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Langlais - Messe Solennelle - French Sacred Music for Choir and Organ

Langlais - Messe Solennelle - French Sacred Music for Choir and Organ-Choral and Organ-Choral Collection
ID: SIGCD206 (EAN: 635212020623)  | 1 CD | DDD
Ausgefolgt: 2010
Signum Records
Choral Collection
Choral and Organ
DUPRÉ, Marcel | LANGLAIS, Jean | MESSIAEN, Olivier | POULENC, Francis | ROGER-DUCASSE, Jean (Jules Aimable) | SÉVÉRAC, Déodat Joseph de (Marie–Joseph–Alexandre Déodat de Sévérac) | VILLETTE, Pierre
GOODE, David (organ)
Eton College Chapel Choir
Andere Infos:

Eton College Chapel Choir perform an enchanting selection of 20th Century French Choral and Organ music. As well as music by composers who were at the heart of French musical life in Paris, such as Olivier Messiaen and Francis Poulenc, this disc features works by lesser-known composers such as Déodat de Severac and Pierre Villette. The choir’s history can be charted back to the founding of Eton in 1441 by Henry VI. The present day choir is comprised of Eton students (with the occasional master), about half of whom have been choristers at cathedrals or chapels before they come to Eton for their secondary education.
LANGLAIS, Jean (1907-1991) 
1. Kyrie4:37 
2. Gloria4:24 
3. Sanctus1:31 
4. Benedictus2:49 
5. Agnus Dei5:21 
SÉVÉRAC, Déodat Joseph de (Marie-Joseph-Alexandre Déodat de Sévérac) (1872-1921 
6. Tantum ergo2:27 
VILLETTE, Pierre (1926-1998) 
7. O salutaris hostia Op. 212:49 
8. O quam amabilis es Op. 713:56 
MESSIAEN, Olivier (1908-1992) 
9. O sacrum convivium (Mottete)4:21 
10. Institution de l'Eucharist6:21 
DUPRÉ, Marcel (1886-1971) 
11. Ave verum Op. 34 Nr. 12:47 
VILLETTE, Pierre (1926-1998) 
12. Jesu, dulcis memoria Op. 783:33 
13. Panis Angelicus Op. 803:09 
POULENC, Francis (1899-1963) 
14. Salve Regina FP 1104:28 
ROGER-DUCASSE, Jean (Jules Aimable) (1873-1954) 
15. Nr. 1: Regina coeli4:06 
16. Pastorale12:16 


“‹The Choir› sing with real passion under Ralph Allwood … Eton College Chapel lends its acoustic to a quite exceptional choir/organ disc, which will give pleasure also to people who may not be regular choral music collectors.”

“ ... these are fresh performances which bring out the charm of the smaller works and convey the strength of the mass. Well worth investigating.”
MusicWeb International

“a great programme of too-seldom-heard 20th-century French choral works”
Classical Music Magazine


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