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Russian Christian's Songs - III. - Male Choir of the Valaam Singing Culture Institute - I. Ushakov, conductor

Russian Christian's Songs - III. - Male Choir of the Valaam Singing Culture Institute - I. Ushakov, conductor-Choir-Sacred Music
ID: RCD15128 (EAN: 4600383151281)  | 2 CD | DDD
Vydano: 2020
Russian Compact Disc
Sacred Music
Anonymous | CHESNOKOV, Paul Grigor'yevich | KEDROV, Nikolaj JR. | NIKITIN, Konstantine | PANCHENKO, Semyon  | SHVEDOV, Konstantin Nikolayevich | TRUBACHEV, Sergey Zosimovich  | ZAITSEV, Sergey Alexandrovich
FELIAUER, Vladimir (bass) | GORBATENKO, Alexander (tenor) | MILLER, Vadimir (bass) | STARODUBTSEV, Valery (bass) | USHAKOV, Igor (voice) | USHAKOVA, Anna (voice)
Male Choir of the Valaam Singing Culture Institute
Dal informace:

It is sung in Old Slavonic Language.

Balakirev, Miliy Alexeyevich
Nikitin, Konstantine
Ushakov, Igor
Trubachev, Sergey Zosimovich

CD 1
1. I Sucrifice The Voice Of The Prodigal Son To You, God1:16 
The Week about Prodigal Son Sticheron, in tone II. Kiev chant 
The custom of the Holy Trinity St. Sergy Lavra 
2. Get Rid Existing Shortcoming Of Fatherly Estate2:23 
The Week about Prodigal Son Sticheron, in tone VIII. Kiev chant 
The custom of the Holy Trinity St. Sergy Lavra 
Anonymous / Transcribed by N. Uspensky 
3. Open Unto Me…The Gates Of Repentance4:00 
Early two-part singing 
Anonymous / Deciphered by N. Uspensky 
4. By The Waters Of Babylon5:01 
At Mantis after Polyeley, Psalm 136 / Early two-part singing 
Anonymous / Transcribed by Igor Ushakov 
5. I Weep And I Wail4:56 
Stanza of repentance, in tone VIII. Znamenny chant 
6. Turn Not Away Thy Face From Thy Servant1:08 
Great Prokimen at Vespers, in tone VIII. / Solovki Monastery chant. 
Soloist: Valery Starodubtsev, bass 
7. See Thy Bridal Chamber Adorned…1:49 
Exapostilarion on Great and Holy Monday at Matins / Solovki Monastery chant. 
Soloist: Vladimir Feliauer, bass 
8. By Thy Cross2:12 
Solovki Monastery chant. 
Soloist: Anna Ushakova, voice 
Anonymous / Deciphered by Igor Ushakov 
9. Thy Last Supper3:03 
Znamenny chant 
10. Today Judas Leaves The Lord…3:19 
The service on Friday in Week Mantis. Antiphon 4, in tone V. Kiev chant 
The custom of the Holy Trinity St. Sergy Lavra 
11. The Disciple Agreed Upon The Prince Of The Master2:39 
Good friday Matins Antiphon, in tone VI. Kiev chant 
12. By Pilat The Judaic Meeting Obtain To Crucify Yoy, God3:36 
The service on Friday in Holy Week Mantis. / Antiphon 13,in tone VI. Kiev chant 
The custom of the Holy Trinity St. Sergy Lavra 
13. Is Hanging On The Cross Today7:32 
Kiev chant 
Anonymous / Harmonization by Sergey Zosimovich Trubachev 
14. The Wise Thief3:20 
The service on Friday in Week Mantis. Exapostilarion / Znamenny chant 
15. Thy Tomb, O Savior...3:52 
The service on Holy and Great Saturday Mantins. 
Hypakoe, in tone I. Solovki Monastery chant. 
Soloist: Vladimir Miller, bass 
Anonymous / Deciphered by T. Seidova 
16. Lament Not For Me, O, Mother3:37 
Znamenny chant 
ZAITSEV, Sergey Alexandrovich (1824-1896) / Arrangement by N. Uspensky 
17. Now The Power Of The Heaven3:25 
At the Liturgy of the Consecrated Gifts 
Anonymous / Harmonization by Konstantine Nikitin 
18. O Taste, And See How Good The Lord Is2:42 
Communion verse. Solovki Monastery chant 
Soloist: Valery Starodubtsev, bass 
CHESNOKOV, Paul Grigor'yevich (1877-1944) 
19. The Wise Thief2:16 
Soloist: Alexander Gorbatenko, tenor 
CHESNOKOV, Paul Grigor'yevich (1877-1944) / Arr. for male choir by I. Ushakov 
20. Let My Prayer Be Set Forth In Thy Sight7:31 
Soloist: Anna Ushakova, voice 
21. The Embrance Of The Father...2:58 
The custom of Gefsimansky secluded Monastery 

