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The Ying Quartet play LifeMusic

The Ying Quartet play LifeMusic
ID: QTZ2003
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Quartet

The first CD of the Ying Quartet's acclaimed Life Music series. LifeMusic is a series of commissions from established or emerging American composers and each work draws on a different aspect of American life.

Life Music
We have undertaken a long-term project we call Life Music that connects the music we make with the American experience and issues of our time. With the support of the Institute of American Music, we commission two works per year, one from an established and one from an emerging composer. Each composer is asked to write a quartet that is inspired by some dimension of the American experience - perhaps a literary, historical or musical source or a significant and enduring issue. With these commissions, we seek to produce an ongoing series of works from living American composers that is not only inspired somehow by life in America, but also reflects the highest standards of musical excellence.
The idea of LifeMusic grows directly from the experience of the Ying Quartet. Our mission has always been twofold: to make classical music a relevant and vital part of American culture in all its diversity and to do so with the highest standards of artistic integrity. Whether we are performing in Carnegie Hall or the White House, teaching at the Eastman School of Music or spending a week in Helena, Montana, the Quartet is committed to exploring the many ways in which great music can impact and transform our daily lives. LifeMusic is intended to be suitable both in the concert hall and in community settings as an effective manifestation of that powerful connection between music and life.

The Ying Quartet:
Ayano Ninomiya, violin
Janet Ying, violin
Phillip Ying, viola
David Ying, cello
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ID: QTZ2058
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Saxophone

David Heath's moving tribute to Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street journalist kidnapped and murdered in Pakistan in 2002 by Jihadi extremists.

Featuring music from the HBO Documentary "THE JOURNALIST AND THE JIHADI"

John William Coltrane:
Naima (arr. David Heath)
David Heath:
A Song for Daniel Pearl
Moroccan Fantasy
The Truth Will Set You Free
The Passionate
The Celtic
Only Love Can Conquer Hate
Visions of Freedom
Elgar, Edward (arr. David Heath)
Land of Hope and Glory? (based on melody by Elgar)
Elegy for Daniel Pearl
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FIRST MILONGA, LAST TANGO - Anna Noakes, flute and Richard Hand, guitar

FIRST MILONGA, LAST TANGO - Anna Noakes, flute and Richard Hand, guitar
ID: QTZ2031
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Guitar Music

This CD by the acclaimed flute and guitar duo, Anna Noakes and Richard Hand, explores the rich seam of South and Central American music that has been further enriched by cross-fertilization with a series of African and European influences.
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FIERCE TEARS - Contemporary Oboe Music- James Turnbull, oboe

FIERCE TEARS - Contemporary Oboe Music- James Turnbull, oboe
ID: QTZ2081
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Oboe

A disc of ground-breaking new works for oboe by the exciting, young oboist James Turnbull

The repertoire on this release has been chosen in a deliberate attempt to assemble works from the past 30 years by British composers that demonstrate the great contrasts possible with the oboe. There are pieces that emphasize stillness and meditation while others focus on the raw emotions of anger and grief.
Contemporary Oboe Music

M. Berkeley:
Fierce Tears I
Second Still Life for Oboe & Harp, world premiere
Fierce Tears II, world premiere

Davies, Maxwell:
First Grace of Light for solo oboe

T. Davies:
Forgotten Game, world premiere
Arabesco, world premiere

J. MacMillan:
In Angustiis II for Solo Oboe, world premiere

C. Matthews:
Night-Spell,world premiere

J. Woolrich:
The Kingdom of Dreams, world premiere
The Turkish Mouse, world premiere
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EVIOLUTION - Fernando Marin

EVIOLUTION - Fernando Marin
ID: QTZ2075
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: String instruments

This recording thus serves as homage to the memory of the glorious period, in which some of these instruments existed, in the form of a suggestive approach to the disquieting and enigmatic sonic world of the time. The exquisitely selected ingredients for this menu are sheep gut strings, Venice catline gut roped bass strings according to Praetorius, black horse hair for the bows, historical tunings (such as the French music played at 390 hertz), historical temperaments (Pythagorean for the Vihuela), English scordatura tuning, instruments made according to old techniques, instrument models of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, etc…

C.F. Abel - Pieces de Viole
A.de Cabezon - Fabordan
A. Ferrabosco sr. - Fantasia a tres, 3 lessons for the Lyra-Viol
S. de Machy - Pieces de Viole
D. Ortiz - Trattado de glosas
Sainte Colombe the elder: Pieces de Viole
G.P. Telemann - Der getreue Music-Meister

Fernando Marin:
Vihuela de arco (440 Hz)
Lyra-viol (415 Hz)
Viola da Gamba (390 Hz & 415 Hz)
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EXODUS - Roman Mints, violin - Paul Dunmall, saxophone

EXODUS - Roman Mints, violin - Paul Dunmall, saxophone
ID: QTZ2062
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Violin

This collaboration came about as Paul Dunmall had heard some of Roman Mints’ records and after meeting at a concert which they both did with Brian Irvine Ensemble, he invited him to record an album of improvisation with him. The album is named ‘Exodus’ because it is a departure from what Roman Mints was recording before, it is a ‘liberation’ in the way it is performed, all spontaneous with Roman using a lot of extending techniques including detuning the violin to expand the range. For thirty years Paul Dunmall has carved out a reputation for himself and is now widely recognized as one of the most uncompromising and talented reed players on the international jazz/improvised music scene. Whether playing in small groups or big bands his musical sensitivity and imagination combined with a powerful sound make him one of the most distinctive improvisers playing today.

