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Hakim plays Hakim - The van den Heuvel Organ of the Danish Radio

Hakim plays Hakim - The van den Heuvel Organ of the Danish Radio-Organ-Organ Collection
ID: SIGCD222 (EAN: 635212022221)  | 1 CD | DDD
Vydano: 2010
Signum Records
Organ Collection
HAKIM, Naji (organ)
Dal informace:

Naji Hakim returns to Signum with this collection of his own works for organ.

As both an organist and a composer, Lebanese-born Naji Hakim has distinguished himself as one of the most active artists of his generation. A virtuosic performer, who succeeded Olivier Messiaen as organist at l'église de la Trinité in Paris, many of his works draw on his own Christian beliefs (in 2007 he was honoured with a Papal award for his services to the church). The works are recorded on the new van den Heuvel organ of the Danish Radio Concert Hall, Copenhagen (opened in 2009).

Praise for Naji's last disc on Signum (The Organ of Glenalmond College, SIGCD130):
“For all that one is used to Hakimʼs coruscating brilliance, the sheer technical skill and white-hot intensity of the Hakim imagination in blending these dirge-like themes into music left this Scotsman duly open mouthed.”
Grame Kay, Choir & Organ Magazine, December 2008
HAKIM, Naji (b. 1955) 
1. All My Founts Shall Be With You12:17 
I Love The Colourful World 
2. Praludium4:06 
3. Tanz-Toccata4:02 
Sakskobing Praludier 
4. Mit hjerte altid vanker2:17 
Always my heart wanders 
5. Narmere, Gud, til dig1:56 
Nearer, my God, to Thee 
6. O Gud, du ved og kender0:46 
O God, Thou knowest 
7. At sige verden ret farvel0:53 
The last farewell to life on earth 
8. Hil dig, Frelser og Forsoner!2:18 
Hail You, Saviour and Atoner 
9. Den morke nat forgangen er1:55 
The gloomy night to morning yields 
10. Nu blomstertiden kommer1:24 
Now the flowers are blooming 
11. Paskeblomst! hvad vil du her?1:43 
Paschal Flow'r! why do you care to come forth? 
12. Op, al den ting, som Gud har gjort1:36 
Arise, all things that God has made 
13. O kristelighed!3:34 
O thou, image of Christ! 
14. Sa valdigt det modte os forst i vor dab1:12 
How wonderful, that the Word first met us in baptism 
15. Befal du dine veje2:00 
Commit thy way (unto God) 
To Call My True Love To My Dance 
16. I. Theme0:40 
17. II. Cantabile0:54 
18. III. Valse0:38 
19. IV. Deciso0:43 
20. V. Arabesque0:43 
21. VI. Burletta0:43 
22. VII. Tango0:44 
23. VIII, Scherzando0:54 
24. IX. Tango0:44 
25. X. Berceuse1:41 
26. XI. Finale4:56 
Glenalmond Suite 
27. I. Strommende (Streaming)2:09 
28. II. Favnende (Embracing)1:28 
29. III. Smilende (Smiling)1:42 
30. IV. Jublende (Jubilating)4:53 
31. Aalaiki'ssalaam8:51 


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