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The Day of The Holy Trinity. Pentecost - Selected hymns - Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)

The Day of The Holy Trinity. Pentecost - Selected hymns - Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)  -Choir-Sacred Music
ID: VOL.95.0 (EAN: 4603377005294)  | 2 CD | ADD
Vydano: 2003
Production Centre Igor Matvienko
Sacred Music
GERMAN, Hierodeacon (Ryabtsev)
Dal informace:

2 CD (colour booklet, 20 pages)

Znamenny chant
Znamenny chant, ison singing
Valaam chant
Valaam chant, ison singing

CD 1
At Vespers 
1. Lord, I have cried… [with Psalms] (Tone 1*)3:43 
Stanzas for: Lord, I have cried… 
2. Let us celebrate Pentecost… (Tone 1*)1:10 
3. In tongues did Thy disciples… (Tone 1*)1:18 
4. We have seen the true light… (Tone 2*)1:24 
5. Glory, both now and ever…4:44 
Come, o ye people… (Tone 8*) 
6. O Gladsome Light… (Tone 8*)2:40 
7. The Old Testament readings6:11 
At Matins 
8. God is the Lord… (Tone 8****)2:10 
9. Troparion of the feast Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God… (Tone 8*)1:16 
10. Polyelaion***6:00 
11. The Exaltation**1:01 
12. Sessional hymn Upon rising from the tomb…0:33 
13. From my youth… (Tone 4***/****)0:55 
14. The Gospel reading****3:33 
15. Psalm 501:57 
16. O Heavenly King…2:18 
Canon of the feast (tones seven* / four*/**) 
17. Ode I2:52 

CD 2
Canon of the feast (Tones 7* / 4*/**) 
1. Ode 34:16 
2. Sessional hymn The beloved of the Saviour…0:31 
3. Odes 4, 5, 610:25 
4. Kontakion When the Most High came down…*2:17 
Ikos The comfort of the Lord… 
5. Odes 7, 87:47 
6. Ode 98:23 
7. Exapostilarion*1:32 
8. Let all that breathes praise the Lord… (Tone 4****)3:17 
9. Stanza for the Praises The Holy Spirit… (Tone 4*)2:14 
10. Glory, both now and ever… O Heavenly King… (Tone 6*)2:50 


29.00 eur Buy

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