi couples two of Michael Nyman's major vocal pieces of 1991 and 2001 and two favoured singers of the composer, Hilary Summers and Sarah Leonard.

Six Celan Songs is Michael Nyman's most profound song cycle, composed in 1990 for Ute Lemper.
Nyman selected six of Paul Celan's less hermetic texts, accidentally, perhaps, all featuring flower symbolism in a kind of 'negative theology', representing Celan's attempt as a poet to come to terms with the impossibility, according to Adorno, of writing poetry 'after Auschwitz'.
The songs, individually and collectively, express both the horror, the emptiness of the writer in exile and are cast in a musical language which attempts to 'reinvent' an imaginary emotional world related to the Romanian background in 1920s Bukovina, where Celan was born.

The Ballad of Kastriot Rexhepi, unlike the Six Celan Songs, deals directly with a war situation - an 18-month- old Kosovan boy left for dead during the Kosovo war, found and re-named by the Serbs and 6 months later reunited with his parents. It is the most recent in Nyman's series of collaborations with visual artists, in this case the American feminist/conceptualist Mary Kelly. Kelly provided the composer with a complex text in a simple ballad form which Nyman brilliantly subverts in his continuous 18-minute piece, written for Sarah Leonard and the Nyman Quartet and first performed surrounded by Kelly's visual representation of the text in the Santa Monica Museum of Art in 2001.
NYMAN, Michael Laurence (b. 1944) 
Six Celan Songs (H. Summers, contralto and Michael Nyman Band) 
1. Chanson einer Dame im Schatten7:11 
2. Es war Erde in Ihnen4:57 
3. Psalm3:42 
4. Corona7:09 
5. Nächtlich Geschürzt6:48 
6. Blume6:08 
7. The Ballad of Kastriot Rexhepi - premiere recording (S.Leonard, soprano and Nyman Quartet)17:45 


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