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Feast Day For Ss Sergius And Herman, Wonderworkers Of Valaam All-Night Vigil - Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)

Feast Day For Ss Sergius And Herman, Wonderworkers Of Valaam All-Night Vigil - Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)  -Choir-Sacred Music
ID: VOL.137.0 (EAN: 4603377009490)  | 3 CD | ADD
Vydano: 2004
Production Centre Igor Matvienko
Sacred Music
TRUBACHEV, Sergey Zosimovich 
Common Chant
GERMAN, Hierodeacon (Ryabtsev)
Dal informace:

3 CD (booklet 124 pages)

Znamenny chant
Valaam chant
Valaam chant, ison singing
Exclamations: Priest Rostislav Perebeinos
Znamenny chant
Valaam chant, ison singing
Common chant
Greek chant, ison singing
Exclamations and reading from the Gospel:
Priest Rostislav Perebeinos
Znamenny chant
Valaam chant, ison singing
Exclamations: Priest Rostislav Perebeinos
Recorded in a home studio, 2004

CD 1
Great Vespers 
1. "Come, let us worship…"*0:56 
2. "Bless the Lord, O my soul…"8:58 
3. "The Great Litany"*5:23 
4. "Blessed is the man…"**5:53 
5. The Little Litany1:21 
6. "Lord, I have cried…" (Tone 8 ***)3:50 
7. Stanzas for: "Lord, I have cried…" (Tone 8 ***)5:40 
"While yet in the world Sergius and Herman were set aflame by the love of Christ…" 
"The saints of wondrous courage are not spared the torments of the flesh…" 
"O pillars with a soul, Sergius and Herman, adorned by the virtues…" 
"Flourishing in the house of the Lord like an abundance of olives…" 
"To the special melody: O Most glorious wonder…"*** 
8. "We glorify Thee, God in three persons…" Tone 6 Common chant2:23 
9. Dogmatic "Who does not bless Thee, O Most Holy Virgin…" (Tone 6 **)3:31 
TRUBACHEV, Sergey Zosimovich (1919-1995) 
10. "O Gladsome light…" Valaam chant arranged for four voices by Deacon S. Trubachev3:08 
11. The Old Testament readings6:08 
12. Stanza for the Litiya "The wondrous light of the Light which has no beginning…" (Tone 3 ***)1:24 
13. "The gracious light of the Divinity in three persons and of your souls, Sergius and Herman…" (Tone 2***)1:40 
14. Dogmatic "O new wonder of all ancient wonders!" (Tone 2***)2:30 
15. Stanza for the Verses "Rejoice, Sergius and Herman, two men chosen by God, invincible warriors of Christ…" (Tone 5 )1:42 
To the special melody: "Rejoice…"*** 
16. "We bless you, the monks, and the host of whom sings praises to God in the Trinity…" (Tone 8 ***)1:54 
17. Hymn to the Mother of God "O Virgin unwedded…" (Tone 8 ***)2:11 
18. "Lord, now lettest Thou…"** The Trisagion… "The Lord's prayer"2:07 
19. Troparion to Ss Sergius and Herman of Valaam "Truly obedient to the Gospel of Christ …" (Tone 4 ) [Common chant, ison singing]1:13 
20. "Hail, O Virgin Mother of God…"***0:43 
21. "Blessed be the name of the Lord…"*** [Psalm 33*]2:09 
22. Exclamation0:23 

CD 2
1. The Six Psalms12:22 
2. The Great Litany*5:22 
3. "God is the Lord…"( Tone 4 **)1:54 
4. Troparion "Truly obedient to the Gospel of Christ…" (Tone 4 ) [Lesser Znamenny chant, ison singing]1:15 
5. Troparion "Fleeing from the clamour of the world…" (Tone 1 **)1:08 
6. Dogmatic "We praise Gabriel…" (Tone 1 ) [Znamenny chant, ison singing]2:31 
7. Polyelaion6:32 
8. The Exaltation to Ss Sergius and Herman of Valaam [Znamenny line chant]1:32 
9. Sessional hymn "Praising the name of the Lord in his divine temple…"1:38 
10. "From my youth…" (Tone 4 **)1:03 
11. The Gospel reading (Tone 4 **)4:38 
12. Psalm 502:18 
13. Stanza "The memory of the light-bearing fathers, like trumpets resounding…" (Tone 6 */***)2:53 
Canon to Ss Sergius and Herman of Valaam (Tone 4 */****) 
14. Ode 13:05 
15. Ode 32:46 
16. Sessional hymn "Retreating from the sound of the waves of the cares of this world…"2:01 

CD 3
Matins (contd.) 
1. Ode 42:48 
2. Ode 53:04 
3. Ode 62:59 
4. Kontakion "Abandoning the life of this world…" (Tone 4 ) [Lesser Znamenny chant, ison singing]3:12 
Ikos "Being unwise, I shall sing to the all-laudable fasters…" 
5. Ode 73:28 
6. Ode 83:53 
7. "My soul doth magnify the Lord…" [Greek chant, ison singing]4:00 
8. Ode 93:11 
9. "Let all that breathes praise the Lord…" (Tone 4 **)3:22 
10. Stanzas for the Praises6:42 
"Thou didst grant to us an image of how to please Thee, O Lord…" 
"Through the observance of God's commandments and the action of unceasing prayer…" 
"As an inexhaustible treasure-trove…" 
"Rejoice, O desert, once barren and uninhabited…" (Tone 4 ) 
"To the special melody Thou gavest us a sign…"*/** 
11. "With grateful heart and lips we praise Thee, O Almighty Lord…" (Tone 6 **)2:10 
12. Hymn to the Mother of God "O Mother of God, thou art the true vine…" (Tone 6 ) [Znamenny chant, ison singing]1:53 
13. The Great Doxology**4:17 
14. Troparion to Ss Sergius and Herman of Valaam "Truly obedient to the Gospel of Christ…" (Tone 4 ) [Common chant, ison singing]1:11 
15. Festive ringing of the bells5:51 


35.00 eur Buy

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