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Instrumental, page 83

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J.S. BACH - The Well-Tempered Clavier - Book I, BMW 846-869 -T.Nikolaeva, piano

J.S. BACH - The Well-Tempered Clavier - Book I, BMW 846-869 -T.Nikolaeva, piano
ID: MKM273
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

25.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Sergei Bortkiewicz - Piano Works Vol. 8 and 9 - Jouni Somero, piano

Sergei Bortkiewicz - Piano Works Vol. 8 and 9 - Jouni Somero, piano
ID: FCRCD-9742
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

1. Impressions, Op 4
2. Ein Roman für Klavier, Op 35
3. Trois Morceaux, Op 6
4. Kindheit (Nach dem Roman von Leo Tolstoi), Op 39
Säveltäjä: Bortkiewicz, Sergei Eduardovich, (1877 - 1952)
Esittäjä: Somero, Jouni, piano
25.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

S.RACHMANINOV - Vardo Rumessen - Piano Works

S.RACHMANINOV - Vardo Rumessen - Piano Works
ID: ERP4011-1-2
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

25.00 eur Buy

Rene Eespere - Respectus - Music for / with guitar

Rene Eespere - Respectus - Music for / with guitar
ID: ERP7313
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Guitar Music

It is as if the motives left open in the music of René Eespere beg the question: who am I in the midst of this mortal world? And this is his way to uncompromisingly represent the ethical art of the past.
Estonian Music Award 2014: nominee for Best Classical Album (winner will be announced on Jan 30th, 2014).
25.00 eur Buy

FRYDERIK CHOPIN - Vardo Rumessen, piano - Piano Works I-II

FRYDERIK CHOPIN - Vardo Rumessen, piano - Piano Works I-II
ID: EC014-015
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

25.00 eur Buy

J.S. BACH - Sonatas and Partitas - Zino Vinnikov, violin

J.S. BACH - Sonatas and Partitas - Zino Vinnikov, violin
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Violin

25.00 eur Buy

Antonio Vivaldi - Violin Sonatas -12 Sonatas, Op 2 - Walter Reiter, violin with Cordaria

Antonio Vivaldi - Violin Sonatas -12 Sonatas, Op 2 - Walter Reiter, violin with Cordaria
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: Baroque

Traditionally known as the composer of the Four Seasons and the Gloria, the work of Cecilia Bartoli has shown that lesser-known works of the red priest from Venice can become hit records too.
Now Signum Records are delighted to introduce a two disc set on period instruments of the 12 Violin Sonatas, Opus 2. Cordaria features internationally-renowned baroque violinist Walter Reiter, "an artist who transcends authenticity to enter the universal" as one critic wrote, and an eminent continuo team of harpsichord, cello and theorbo.
Written in 1708, just before the 'L'estro armonico' concertos, these sonatas contain all the passion and the virtuosity, all the lyricism and emotion, which have made the concertos so eternally popular. In the words of the great Vivaldi scholar Michael Talbot, "Op. 2 is fully Vivaldian and certainly deserves to take its place among his other masterworks."
26.00 eur Buy

J.S.Bach, Clavierubung I & II - Elizabeth de la Porte, harpsichord

J.S.Bach, Clavierubung I & II  - Elizabeth de la Porte, harpsichord
ID: LIR012
Disk: 3
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Harpsichord

26.00 eur Buy

James Rhodes - Now Would All Freudians Please Stand Aside - Bach - Busoni - Beethoven - Piano Recital

James Rhodes - Now Would All Freudians Please Stand Aside - Bach - Busoni - Beethoven - Piano Recital
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

“As someone who has never been to a music college, done my diploma in piano playing or participated in any competitions, I feel particularly blessed to have been able to choose to learn pieces of music for the simple reason that I absolutely love them. I have never been forced to slave for hours over a piece of music that doesn’t make my skin crawl with pleasure or raise my heartbeat to almost viagra-induced levels. This CD is a perfect example of me as a musician and piano-fanatic choosing works that for as long as I can remember have blown my mind.”
James Rhodes
26.00 eur Buy

J.S. Bach - Well-tempered Clavier, Book 2, Jill Crossland, piano

J.S. Bach - Well-tempered Clavier, Book 2, Jill Crossland, piano
Disk: 2
Type: CD
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír

Following Jill Crossland’s successful release of J.S. Bach’s Well-tempered Clavier, Book 1 earlier this year, Signum are pleased to announce the release of Book 2 in this new 2CD set.

Completed by 1742, Book 2 was intended as a complement to Book 1, not as a replacement. It is generally far more difficult than Book 1 however, with greater technical and structural difficulty for the performer. It was the ultimate workbook, open to constant change and refining by Bach himself.

In Jill Crossland’s own words, ‘No other music is so perfect an integration of emotional expression and intellectual rigour’. Jill first performed the complete Well-tempered Clavier from memory as a student in Manchester.
26.00 eur Buy
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