Roman Mints, violin
Paul Dunmall, saxophone
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GRIEG - PIANO MUSIC - Katya Apekisheva, piano

GRIEG - PIANO MUSIC - Katya Apekisheva, piano
ID: QTZ2061
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

This recording is the solo debut disc from Katya Apekisheva for Quartz. Katya has recorded previously for Quartz with Jack Liebeck. Katya has also performed throughout Russia, Italy, Germany, Holland, Israel, Turkey, USA, South Korea, Phillipinnes and in the UK with the following orchestras, London Philharmonic, CBSO, Philharmonia, Halle, Moscow, Philharmonic, and with the following conductors, Alexander Lazarev, David Shallon, Alexander Rudin, and Sir Simon Rattle. Katya will also be playing recitals with Natalie Klein this summer.



Gade, op.57
To spring, op.43
The brook, op.62
At your feet, op.68
Lonely wanderer, op.43
Halling, op.47
Album leaf, op.47
March of the Trolls, op.54
Scherzo, op.54
Homesickness, op.57
Wedding day at Troldhaugen, op.65
Vanished days, op.57
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From Belgium with Love - Eddy Vanoosthuyse - Clarinet

From Belgium with Love - Eddy Vanoosthuyse - Clarinet
ID: ACDBH053-2
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Clarinet

Jean Hippolyte Oscar Louël had in 1992 niet kunnen bedenken dat er ruim 12 jaar na het schrijven van zijn Clarinet Concerto een CD samengesteld zou worden waarbij naast zijn eigen compositie ook andere klarinet concerti van Vlaamse componisten terug te vinden zou zijn. Hoewel deze vier componisten in de periode 1990-1999 hun klarinet concerto componeerden, zijn deze geen generatiegenoten. Deze componisten hebben een opmerkelijk eigen stijl. Brossé melodieus en verhalend, Louël kleurend en impressionistisch van aard, dodekafonische invloeden welke altijd melodisch blijven, verraden Verbesselt en Jan Van der Roost met zijn veelkleurigheid en verhalende composities sluiten de cd af. Dit alles samengebracht in een voortreffelijk warm, sonoor klinkend klarinetspel van Eddy Vanoosthuyse. Eens te meer laat hij ons ervaren dat de klarinet een bijzonder instrument is met vele gedaanten en karaktereigenschappen. Deze prachtige composities maken dat deze cd oprecht “From Belgium with Love” genoemd mag worden.
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R. Schumann -Piano Works - Liebrecht Vanbeckevoort, piano

R. Schumann -Piano Works - Liebrecht Vanbeckevoort, piano
ID: ACDHJ042-2
Disk: 1
Type: SACD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

Released to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Schumann, this well balanced recording features the talents of piano prize winning pianist, Liebrecht Vanbeckevoort. Liebrecht obtained his masters degree for piano with great distinction from the Royal Conservatory in Brussels and has a very active touring schedule.

The course of life of quite a few composers of the 19th century has a continuous appeal to people’s imagination. That also counts for Robert Schumann (Zwickau, 1810 - Endenich, 1856).

Being the son of a bookseller, he has literary ambitions, but Schumann says about this: « how strange it is that I, there where my feelings prevail, I have to stop being a poet ». He interrupts his law studies (in Leipzig and Heidelberg) - a wish of his mother’s inspired by material concern - to start a career as a pianist. He takes lessons with Friedrich Wieck in Leipzig, one of the best but also most notorious piano teachers of that time. Before there can be talk of a pianist career, his right hand becomes partly paralysed (while studying he would have fixated his third finger to make the fourth more independent and powerful). In the meantime he has fallen madly in love with Clara Wieck, a celebrated piano player and the daughter of his teacher. Father Wieck implacably exercises his veto against their relationship, causing years of psychological warfare between them. In the end, only a legal procedure makes it possible for them to marry.
Schumann completely fails as a conductor. He constantly knows periods of restlessness, despair, dejection and heavy depressions. A suicide attempt - during the depths of winter, he jumps into the Rhine river in Düsseldorf - results in Schumann ending up in a psychiatric institution, where he dies two and a half years later.

«...I worked on those 30 small, funny pieces, from which I have chosen twelve which I have called Kinderszenen. You’ll love playing them, but not as a virtuoso...», Schumann wrote to his beloved in 1838. Eventually it were thirteen of them. Thirteen short pieces which he afterwards all gave a title. They are thirteen jewels, and every one of them belongs to the absolute top of what has ever been written in the instrumental, monothematic miniature genre. They are disarming and intensely poetic, free of all external bravura, but as far as the composition technique is concerned, they are constructed in a particularly ingenious way. « A drop of music from the deepest source », Hans Pfitzer wrote about number 7, Träumerei; this comment applies for every piece of the Kinderszenen.
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J. Cage - Fraeman Etudes Books 1 & 2 - Marco Fusi, violin

J. Cage - Fraeman Etudes Books 1 & 2 - Marco Fusi, violin
ID: STR33882
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Violin

The title pays homage to the commissioner of the work, the famous patron and collector Betty Freeman (1921-2010). Developed with the collaboration of violinist Paul Zukofsky and taken up again in 1990 in a second and concluding edition (composed of corresponding numbers), the Freeman Etudes are based on a 16- part division.
18.00 eur Temporarily out of stock
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