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Alexander’s Feast - George Frideric Handel

Alexander’s Feast - George Frideric Handel-Choir
ID: COR16028 (EAN: 828021602825)  | 2 CD | DDD
Ausgefolgt: 2005
HÄNDEL, Georg Friedrich
ARGENTA, Nancy (soprano) | GEORGE, Michael (bass) | HEADLEY, Erin (lirone) | LAWRENCE-KING, Andrew (triple harp) | NICHOLSON, Paul (organ) | PARTRIDGE, Ian (tenor) | STUBBS, Stephen (archlute)
The Sixteen
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CD 1
HÄNDEL, Georg Friedrich (1685-1759) 
Alexander’s Feast (opening) 
1. Ouvertüre6:23 
2. Twas At The Royal Feast0:58 
3. Happy, Happy, Happy Pair4:45 
4. Timotheus Plac'd On High0:26 
Harp Concerto Op.4, No.6 in B flat 
5. 1.Allegro6:23 
6. 2.Larghetto4:15 
7. 3.Allegro Moderato2:43 
Triple harp Andrew Lawrence-King, archlute Stephen Stubbs, lirone Erin Headley 
Alexander’s Feast 
8. The Song Began From Jove1:01 
9. The List' Ning Crowd2:09 
10. With Ravish'd Ears3:35 
11. The Praise Of Bacchus0:36 
12. Bacchus, Ever Fair And Young5:09 
13. Sooth'd With The Sound0:46 
14. He Chose A Mournful Muse1:15 
15. He Sung Darius Great And Good2:48 
16. With Downcast Looks0:55 
17. Behold Darius Great And Good2:13 
18. The Mighty Master Smil'd To See0:31 
19. Soflty Sweet3:35 
20. War, He Sung, Is Toil And Trouble4:38 
21. The Many Rend The Skies3:58 
22. The Prince, Unable To Conceal6:27 
23. The Many Rend The Skies4:03 

CD 2
Alexander’s Feast 
1. Now Strike The Golden Lyre2:38 
2. Revenge, Revenge, Timotheus Cries7:51 
3. Give The Vengeance Due1:24 
4. The Princes Applaud With A Furious Joy2:22 
5. Thais Led The Way5:12 
6. Thus Long Ago2:20 
7. At Last Divine Cecilia Came2:28 
8. Let Old Timotheus Yield The Prize0:22 
9. Let Old Timotheus Yield The Prize3:28 
Organ Concerto Op.4, No.1 in G minor, organ Paul Nicholson 
10. 1.Larghetto E Staccato4:49 
11. 2.Allegro4:50 
12. 3.Adagio1:14 
13. 4.Andante3:59 
Alexander’s Feast (conclusion)  
14. Your Voices Tune3:00 


The nature of Alexander’s Feast is perhaps better summed up by its other title, The Power of Music. It is in fact a celebratory ode for St Cecilia’s Day, written by Dryden in 1697 for the City of London’s traditional celebration of the patron saint of music, and set in suitably celebratory style by Handel in 1736. At its first performance that year, he incorporated two delightful concertos, one for harp and the other for organ, and these are included in this recording.
Preis der Deutschen
"The music is superb, and it’s given a superb performance here. A warm welcome back for some superbly stylish Handel singing."
Gramophone Sept 2005
“A remarkable recording is welcomed to the catalogue.”
Repertoire, France


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