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Siberia Land. Vasilyev Vecher - Russian traditional songs of the Western Siberia.

Siberia Land. Vasilyev Vecher - Russian traditional songs of the Western Siberia.-Traditional-Ruská lidová hudba
ID: SKMR108 (EAN: 4620001591312)  | 1 CD | ADD
Vydano: 2015
Sketis Music
Ruská lidová hudba
Vasilyev Vecher group
Dal informace:

Russian traditional songs of the Western Siberia performed by “Vasilyev Vecher” group.

“Vasilyev Vecher” means St. Basil’s Day Eve, one of the most popular Russian traditional feasts. “VV” group looks for traditional culture’s place in modern life. The members of the group study vocal and dancing culture of Russian old-timers of the Western Siberia (i.e. the descendants of peasants who came there in XVI-XVIII centuries), and also their costume, cuisine, feasts, and traditional crafts.
1. Crane's Long Legs2:30 
2. Mother Scolded Me3:15 
3. A Boy On A Sea Voyage6:57 
4. I Am Bored And Sad, Poor Girl6:36 
5. Today I Am Cheery And Sad5:08 
6. Is It A Cuckoo Crying5:33 
7. I Walked In A Cherry-Tree Grove, Peasant Girl5:18 
8. You, Grey Eagle, My Dear Fellow10:23 
9. Doves Gathered Together At A Blue Sea3:46 
10. The Sun Rises And Sets3:38 


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