World music CD DVD shop and Classic distribution
SAINT-SAËNS, Camille (1835-1921) | | Symphony No. 1 in E flat, Op. 2 | | 1. | Adagio- Allegro | 8:35 | | 2. | Marche - Scherzo | 4:21 | | 3. | Adagio | 11:27 | | 4. | Finale (Allegro maestoso) | 7:17 | | Symphony No. 2 in A minor, Op. 55 | | 5. | Allegro marcato | 7:02 | | 6. | Adagio | 3:45 | | 7. | Scherzo (Presto) | 5:00 | | 8. | Prestissimo | 7:19 | | A different symphonic Saint-Saëns, before the Organ Symphony….. One doesn't seriously miss the center channel and would never know this was an over-30-year-old recording if it weren't for the fine print on the jewel box.
John Sunier, Audiophile Audition
“PentaTone has done it again. It's another splendid SACD reissue in Direct Stream Digital of a quadro recording from the 70's. Eliahu Inbal - to my mind, a much-underrated conductor - leads the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra in persuasive accounts of Camille Saint-Saëns' Symphonies No. 1 & 2, under-recorded works that deserve a hearing.
--Dr Phil Muse, Atlanta Audio Society