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Instrumental, page 24

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ID: GD109
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Klavír

The title of the present album PAGANINIANA comes from Milstein's Paganiniana and hints to the content of the programme: virtuoso violin pieces in the style of Paganini, perfectly performed and recorded by the two virtuoso players.

"Mario HOSSEN with magnificent creativity interprets the famous violin concert of Paganini with superb sound, clear tone and vigor" - this is part of the review in the Austrian "Oberosterrichiche Nachrichten", where the violin player is called "a Paganini reincarnation".
Mario Hossen finished the Plovdiv High School of Music and then furthered his studies in the Vienna Music Academy. The performer graduated with award of the Austrian Ministry of Culture for outstanding artistic achievement. He then began his brilliant concert appearances in Europe, America and Asia. The violinist is holder of many awards at international competitions and festivals in Europe. He often has concert performances with the pianist Ludmil PETKOV (a graduate of the Pancho Vladigerov State Academy of Music in Sofia, who afterwards perfected his piano mastership with Prof. Rudolf Kehrer in Weimar, Germany). Both artists already have their first CD released together, which has won recognition among wide cultural circles in Europe .
The title of the present album PAGANINIANA comes from Milstein's Paganiniana and hints to the content of the programme: virtuoso violin pieces in the style of Paganini, perfectly performed and recorded by the two virtuoso players.
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock


ID: GD112
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

The CD of the famous Bulgarian pianist and composer Emile Naoumoff, includes eight mazurkas, written by Chopin throughout the years, some of which are much preferred by the performers for the specific melodic and metro-rhythmical character of the music. To them add preludes, waltzes, and other popular and attractive for the listener works by the great Polish composer, patriot, dreamer, rebel, romantic and innovator. The moods are melancholic and nostalgic, at times sad, even gloomy, at times varied with outbursts of joy and hope. Emile Naoumoff interprets each of the miniatures in a manner of his own, imbuing them with a feeling, with tenderness and intimacy. His performance impresses with a masterful switching between the tempos, fine nuancing and elegance. The recording highlights Naoumoff as an excellent interpreter of Chopin's music, as a master of expressiveness who has achieved a unity between the author's text and his own reading. Thus the pieces sound in a good style and acquire a character different
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock


ID: GD131
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

Having graduated from the State Academy of Music in Sofia and specialised with world-known pianist Yvonne Lefebure in Paris, after which she furthered her studies at the Juilliard School of Music (New York), Pavlina Dokovska is among the most celebrated Bulgarian pianists enjoying a brilliant concert career. She has included in the CD her interpretations of three popular works by Robert Schumann, an author who holds a significant place in the pianist's repertoire. Dokovska possesses keen sensitivity and is particularly skilled at colouring the sound, all of these qualities bringing her close to Schumann's emotional style and idiom. For this reason the CD fascinates the listener with the passion of his music, its emotionality and multitude of musical images, which the pianist models out with the precision and security of a master who has long overcome the technical problems (the pieces require specific piano technique) and has deeply penetrated in the musical text. Over this there appear the brilliant Schumane
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock


ID: GD132
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Folk Music

This third in succession CD of kaval-player Theodosii Spassov, an unusual phenomenon in the music-performing art, is an emanation of love for music and improvisation. At the same time, the term bratimene means spiritual closeness between people of common souls, tastes, moral and aesthetic values. That is why the virtuoso kaval-player and improviser has made a selection of pieces recorded between 1983 and 1998, on different occasions, with different friends from the circle of musicians, poets and artists to which he has always belonged. Some of them are his own compositions that have made him famous. The release presents a unique fusion of folk and jazz music, of bright musical personalities, who perform with an unmatched feeling for ensemble. These are 13 brilliant compositions and performances that bring real aesthetic joy and satisfaction.

Performed by: Theodosii Spassov (kaval and vocals), Vesselin Koichev (guitar), Docho Panov (bass-guitar), Simeon Shterev (flute), Roumen Toskov (piano), Vesselin Vesselinov-Eco (double-bass), Stoyan Yankulov (drums), Milcho Leviev (piano), Peter Petrov (tenor-saxophone), Ruschuk Trio, Vesselin Nikolov Sextet, Yildiz Ibrahimova (vocals), Radoul Nachkov (drums), Boris Dinev (percussions), Ognyan Videv (guitar), Acoustic Version, Anatoly Vapirov (soprano-saxophone), Georgi Donchev (double-bass), Stefka Onikian (vocals), Nikolai Dragnev (guitar), Dimiter Shanov (bass-guitar)
15.00 eur Buy


