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Today He… Is Hung Upon The Cross - Matins of Holy and Great Friday (Antiphons)

Today He… Is Hung Upon The Cross - Matins of Holy and Great Friday (Antiphons)-Choir-Sacred Music
ID: VOL.25.0 (EAN: 4603377001432)  | 2 CD | ADD
Released in: 2000
Production Centre Igor Matvienko
Sacred Music
TRUBACHEV, Sergey Zosimovich 
Male choir of the Representation Church of the Laura of the Holy Trinity and St.Sergius in Moscow
GORBIK, Vladimir
Other info:

Arrangement by Archimandrite Matthew (Mormyl)
Male choir of the Representation Church of the Laura of the Holy Trinity and St.Sergius in Moscow. Precentor Vladimir Gorbik

This is a recording of Matins of Great Friday performed by the male choir of the Representation Church of the Laura of the Holy Trinity and St.Sergius in Moscow. This service is celebrated in the evening of Great Thursday. You are familiar with it through «The Office of the Passions of the Lord» recorded by the monastic choir of Valaam Monastery. Lovers of church singing are offered a wonderful opportunity to compare these recordings and make certain that though the manner of performance differs, they are equally beautiful.
The performance is so full of feeling that those who cannot be in the church on Great Thursday will feel themselves present.
Colour booklet (8 pages) in Russian and English with a short narration on the service and the choir.

CD 1
1. The Great Litany (N. Ozerov)7:31 
2. Alleluia (Tone 8)1:56 
3. Troparion "When the glorious disciples…" (Tone 8)2:39 
4. The Little Litany1:20 
5. First reading from the Gospel (Jn 13:31-18:1)21:20 
6. Antiphon one "The rulers of the people…" (Tone 8)3:22 
7. Antiphon two "Judas ran to the lawless scribes…" (Tone 6)3:21 
8. Antiphon three "Because of the raising of Lazarus…" (Tone 2)5:10 
9. The Little Litany1:19 
10. Sessional hymn "As Thou gavest food to the disciples…" (Tone 7)1:38 
11. Second reading from the Gospel (Jn 18:1-28)6:42 
12. Antiphon four "Today Judas forsakes the Master…" (Tone 5)5:57 
13. Antiphon five "The disciple agreed upon the price of the Master…" (Tone 6)2:59 
14. Antiphon six "Today Judas watches how he may deliver up the Lord…" (Tone 7)4:52 
15. The Little Litany1:24 
16. Sessional hymn "What reason led thee, Judas, to betray the Saviour?" (Tone 7)2:04 

CD 2
1. Third reading from the Gospel (Mt 26:57-75)5:20 
2. Antiphon seven "Suffering the transgressors to lay hold on Thee, O Lord…" (Tone 8)3:23 
3. Antiphon eight "O ye, transgressors, tell us what ye heard from our Saviour?" (Tone 2)3:27 
4. Antiphon nine "They took the thirty pieces of silver…" (tone three)2:52 
5. The Little Litany1:20 
6. Sessional hymn "O how could Judas, who was once Thy disciple…" (Tone 8)1:47 
7. Fourth reading from the Gospel (Jn 18:28-19:16)7:15 
8. Antiphon ten "He Who clothes Himself in light as in a garment…" (Tone 6)3:45 
9. Antiphon eleven "In return for the blessings which Thou hast granted, O Christ, to the people of the Hebrews…" (Tone 6)4:11 
10. Antiphon twelve "Thus says the Lord to the Jews…" (Tone 8)5:11 
11. The Little Litany1:22 
12. Sessional hymn "When Thou the Judge, O God, wast standing before Caiaphas…" (Tone 8)1:22 
13. Fifth reading from the Gospel (Mt 27:3-32)6:42 
14. Antiphon thirteen "The assembly of the Jews…" (Tone 6)3:40 
15. Antiphon fourteen "O Lord, Thou hast taken as Thy companion the thief…" (Tone 8)2:36 
TRUBACHEV, Sergey Zosimovich (1919-1995) 
16. Antiphon fifteen "Today He… is hung upon the Cross" (Tone 6, deacon S.Trubachev)10:16 
17. The Little Litany1:28 
18. Sessional hymn "Thou hast redeemed us…" (Tone 4)1:38 


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