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Richard Barrett - transmission

Richard Barrett - transmission-Eletronic Intermezzo
ID: NMCD117 (EAN: 5023363011723)  | 1 CD | DDD
Vydano: 2006
Eletronic Intermezzo
BARRETT, Richard
BARRETT, Richard (live electronics) | BUCKLEY, Daryl (electric guitar) | MARKS, Benjamin (trombone) | NEVILLE, Peter (percussion) | PIEROTTI, Susan (violin) | ROSMAN, Carl (clarinet / clarinet)
ELISION Ensemble
Dal informace:

1- Carl Rosman, clarinet
2- Peter Neville, percussion
3- Benjamin Marks, trombone
4- Susan Pierotti, violin
5- Carl Rosman, clarinet
6- Daryl Buckley, electric guitar/ Richard Barrett, live electronics
BARRETT, Richard b. 1959 
1. interference (contrabass clarinet / voice / pedal bass drum)12:01 
2. abglanzbeladen/auseinandergeschrieben (percussion)10:21 
3. basalt (trombone)7:32 
4. air (violin)6:55 
5. knospend-gespaltener (clarinet in C )8:17 
6. transmission (electric guitar / live electronics)17:53 


"The impressive transmission closes the disc with a tour de force for solo electric guitar and live electronics, using a hybrid sound that mixes acoustic and electric guitar output. Guitarist Daryl Buckley had a hand in devising the guitar timbres that slide effortlessly from dense electronic structures to fast, distorted passages reminiscent of jazz-rock guitarist John McLaughlin." Gramophone 2006
Transmission ... is written for a hybrid guitar that functions as both an electric and acoustic instrument, with outputs that are then computer-transformed in real time to create a wonderfully tangled and totally unclassifiable sound source, sometimes evoking the feedback-laden world of heavy metal, or the cheesy twang of massed Hawaiian guitars. The other pieces may be more conventionally virtuosic but they still pack enormous physical impact, as if, through some symbiotic process, the music had been derived from the very essence of the instruments themselves.


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