Composer: VERDI, Giuseppe ((1813-1901)) |
 | His/her life: Lena Mireles writes: In the book "The Creators, a History of Heroes of the Imagination" by Daniel Boorstin, contains lots of pertinent information.
ID: AQVR220-2 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal and Opera Collection Subcollection: Voices and Orchestra Conductors: Onissim Bron (1, 12), Nikolai Golovanov (7),
Alexander Melik-Pashaev (2, 4, 6, 9, 11), Vasily Nebolsin (10), Alexander Orlov (3), Samuil Samosud (5), Mikhail Zhukov (8)
Accompanied by Alexei Zybtsev, Matvei Sakharov, Alexander Dedyukhin, ensemble under Leonid Pyatigorsky |
16.00 eur Buy |
ID: AQVR252-2 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal and Opera Collection Subcollection: Voice, Piano and Orchestra Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater.
Conductors: V.Delman (1), A.Tchugunov (2), A.Melik-Pashaev (3), B.Haikin (4), piano: A.Zybtsev (5, 7, 13-19), V.Victorov (6, 8-12).
Years of recording: 1940 (2), 1952 (15-19), 1954 (5, 7, 13, 14), 1961 (1, 6, 8), 1962 (9-12), 1963 (4). |
16.00 eur Buy |
ID: AQVR258-2 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal and Opera Collection Subcollection: Voice, Piano and Orchestra Bolshoi theatre choir and orchestra.
Conductors: Vassily Nebolsin (1, 2, 5, 6-8, 12, 14, 15),
Kirill Kondrashin (3, 4, 13).
Piano: Sergei Stuchevsky (9, 10). Abram Makarov (11)
Recorded in: 1946 (14), 1947 (9, 10), 1948 (7), 1949 (3-6),
1950 (1, 2, 13, 15). 1952 (8, 12), 1953 (11) |
16.00 eur Buy |
ID: AQVR261-2 CDs: 2 Type: CD |
Collection: Opera Collection Subcollection: Voices and Orchestra Libretto by Francesco Maria Piave
Violetta Valery, a courtesan - ELIZAVETA SHUMSKAYA
Alfredo Germont - SERGEI LEMESHEV
Georgio Germont - PAVEL LISITSIAN
Flora Bervoix, Violetta's friend - Olga Insarova
Gastone, Alfredo's friend - Boris Bobkov
Barone Douphol, Violetta's lover, a rival of Alfredo - Mikhail Solovyev
Marchese d'Obigny - G. Vorobyev
Dottore Grenvil - V. Gorbunov
Annina, Violetta's maid - T. Parfenenko
Servant - Ivan Ionov
Commissioner - I. Khapov
Conductor - Simeon Sakharov
Clarinet solo - A. Pressman
Director - E. Sokovnin
Choirmaster - S. Shumsky |
28.00 eur Buy |
ID: AQVR281-2 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal and Opera Collection Subcollection: Voices and Orchestra Opera Arias (1937-1940 recordings)
Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Conductor: L. Steinberg (3-6, 8, 9), A.Orlov (1, 2, 7, 15-19), A Melik-Pashaev (13, 14), A. Tchugunov (20, 21)
Year of recording: 1937 (7), 1938 (8, 9), 1939 (5, 6), 1940 (1-4, 10-21)
Track list:
