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Emil Gilels, piano: J.S. Bach - Partita No.1, BWV 825 / Mozart - Piano sonata in C minor, K 457 / Beethoven and etc…

Emil Gilels, piano: J.S. Bach - Partita No.1, BWV 825 / Mozart - Piano sonata in C minor, K 457 / Beethoven and etc…
ID: RCD16363
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ruská klavírní školaPodkolekce: Klavír

Live Recording.
Recorded in 1949 (15, 16);
1950 (2-8; 19-24);
1952 (12, 14); 1953 (17, 18);
1951 (1, 13)

Presented on this disc are recordings of 1949-1953 made at the recitals in the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory: Partita No. 1 and Prelude from Well Tempered Clavier of Bach, Sonata in C minor of Mozart, Scarlatti’s Sonata, Beethoven’s Bagatelle in E flat major, Mendelssohn’s Scherzo, and pieces by Chopin and Prokofiev.
The music of Bach had a special place in Gilels’s creativity. “He was probably the first composer that really excited me still in my early childhood,” said the pianist about Bach. However, he was most interested in his organ music (according to himself, there was a time when he was even going to study organ playing). Therefore, he included transcriptions on his programs much more often than original piano compositions. Still more interesting is the unique recording of Bach’s Partita (Gilels’s heritage contains no other recording of it).
Another author of that epoch whom the pianist willingly addressed was Scarlatti. He used to include his sonatas in the uncompleted cycle “History of Piano Sonata.”
Gilels’s addressing Mozart should be specially noted. It seemed unexpected to many critics, for Gilels was primarily apprehended as a virtuoso for a long time. The tragic Sonata in C minor is a masterpiece in Gilels’s heritage.
Generally, he often surprised critics. For instance, by his Chopin interpretations (a reviewer commented in 1972 that “accurate and disciplined Gilels went into a state of ecstatic frenzy” when performing the First Ballad of Chopin). Presented here are his recordings of Nocturne in C minor, Second Impromptu, and two etudes of Chopin.
Beethoven was of greatest importance for Gilels. For example, he performed the whole set of the Beethoven concertos; in the last years of his life, he started recording all of Beethoven’s piano sonatas and variations, but had no time to finish the work. The Bagatelle in this recording is also unique.
Mendelssohn’s music was with Gilels throughout his life, starting from the very first recital. Presented here is Scherzo from Op. 16.
Gilels played much of music contemporary to him, and Soviet music in particular. His interpretations of Prokofiev were brilliant (by the way, he was the premiere performer of the Eighth Sonata). Presented on this CD are two Prokofiev recordings, pieces from the Visions Fugitives cycle and Toccata.
15.00 eur Buy

Nikolai Petrov, piano: Chopin - 4 Scherzos / Mendelsson - Sonate écossaise / Brahms - Variations and Fugue

Nikolai Petrov, piano: Chopin - 4 Scherzos / Mendelsson - Sonate écossaise / Brahms - Variations and Fugue
ID: RCD16360
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ruská klavírní školaPodkolekce: Klavír

Recording in 1989 (1-4), 1987 (5-7), 1988 (8)
Remastering: RCD, 2003

The performance of Chopin’s Scherzos by Nikolai Petrov is passionate and inspired. His brilliant pianism shows itself not only in his phenomenal technique and frantic vigor creating an unbelievable inner tension, but also in the startling differentiation of the dynamic spectrum, unrivaled knowledge of all of its grades, from a barely-heard pianissimo to a monumental fortissimo. Petrov’s interpretation, in which the pianist retaining his delicate touch and utmost self-control “goes all out”, making the listener survive all the drama of these works at the deepest emotional level, as a direct actor in the event.

The virtuoso romantic Fantasia (1830-33) of Mendelssohn is
the fusion of the Classicist and the Romanticist is excellently conveyed in the interpretation of Nikolai Petrov: harmonious balance of interpretation, amazing warmth and cordiality of the sound, and brilliant virtuosity of piano playing.

Such infrequently performed opuses as Mendelssohn’s Fantasia and Brahms’s Handel Variations take a worthy place in the vast repertoire of Nikolai Petrov. His inspired attitude towards music of Romanticist composers, sensitive and deep insight when dealing with the text, strictness, and sweep may serve as a reference for performance of Romanticist music.
15.00 eur Buy

Gennady Dzyubenko, piano: F. Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12. / M. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition / S. Prokofiev - Piano Sonata No. 6. Op. 82

Gennady Dzyubenko, piano: F. Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12. / M. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition / S. Prokofiev - Piano Sonata No. 6. Op. 82
ID: RCD30107
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ruská klavírní školaPodkolekce: Klavír

Recording in 2000

Music pieces, offered to the listeners of this
CD, make up the golden fund of piano music:
Rhapsody N12 by Liszt, “Pictures from the
Exhibition” by Mussorgsky and Sonata N6 by
Prokofiev. These masterpieces of European
music have a great influence not only on
amateurs, but also on musicians, determining
the main channel in their professional road. This
is the opinion of pianist Gennady Dzyubenko,
who recorded these pieces at the Russian
Compact Disc studio.
15.00 eur Buy

Temirzhan Yerzhanov, piano: R. Schumann - Davidsbündlertänze Op. 6 / Grande Sonate in F minor, Op. 14 / Gesänge der Frühe, Op. 133.