ID: GD135
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

Pianist Ludmil Angelov offers very interesting and original interpretations of some of Chopin's little known early works. As a performer who constantly looks for new opportunities for his artistic realisation, Ludmil Angelov demonstrates in this recital release his abilities as pianist of a style of his own - with original conceptions and analyses of each of the performed works, each interpreted in an individual manner, fascinating with the softness and flexibility of tone, melody and harmony. His virtuosity, brilliance, warmth and lyricism which impress the listener, combine with a multi-coloured palette of sound nuances. All this is in confirmation of the successful career of the pianist, first-prize winner of the World Piano Masters International Competition of Monte Carlo, 1997, who has toured extensively on the world's major stages. The present release received the GRAND PRIX DU DISQUE FRÉDÉRIC CHOPIN award in Warszaw, 2000.
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock


ID: GD167
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Harp

The harpist Youliana Tochkova (b. 1965), in partnership with Collegium Musicum - Bankia and the French conductor Dominic Patrouilleau, presents two of her compositions among the other works in this release. Her idea is to achieve full mutual interaction and contact between author and performer. A graduate of the State Academy of Music, Sofia (1989), where she majored in harp, piano and composition, she directed her creative interests to the combination of contemporary compositional techniques and methods with the Bulgarian folk music and its unique features. Thus in the Arpeggio for harp Tochkova builds up her composition upon the modifications of one arpeggio-like movement and their disposition in the musical space, searching for effects and through her knowledge in electro-acoustics and other modern forms of sound-producing and sound-reproduction. With the Concerto for Harp & Orchestra Tochkova adds an impressive opus to her compositions. The solo pieces in the CD also include the romantic in its emotional
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock


ID: GD348
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Guitar

Kalli Kastori graduated at the Athens Conservatory and furthered her studies with the great guitar masters: Leo Brouwer, R. Aussel, H. Kappel, David Russel in Vienna and Milano. She has given concerts as a soloist in Greece, Bulgaria, Germany, Romania, Egypt and Denmark and often performs in chamber ensembles. She conducts master classes in Greece, Denmark, Bulgaria. Kalli Kastori is well-known to the Bulgarian audience with her concerts and her participation in the release for Gega New playing duo with the guitarist Finn Svit from Denmark (GD 185).
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock


ID: GD111
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

Vesselin Stanev (b. 1964) is a pianist who attracts the attention of the audience with his exceptional dedication to music and variety of performance of each work. Unlike many other musicians, he is equally expert in playing pre-classical and romantic pieces. He always leaves a mark of his individuality when interpreting the different compositions he plays. Familiar piano pieces played by Vesselin Stanev have a totally different sounding and make an impression of something new. An example of this is his interpretation of Chopin's two ballads, the Scherzo, and Polonaise included in this release. The pianist's incredible technique is the key, which lets him into the sphere of great music. It is also a prerequisite for his complete freedom of expression and imagination. Having no technical problems with the instrument, he achieves a higher level of intellectual apprehension of the music material and this results in the creation of compositions, characterized by real co-authorship between composer and performer.
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Carl Maria von Weber - Concertos for Clarinet and Orchestra - Svilen SIMEONOV, clarinet

Carl Maria von Weber - Concertos for Clarinet and Orchestra - Svilen SIMEONOV, clarinet
ID: GD127
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Clarinet

Svilen Simeonov graduated from the Pancho Vladigerov State Academy of Music in Sofia, majoring in clarinet with Prof. Sava Dimitrov, and from the Academy of Music and Dances, Plovdiv, where he majored in symphony conducting with Prof. Emil Yanev. He specialised in conducting at the Vienna Conservatoire with maestro Salvatore Mas Conde, as well as with Kirk Trevor, Music Director of Knoxville Symphony Orchestra, USA, Tsung Yen, Principal Conductor of Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Mariusz Smolij, Music Director of Riverside Symphony, New Jersey. Mr. Simeonov has toured a number of countries throughout Europe, Asia and Latin America. He is the founder and conductor of the Amadeus Orchestra. This recording of the orchestra was conducted by Choi Yong-Ho, who graduated from the Seoul University College of Music, majoring in clarinet, and from Dankuk University, majoring in orchestra conducting. Later he specialised under Maestro Mario Gusella and Donato Renzetti at Accademia Musicale Pescarese. He has conducted orchest
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ID: GD154
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

A successful pianist, possessing a brilliant technique enabling him to interpret freely music varied in style and expressiveness from pre-classical to modern times, Tomislav Baynov offers in this CD some of the gems of world piano music. Tomislav Baynov is holder of many Bulgarian and international awards, professor in piano and a concertizing pianist, trained in Germany. He has spent almost two decades in this country where he is also famous as a chamber-music performer who has appeared with many singers and instrumentalists, founder of the Baynov Piano Ensemble, to which many compositions have been dedicated.
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