1. M’ appari tutti ‘amor (F. Flotow ‘Marta’ Act 3)
2. O paradiso (G.Meyerbeer ‘Lafricana’ Act 4)
3. Second song of Alyosha Popovich (A.Gretchaninov ‘Dobrinya Nikitich’, Act 1)
4. Levko’s first song (N. Rimsky-Korsakov ‘May Night’ Act 1)
5. Vakula’s arioso (P.Tschaikovsky ‘The Slippers’ Act 1)
6. Vakula’s song (P.Tchaikovsky ‘The Slippers’ Act 3)
7. Lensky’s aria (P.Tchaikovsky ‘Eugene Onegin’ Act 3)
8. Werther’s aria (G. Massenet ‘Werther’ Act 3)
9. Nadir’s romance (G.Bizet ‘The Pearl Fishers’ Act 1)
10. M’ appari tutti ‘amor (F. Flotow ‘Martha’ Act 3) Alternative
11. Levko’s second song (N. Rimsky-Korsakov ‘May Night’ Act 1)
12. Levko’s third song (N. Rimsky-Korsakov ‘May Night’ Act 3)
13. Prince’s Cavatina (A. Dargomyzhsky ‘Rusalka’ Act 3)
14. Dubrovsky’s romance (E. Napravnik ‘Dubrovsky’ Act 1)
15. Second song of Alyosha Popovich (A.Gretchaninov ‘Dobrinya Nikitich’,Act 1) Alternative
16. Hindu Chant of Bagoas (A.Serov ‘Judith’ Act 4)
17. Berendei’s Cavatina (N.Rimsky-Korsakav ‘The Snow Maiden’ Act 2)
18. Wilhelm’s romance (A. Thomas ‘Mignon’ Act 3.)
19. Enzo’s aria (A. Ponchielli ‘ La Gioconda’ Act 2)
20. Duke’s ballad (G.Verdi ‘Rigoletto’ Act1)
21. Duke’s aria (G.Verdi ‘Rigoletto’ Act3) |
16.00 eur Buy |
ID: AQVR282-2 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal and Opera Collection Subcollection: Voices and Orchestra Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Conductor: A Melik-Pashaev (1 - 4), V. Nebolsin (5 - 12), S. Sakharov (13, 14), M. Zhukov (15 -18)
Year of recording: 1948 (1 -4) 1949 (8 - 12) 1951 (13 - 14) 1952 (15 - 17) |
16.00 eur Buy |
ID: AQVR283-2 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal and Opera Collection Subcollection: Voices and Orchestra Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Conductor: S. Samosud (1, 17), V. Nebolsin (3-5), B.Khaikin (6-16), A Melik-Pashaev (18)
Harp: L. Mnyzhina (2)
Track list:
1. Almaviva’s cavatina (G.Rossini ‘Il Barbiere di Siviglia’, Act 1)
2. Almaviva’s canzona (G.Rossini ‘Il Barbiere di Siviglia’, Act 1)
3. Alfred's recitative and aria (Verdi «Traviata», 2 act)
4. A song of the singer offstage (A.Arensky ‘Raphael’)
5. Song of the Hindu Guest (N.Rimsky-Korsakov ‘Sadko’, Scene 4.)
6. Lensky’s Arioso (P. Tschaikovsky ‘Eugene Onegin’ Act 1)
7. Fra-Diavolo’s barcarolle (D. Auber ‘Fra-Diavolo’ Act 2.)
8. Fra-Diavolo’s recitative and aria (D. Auber ‘Fra-Diavolo’ Act 3.)
9. Wilhelm’s romance (A. Thomas ‘Mignon’ Act 3.)
10. Werther’s aria (G. Massenet ‘Werther’ Act 3)
11. Duke’s ballad (G.Verdi ‘Rigoletto’ Act1)
12. Duke’s song (G.Verdi ‘Rigoletto’ Act3)
13. Jontek’s aria (Moniuszko "Halka", 4 act.)
14. Berendei’s Cavatina (N.Rimsky-Korsakav ‘The Snow Maiden’ Act 2)
15. Prince’s Cavatina (A. Dargomyzhsky ‘Rusalka’ Act 3)
16. Harlequin’s serenade (P. Leoncavallo ‘ I Pagliacci’ Act 2)
Bonus Tacks:
17. Romeo and Juliet (P. Tchaikovsky arranged S. Tanaev)
Juliet - Tatiana Lavrova, Romeo - Sergei Lemeshev, Nurse - Alexandra Matiushina
18. Scene of Bi-u’s son (D.Kabelevsky ‘Nikita Vershinin’ Act 3) |
16.00 eur Buy |
ID: AQVR284-2 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal and Opera Collection Subcollection: Voice, Piano and Orchestra Orchestra of Russian opera in Kharbin, conductor Y.Pozen (1-8); an orchestra of the Bolshoi theatre, conductors L.Steinberg (13-19), A.Melik-Pashaev (22), A.Orlov (23); solo on a violin - A.Shilo (22)
Piano: A.Slutsky (9), A.Makarov (11, 12, 20, 21) |
16.00 eur Temporarily out of stock |
ID: AQVR285-2 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal and Opera Collection Subcollection: Voices and Orchestra Irina Maslennikova - soprano (15)
An orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre (1, 6, 7, 13-22), an All-Union Radio Committee's orchestra (2-5, 8-12)
conductors: V.Nebolsin (1, 14-17, 19, 21, 22), A.Orlov (2-5, 8-10, 13), K.Kondrashin (6, 7), M.Zhukov (11, 12), S.Sakharov (18), A.Melik-Pashaev (20)
recorded in: 1940 (1-2), 1943 (6, 7), 1944 (8), 1945 (3, 4, 9-13), 1946 (5, 14-19), 1947 (21, 22), 1948 (20) |
16.00 eur Buy |
ID: AQVR297-2 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal and Opera Collection Subcollection: Voices and Orchestra E.Belov (Germont), T. Parfenenko (Annina), V.Gorbunov (Doctor) (5)
Conductors: S. Sakharov (1, 3-5), A. Orlov (2), S. Samosud (6-9), V. Nebolsin (10, 11), Golovanov (12)
Recorded: 1944 (2) 1945 (4), 1947 (1, 3), 1948 (6-9, 11, 12), 1952 (10), 1953 (5) |
16.00 eur Buy |