Temirzhan Yerzhanov, piano: R. Schumann - Davidsbündlertänze Op. 6 / Grande Sonate in F minor, Op. 14 / Gesänge der Frühe, Op. 133.
ID: RCD30305
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ruská klavírní školaPodkolekce: Klavír

Recorded in March 27 and March 30. 2001 at the Moscow Radio House
15.00 eur Buy

Vladimir Sofronitsky, piano: Franz (Peter) Schubert - Der Müller und der Bach and etc...

Vladimir Sofronitsky, piano: Franz (Peter) Schubert - Der Müller und der Bach and etc...
ID: RCD16290
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ruská klavírní školaPodkolekce: Klavír

Recorded: 1953 (7)
Recorded: 1959 (10-14)
Recorded: 1960 (1-6, 8-9)
15.00 eur Buy

Vladimir Ashkenazy, piano - F.F. Chopin - 12 Etudes, Op. 10 / 12 Etudes, Op. 25

Vladimir Ashkenazy, piano - F.F. Chopin - 12 Etudes, Op. 10 / 12 Etudes, Op. 25
ID: RCD16199
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ruská klavírní školaPodkolekce: Klavír

Recorded at the concert-hall of Moscow Institute named after Gnesins, 1-12, 20-24 - 1959, 13-19 - 1960
15.00 eur Buy

Nikolai Petrov, piano: D. Scarlatti / A.Soler / L. Van Beethoven / J.N. Hummel / F.P. Schubert / F. Liszt

Nikolai Petrov, piano: D. Scarlatti / A.Soler / L. Van Beethoven / J.N. Hummel / F.P. Schubert / F. Liszt
ID: RCD16364
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ruská klavírní školaPodkolekce: Klavír

Nikolaj Petrov (1943 - 2011), byl vynikající hudebník, jeden z nejznámějších světových představitelů moderní ruské klavírní školy, zaslouženě zaujímá své místo mezi nejpozoruhodnějšími hudebníky současnosti.
Již od počátků jeho koncertní činnosti si kritici všímali skutečně silného hudebního talentu, který dokáže zprostředkovat lyrická odhalení i mohutné emocionální úlety; „monumentální virtuozita“ jeho klavírní hry; snadná a bezplatná produkce zvuku a neposkvrněný vkus. Petrovovi tleskali diváci nejprestižnějších koncertních sálů, jako jsou Carnegie Hall a Albert Hall, Lincoln Center a Kennedy Center, Concertgebouw, Colon Theater a mnoho dalších.
15.00 eur Buy

Sviatoslav Richter, piano: M. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition/ S. Prokofiev - Piano Sonata No. 7,Op. 83 / S.Rachmaninov - Preludes

Sviatoslav Richter, piano: M. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition/ S. Prokofiev - Piano Sonata No. 7,Op. 83 / S.Rachmaninov  -  Preludes
ID: RCD16365
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ruská klavírní školaPodkolekce: Klavír

Tracks 1 - 13: studio recordings first published in 1960
Tracks 14- 16: recordings first published in 1957
15.00 eur Buy

Grigory Ginzburg - Piano Works by Franz Liszt: Peaces from 9 Hungarian Rhapsodies, S.244/R.106 / etc...

Grigory Ginzburg - Piano Works by Franz Liszt:  Peaces from 9 Hungarian Rhapsodies, S.244/R.106 / etc...
ID: RCD16262
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ruská klavírní školaPodkolekce: Klavír

(1, 3, 7, 10) Piano transcriptions of F.P. Schubert
(6) Piano transcriptions of C. Gounod
(9) Piano transcriptions of G.Verdi
(4) Piano transcriptions of A. A. Alyabiev
15.00 eur Buy

Vladimir Sofronitsky, piano: Mozart - Fantasia, KV 396 / Rachmaninov - Two Moments Musicaux, Op. 16 / Debussy - From "Children's corner" / etc…

Vladimir Sofronitsky, piano: Mozart - Fantasia, KV 396 / Rachmaninov - Two Moments Musicaux, Op. 16 / Debussy - From "Children's corner" / etc…
ID: RCD16292
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ruská klavírní školaPodkolekce: Klavír

Live in Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatoire
Date of recording: Live recording November 26, 1951
15.00 eur Buy
Zákazník: neřihlášen

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