World music CD DVD shop and Classic distribution
ID: PTC5186010 (EAN: 827949001062) | 1 SACD | DDD/DSD Vydano: 2002
- PentaTone
- Kolekce:
- Vocal Collection
- Skladatel:
- Soubory:
- City of Prague Philharmonic
- Dirigenti:
- Dal informace:
Multichannel Hybrid SACD - DSD
A story of first loves and second chances.
Curious Soundtrack which starts with a distinctly Arabic sounding bellydancer type song track thats very catchy and pop ish sounding.
This is then followed by various themes which played by the City of Prague Philharmonic in what could be described as an analogue sounding laid back csoncert symphony style.whew.This is interupted by the occasional track ie Limo Rock which is a distinctly Punk Rock "sampled" piece leading into "The red light district".
This may give some clue as to the theme and subject matter of the film.(not seen it myself)
Noisy track is then followed by a couple of very serene tracks which are then followed by a jazz/funky electric guitar led number "On the bakfiets"
This will give you some idea of the realativly disjointed musical experience as a lot of the nice tracks are too short to really enjoy.Some come to an abrupt halt,some fade away.
These 30 tracks are descriptive and typically film music of the hollywood style.I only wished that My Zimmermann had recorded a concert Suite of the music in sacd rather than the soundtrack version.
Booklet with a description of the film (set in Amsterdam with a Moroccan connection) includes a picture of the hooker but says zero about the music.
stereo and multichannel (4.0) Excellently played and well recorded except Gimmicky pop tracks seriously detract from the musical enjoyment.