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An English Renaissance - George Caird,oboe and friends

An English Renaissance - George Caird,oboe and friends-Oboe
ID: CC2009 (EAN: 5023581200923)  | 1 CD | DDD
Ausgefolgt: 2004
Oboe Classics
BLISS, Arthur | BRITTEN, Benjamin | GOW, Dorothy | MACONCHY, Elizabeth | MOERAN, Ernest John
ADAMS, David (violin) | BLENDIS, Simon (violin) | CAIRD, George (oboe) | DODS, Alison (violin) | SALMON, Jane (cello) | WILLIAMS, Louise (viola)
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George Caird (oboe) with
Simon Blendis (violin), Louise Williams (viola), Jane Salmon (cello), Alison Dods (violin 2 in Maconchy, Gow), David Adams (violin 2 in Bliss)

The CD booklet contains a 2,500-word article by George Caird on the music in English, French and German.
There are more photos of the performers and the recording session.

This recording brings together five remarkable works for oboe and strings written between 1926 and 1946 and representing an English renaissance for the oboe as a chamber music instrument. It is a period which is musically very rich and diverse, with English composers showing new influences from Europe and America. The range and expression across these works is striking and is a tribute to the artistry of the oboist Léon Goossens, who is the dedicatee of three of the works and who taught the dedicatees of certainly one and possibly both of the other two. He was also the player behind two other important works by Bax and Finzi. These magnificent seven works, it can be argued, established a repertoire for oboe quartets and quintets and did much to promote the oboe as a chamber music instrument.

Goossens’ exquisite playing was characterised by a distinctive and sensitive sound, beautiful phrasing, a wide dynamic and tonal range and great rhythmic vitality. His collaboration with Sir Arnold Bax produced the first significant work for oboe and strings, the Quintet written in 1922 and recorded by Goossens with the International Quartet in 1924 (featured on Oboe Classics CC2005). Bax’s music, with its pastoral and elegiac qualities together with a strong Irish influence leant itself superbly to Goossens’ playing and this work must surely be partly responsible for the works on this recording. copyright George Caird 2004
MACONCHY, Elizabeth (1907-1994) 
Quintet for Oboe and Strings (1932) 
1. Moderato4:59 
2. Poco sostenuto3:40 
3. Allegro non troppo3:42 
BLISS, Arthur (1891-1975) 
Quintet for Oboe and String Quartet (1926) 
4. Assai sostenuto7:56 
5. Andante con moto7:44 
6. Vivace5:46 
BRITTEN, Benjamin (1913-1976) 
Phantasy Quartet for Oboe and Strings (1933) 
7. Andante alla marcia - Allegro giusto - Andante - Piů agitato - Tempo primo14:08 
GOW, Dorothy (1893-1982) 
Oboe Quintet in one movement (1936) 
8. Moderato - Andante tranquillo - Scherzando - Tempo primo14:00 
MOERAN, Ernest John (1894-1950) 
Fantasy Quartet (1946) 
9. Allegro moderato - Tempo moderato - Andante - Lento - Tempo primo - Molto affrettando - Cadenza - Allegro con brio13:27 


"George Caird is a splendid soloist throughout, and the string group play with a remarkably integrated and raptly communicative ensemble style, consistently conveying their deep feeling for all this music. The recording is excellently balanced."
Ivan March, Gramophone"

"Let me not beat about the bush. This is one of the most important British chamber music releases for a number of years... Firstly it presents three major English chamber classics of the 20th century. Secondly it introduces two works that deserve to be seen on the same level, and last but not least this is a beautifully produced and brilliantly played recital."
John France, Classical Music Web [who chose this as his CD of the Year, 2006]

"This CD holds a feast of music for oboe and strings. The pieces are well programmed, the contrast of musical styles enabling one to enjoy listening to the whole CD at a sitting."
Roger Lord, Double Reed News

"George Caird and his friends project the five works with a fresh quality which owes much to the quality of the recording ... the tone colours he coaxes from his Püchner oboe particularly suit the variety of moods in the eight sections of Moeran's Fantasy Quartet and the remarkably attractive Quintet by Dorothy Gow. This is much more than a CD for oboe addicts. The essence and quality of these pieces is exactly what the title promises. This is for music lovers of all kinds."
Denby Richards, Musical Opinion

"All beautifully played by the oboist George Caird with some expert chamber-musician friends."
Anthony Holden, The Observer


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