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The Meeting of our Lord in The Temple - Selected Hymns - Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)

The Meeting of our Lord in The Temple - Selected Hymns - Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)  -Choir-Sacred Music
ID: VOL.114.0 (EAN: 4603377007199)  | 2 CD | ADD
Ausgefolgt: 2004
Production Centre Igor Matvienko
Sacred Music
Lesser Znamenny chant
GERMAN, Hierodeacon (Ryabtsev)
Andere Infos:

2 CD (booklet 20 pages)

Znamenny chant
Znamenny chant, ison singing
Valaam chant
Valaam chant, ison singing
Lesser Znamenny chant, ison singing

CD 1
At Vespers 
1. "Lord, I have cried…" [with Psalms] (Tone 1 ****)3:50 
2. Stanzas for: "Lord, I have cried…" (Tone 1 *)5:14 
"Symeon spoke thus…" 
"Receive thou, O Symeon…" 
"Let us also come…" 
3. "Glory, both now and ever…"3:30 
"Today let the door of heaven be opened…" (Tone 6 *) 
4. "O Gladsome Light…" (Tone 1 **)3:20 
5. The Old Testament readings9:54 
6. Stanza for the Litia "The Ancient of Days…" (Tone 5 **)2:13 
7. The Eight Tones for the Aposticha**6:17 
At Matins 
8. "God is the Lord…" (Tone 1 ***)4:16 
Troparion for the feast "Rejoice, O Virgin Mother of God, Full of Grace!" (Tone 1 ) 

CD 2
1. Polyelaion ***6:02 
2. The Exaltation**1:00 
3. Sessional hymn "Thou became an infant for my sake…"0:40 
4. "From my youth…" (Tone 4 ***/****)0:54 
5. The Gospel reading (Tone 4 ****)4:11 
Canon of the feast (Tone 3 */**) 
6. Ode 13:29 
7. Sessional hymn "Upon Mount Sinai…"0:42 
8. Ode 62:17 
9. Kontakion "By Thy Nativity, Thou didst sanctify the Virgin's womb! (Tone 1 **)2:48 
Ikos "We hurry to the Mother of God, desiring to see her Son…" 
10. "Let all that breathes praise the Lord…" (Tone 4 ****)3:06 
11. "Stanzas for the Praise…" (Tone 4 *****)3:52 
"The Law which is in the Scriptures…" 
"A light for revelation of the gentiles…" 
"The depths of the Begetter of the Word remained divine…" 
12. "Glory, both now and ever…"2:18 
"In the arms of the elder on this very day…" (Tone 6 **) 


29.00 eur Buy

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