CD 2
PANCHENKO, Semyon (1867-1937) 
1. The Beatitudes3:50 
Anonymous / Harmonization by Konstantine Nikitin 
2. O Come, Let Us Worship...1:13 
Valaam Monastery chant 
Anonymous / Transcribed by N. Uspensky 
3. The Angels Sing Thy Resurrection, O Christ The Savior1:34 
Stanza, in tone VI Traditional Melody of Solovki Monastery "Putevoi" chant 
NIKITIN, Konstantine 
4. Having Beheld The Resurrection Of Christ1:56 
Anonymous / Harmonization by Igor Ushakov 
5. You, Christ, Was The Liminary, Set Before The Sun In The Coffin1:52 
Holy Easter Service Canon. Ikos, in tone IV. 
Valaam Monastery chant 
Anonymous / Harmonization by Sergey Zosimovich Trubachev 
6. Telling Before The Morning, Earlier Than Maria1:57 
Holy Easter Service Canon, Ipakoi, in tone VIII. / Valaam Monastery chant 
Anonymous / Harmonization by Miliy Alexeyevich Balakirev / Arr. for male choir by I. Ushakov 
7. To Thy Mouth2:02 
Holy Easter Service Troparion to St. Ioann the Gold-Mouthed, in tone VIII. 
Valaam Monastery chant 
NIKITIN, Konstantine 
8. You Have Received the Holy Blessing from Heaven2:09 
Troparion to St. Ioann the Gold-Mouthed 
Anonymous / Harmonization by Igor Ushakov 
9. Having Fallen Asleep With Flesh1:44 
Easter Exapostilarion, in tone III. 
10. The Hast Resurrected out of the Coffin1:59 
Resurrection Troparion / Valaam Monastery chant 
Anonymous / Harmonization by Sergey Zosimovich Trubachev 
11. Ektene of Peace7:05 
Valaam Monastery chant 
12. The Only-Begotten Son2:32 
Valaam Monastery chant 
Anonymous / Harmonization by Konstantine Nikitin 
13. Lord, Save The Faithful3:31 
Valaam Monastery chant 
Exclamations: Valery Starodubtsev, bass / Igor Ushakov, voice 
Anonymous / Harmonization by Igor Ushakov 
14. The Cherubimic Hymn5:41 
Valaam Monastery chant 
SHVEDOV, Konstantin Nikolayevich (1886-1954) 
15. The Lord's Prayer2:01 
16. A Mercy Of Peace4:46 
Valaam Monastery chant 
Anonymous / Harmonization by Miliy Alexeyevich Balakirev / Arr. for male choir by I. Ushakov 
17. The Angel Cried2:31 
Valaam Monastery chant 
KEDROV, Nikolaj JR. (1905-1981) 
18. He Hast Resurrected out of the Coffin1:59 
Resurrection Troparion 
19. Today Will Be the Salvation of the World1:09 
Resurrection Troparion / Valaam Monastery chant 
Anonymous / Harmonization by Sergey Zosimovich Trubachev 
20. Foreshadoving Your Resurrection, O Christ God...3:26 
Znamenny chant 
21. Praise Ye The Name Of The Lord2:40 
Valaam Monastery chant 
TRUBACHEV, Sergey Zosimovich (1919-1995) 
22. From Rising Of The Sun Till Its Setting The Name Of Lord Is To Be Praised2:04 
TRUBACHEV, Sergey Zosimovich (1919-1995) 
23. Arise, God!1:21 
Holy Easter Service 


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