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Instrumental, page 13

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Gleb Akselrod, piano - (N. Medtner, D. Scarlatti, F. Liszt)

Gleb Akselrod, piano - (N. Medtner, D. Scarlatti, F. Liszt)
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

Moscow State Conservatory presents

«Gleb Akselrod is one of the brighlest and most gifted pianists whose artistic development fell on the fifties. He already showed himself to be a serious musician of great ability as a virtuoso when he was still a conservatory student under Professor G. R. Ginzburg», wrote Lev Nikolayevich Oborin.

Akselrod graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1948 and completed a post-graduate course in 1951. Already at the beginning of his artistic career the pianist won wide recognition. He was a great success at a number of important international competitions - the B. Smetana Competition in Prague, the M. Long Competition in Paris, the Viana da Mota Competition in Lisbon. Since this time Gleb Akselrod, Merited Artist of the RSFSR and Professor of Moscow Conservatory, has been combining teaching and intensive concert activity in the USSR and abroad. «G. Akselrod is a musician with broad outlook, he feels and understands keenly the style and form of quite different musical works», said Yakov Vladimirovich Fliere. This opinion is supported by Akselrod’s interpretation of Russian and modern music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Shchedrin, Galynin), works by foreign composers (D. Scarlatti, Beethoven, Brahms, Liszt, Debussy).
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Bassics Music for Bass Clarinet and Piano

Bassics Music for Bass Clarinet and Piano
ID: CC0045
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Piano and Clarinet

Bozza: Ballade for Bass Clarinet
Krol: Fantasiestücke
Loeb: Sonata Lirica
Rasse: Lied, (one of the first compositions for bass clarinet and piano)
Söll: Mirabelles

Rob Broek, piano / Henri Bok, bass clarinet
15.00 eur Buy

Semplice: From Beautiful Beginnings... - Victoria Soames Samek: clarinet, Tim Watts: piano

Semplice: From Beautiful Beginnings... - Victoria Soames Samek: clarinet, Tim Watts: piano
ID: CC0053
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Piano and Clarinet

15.00 eur Buy

David Pollock - O Mistris Myne - The English Virginals

David Pollock - O Mistris Myne - The English Virginals
ID: LIR005
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Instrumental

150 years of English virginals music
Classical Periods: Baroque, Medieval, Renaissance

For this CD David has chosen a programme which reflects the social and political changes taking place in Britain through the 16th and 17th centuries, and which explores the different influences on the repertoire of the virginal, an instrument which was a major part of musical life at that time. Through a chronological survey, he also focuses our attention on the development of the instrument itself and how it adapted to the demands of the changing repertoire.

David makes particular use of the Arpichordium, or ‘bray’ stop: a batten parallel with the bridge, in which are fixed a set of metal hooks that touch the strings when the stop is engaged, resulting in a colourful ‘buzzing’ sound.

The instrument used in this recording was made by Ian Tucker, and is a Muselar virginal, an exact replica of one made in Antwerp in 1620, by Andreas Ruckers.

(English repertoire played on a Ruckers reproduction).
15.00 eur Buy

Felix Blumenfeld - Piano Works - Jouni Somero, piano

Felix Blumenfeld - Piano Works - Jouni Somero, piano
ID: FCRCD-9706
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: World Premiere Recording

Etude de concert op.24,
Souvenir douloureux op.2/2,
2 Nocturnes op.6,
Suite Polonaise op.23,
10 Moments lyriques op.27,
2 Morceaux op.37
15.00 eur Buy

David Pollock: The French Harpsichord

David Pollock: The French Harpsichord
ID: LIR006
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Harpsichord

17th & 18th century French harpsichord music on a Ruckers reproduction instrument.

On this CD David Pollock has chosen a programme that reveals much of the evolution of the French tradition of harpsichord music. It is recorded on a copy of a harpsichord made in 1636 by Andreas Ruckers and given a characteristic ravalement by Henri Hemsch in 1763. It was built by Anne and Ian Tucker, and as well as the characteristic sound of the instrument, it recreates the decorative scheme: the pastoral scene on the interior of the lid dates from before the ravalement, while the mythological scenes painted on the exterior are eighteenth century. The original - still playable - is thought to have belonged to the House of Savoy until 1900, and now forms part of the Cobbe Collection at Hatchlands.

For the music David has chosen a programme that reveals much of the evolution of the diverse French harpsichord tradition, beginning with Jacques Champion de Chambonnières, one of the most important early French harpsichordists, whose influence spread beyond Paris, and moving through his protegés Couperin (Louis) and D’Anglebert, whose music synthesised the various musical styles spreading across the continent, helping to create a definitive French sound. Le Roux and Francois Couperin further developed the style, exploring the harpsichord’s emotional and sonorous capabilities, and Royer, who “brings up the rear” shows that the style had become refined and distinctive in its ornamentation, its expressiveness, its structure and its technique.
15.00 eur Buy

Seis sonatinas para guitarra - Gabriel Estarellas

Seis sonatinas para guitarra - Gabriel Estarellas
ID: E044
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Guitar Music

15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Spanish Composers of Today Vol. 3 - Joan Guinjoan

Spanish Composers of Today Vol. 3 - Joan Guinjoan
ID: E035
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Today's Spanish Composers

1 - A. Ricci, mezzo-soprano / Grupo Círculo - J.L. Temes, conductor
2, 3 - I. Rodes, guitar / English Chamber Orchestra - E. Colomer, conductor
4 - D.Deguines, fagot / Grupo Círculo - J.L. Temes, conductor
5 - A. Ricci, mezzo-soprano /J.P. Dupuy, cinta / Grupo Koan - J.R. Encinar, conductor
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Benjamin Godar - Piano Works - Jouni Somero, piano

Benjamin Godar - Piano Works - Jouni Somero, piano
ID: FCRCD-9738
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: World Premiere Recording

15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Penelope Thwaites, piano: Travelling Between Worlds

Penelope Thwaites, piano: Travelling Between Worlds
ID: LIR016
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

15.00 eur Buy
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