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Orchestr, page 66

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Harrison Birtwistle: Ancora - Triumph of Time

Harrison Birtwistle: Ancora - Triumph of Time
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Orchestral WorksPodkolekce: Orchestr

While I Am Goya, The Sickle and Remembering Esenin share a common inspiration in Russian poetry of the last century, the Flute Concerto provides a contrast in its neo-Baroque concerto grosso style.
These recordings were originally released on Unicorn-Kanchana in 1983.
Reissued with funding from Arts Council England.
22.00 eur Buy

Stuart Mac Rae - Violin Concerto

Stuart Mac Rae - Violin Concerto
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Violin

Stuart MacRae's Violin Concerto, commissioned for the 2001 BBC Proms, is performed here by soloist Christian Tetzlaff with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra under its chief conductor Ilan Volkov; it is coupled with Stirling Choruses, written for the brass section of the BBC SSO, which portrays the “dark and foreboding” Stirling Castle.

These are works are joined by Motus, a processional for 6 instruments; and Two Scenes from the Death of Count Ugolino, for voice and instrumental ensemble - based on a gruesome section of Dante’s Inferno, and featuring mezzo-soprano Loré Lixenberg.

1-4 - Christian Tetzlaff violin/ BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra/ Ilan Volkov conductor
5-6 - Loré Lixenberg mezzo-soprano/ BCMG/ Susanna Mälkki conductor
7 - BCMG/ Susanna Mälkki conductor
8 - BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra/ Ilan Volkov conductor
22.00 eur Buy

Julian Anderson - Book of Hours

Julian Anderson - Book of Hours
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Orchestr

Book of Hours combines ensemble and live electronics in a tribute to the glories of late medieval art; it uses electronic sound as (in the composer's words) "an extra colour … rather as gold-leaf might be applied in a Medieval manuscript".

This exploration of other times and sound-worlds is continued in Eden, Four American Choruses and Symphony (inspired by a painting of Lake Keitele in Finland); the disc is completed by Imagin'd Corners, an exuberant showpiece for five horns and orchestra.
Note on Recording (Track 9 "noise")
We would like to point out that the crackling noise present on track 2 of Book of Hours (track 9 of the album) is intentional. The composer's idea was to begin Part 2 of the work as a distorted version of Part 1 (track 8). Julian Anderson has explained to us that he is recreating - with electronics - the surface noise of LPs bought in Eastern Europe before the fall of the Berlin Wall (he has a strong interest in Eastern European music).

1- City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra/ Martyn Brabbins, conductor
2, 7 - City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra/ Sakari Oramo, conductor
3, 4, 5, 6 - City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus/ Simon Halsey, conductor
8, 9 - Birmingham Contemporary Music Group/ Oliver Knussen, conductor
22.00 eur Buy

Anthony Payne - Time's Arrow

Anthony Payne - Time's Arrow
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Orchestral WorksPodkolekce: Orchestr

An evocation of the Big Bang, the music of Time's Arrow traces the expansion and contraction of the universe. Vivid rhythmic invention and glowing harmony contribute to a work of uninhibited and exhilarating momentum.
22.00 eur Buy

Jonathan Harvey - Bird Concerto with Pianosong

Jonathan Harvey - Bird Concerto with Pianosong
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Klavír

Hideki Nagano, London Sinfonietta, David Atherton, Gareth Hulse, Paul Archibald, Tim Gill, Sound Intermedia

Jonathan Harvey won a Gramophone Award in 2008 for his NMC CD Body Mandala. The works, commissioned by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, explore his fascination with Eastern philosophies.

The BBC Symphony Orchestra celebrates the life and work of Jonathan Harvey in two days of concerts, films and talks at the Barbican, London. Total Immersion runs from the 28-29 January 2012.

Harvey’s Bhakti was the first release on NMC in 1989.

Jonathan was invited by Pierre Boulez to work at IRCAM in the early 1980s.

