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O. Messiaen - Livre du Saint Sacrement, Diptyque, Verset

O. Messiaen - Livre du Saint Sacrement, Diptyque, Verset-Organ-Organ Collection
ID: RRC2052 (EAN: 5055031320523)  | 2 CD | DDD
Ausgefolgt: 2005
Organ Collection
BATE, Jennifer (organ)
Andere Infos:

World Premiere Recording
Recorded in Messiaen's presence at his organ, St. Trinité, Paris

In 1975, upon hearing Jennifer Bate perform a program of his works, Olivier Messiaen wrote the following recommendation about Jennifer Bate. "...is an excellent organist, not only for her virtuosity, but also for her musicianship and sensitivity in choosing her timbres. She is a really accomplished musician who loves what she plays and knows how to make others love it too!" This marked the beginning of a close artistic association and friendship between the two.

CD 1
MESSIAEN, Olivier (1908-1992) 
1. Diptyque (recorded Beauvais Cathedral)12:25
2. Verset pour la fete de la Dedicace (recorded Beauvais)11:01
Livre du Saint Sacrement (movements 1-8) 
3. I. Adoro te5:32
4. II. La Source de Vie3:00
5. III. Le Dieu caché9:39
6. IV. Acte de foi2:28
7. V. Puer natus est nobis7:16
8. VI. La manne at la Pain de Vie13:14
9. VII. Les réssuscités et la lumere de Viei4:55
10. VIII. Instituion de I:Eucharistie7:48

CD 2
Livre du saint Sacrement (cont) 
1. IX. Les Ténebres6:01
2. X. La Réssurection du Christ7:27
3. XI. L'apparition du Christ ressuscité á Marie-Madeleine15:32
4. XII. Le Transsubstantiation6:24
5. XIII. Les deau murailles d'eau7:21
6. XIV. Priere avant la communion6:28
7. XV. Le joie de la grâce5:56
8. XVI. Priere apres le communion7:03
9. XVII. La Présence muitiplee2:50
10. XVIII. Offrande ar Alleluia final8:61


"What a sound! This is a quite spectacular recording and carries the Composer's
imprimatur. Jennifer Bate makes an impressive and compelling case for these
hypnotic pieces and the recording is demonstration bracket".


25.00 eur Buy

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