Bird Concerto - Harvey's hommage to Messiaen - is a celebration of the kind of technical advances in electroacoustics which the creator of Oiseaux exotiques and the Catalogue d’oiseaux was never able to explore. Harvey started writing the piece when he was in California and says that ‘indigo bunting, orchard oriole, golden crowned sparrow ... are some of the forty colourful Californian birds whose songs and cries sparked the ignition of this work’. The bird sounds have been innovatively transformed to create a mesmeric dialogue between nature and art. Harvey sets the piano soloist (the work was commissioned by pianist Joanna MacGregor) the challenge of combining piano playing and triggering a sampler/ synthesizer so that the live electronics can be realised in real-time performance. Other works on this disc are Other Presences, for trumpet and multi-loop effects, and two versions of the canonic Ricercare una melodia (1984) originally written for trumpet and quadraphonic tape-delay system, but here performed on oboe and cello, with live electronics from Sound Intermedia.
22.00 eur Buy

Objects At An Exhibition

Objects At An Exhibition
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Orchestr

Barry, G: The One-Armed Pianist
Guy: Mr Babbage is coming to dinner
Mayo: Supermarine
Molitor, C: 2TwoLO
Musgrave: Power Play
Sawer: Coachman Chronos
Aurora Orchestra, Nicholas Collon

Objects at an Exhibition is a landmark commissioning project by NMC Recordings, in partnership with Aurora Orchestra and the Science Museum 'The most headline-grabbing of a series of recent announcements by NMC [that] aims to increase the audience for contemporary music ... this is an imaginative step on that worthwhile mission' Gramophone

Re-imagining Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition for the twenty-first century, these six new works, commissioned by NMC Recordings, are inspired by an object or space in London's world-renowned Science Museum. Each composer had free rein to pick an exhibit.

Thea Musgrave was attracted to the impressive Energy Hall with its C18th- C19th steam engines; the result is a playful work for woodwind, brass and strings that conveys the inner workings of the vast machines.

Christopher Mayo's piece for cello, double bass and four samplers is inspired by a slate statue of RJ Mitchell (the designer of the Spitfire) in the Flight Gallery. Samples of aeroplane engines grow from distant drone to hypnotic and cachophonous noise.

The enormous but 'melancholic' quality of 2LO (the first BBC transmitter) was what first caught Claudia Molitor's eye, and after doing some research she discovered that initially the transmission of music was prohibited and only speech was deemed acceptable. She uses BBC Sound Archive recordings from 2LO broadcasts in her piece.

David Sawer's work, with percussion - like strings, woodwind and fl ugel horn, conjures up vivid images of the 1830 York Mail Coach (displayed in the 'Making of the Modern World' gallery) speeding through the streets.

Gerald Barry chose an artificial arm with fingers stretched to play only octaves as inspiration - the prosthetic limb belonged to an unidentified female pianist and Barry's haunting, hypnotic composition continually repeats a two-note phrase which gradually evolves into octaves.

The graphic score hand-drawn and partially coloured by Barry Guy is a work of art in itself. Charles Babbage's Difference Engine and his drawings influenced Guy's piece which unsurprisingly, for a composer/bassist who has worked in free improv groups with Derek Bailey and Evan Parker, calls on spontaneity and improvisation from the 13 musicians of the Aurora Orchestra.
22.00 eur Buy

L. van BEETHOVEN - Klavierkonzert Nr. 4 op. 58, etc... - H. Knappertsbusch / W.Backhaus, piano

L. van BEETHOVEN - Klavierkonzert Nr. 4 op. 58, etc... - H. Knappertsbusch / W.Backhaus, piano
ID: GM4.0040
Disk: 3
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Orchestr

23.00 eur Buy

Georg Friedrich Haas, Jörg Widmann - Donaueschinger Musiktage 2006 Vol. 2

Georg Friedrich Haas, Jörg Widmann - Donaueschinger Musiktage 2006 Vol. 2
ID: NEOS10725
Disk: 1
Type: SACD
Kolekce: World Premiere RecordingPodkolekce: Orchestr

25.00 eur Buy

Russian Fairy Tales 2 - Cd - Ivan Shpiller, Yondai Butt, Uvm

Russian Fairy Tales 2 - Cd - Ivan Shpiller, Yondai Butt, Uvm
ID: BRIL92138
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ruská lidová hudbaPodkolekce: Orchestr

25.00 eur Buy

P. I. Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake - ballet

P. I. Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake - ballet
ID: MKM208
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ballet MusicPodkolekce: Orchestr

25.00 eur Buy
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