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Piano, page 45

   Titels gefunden: 1164

Nettle & Markham - In America: Music for Two Pianos - Scenes from West Side Story - Fantasy on Porgy & Bess - Four Piece

Nettle & Markham - In America: Music for Two Pianos - Scenes from West Side Story - Fantasy on Porgy & Bess - Four Piece
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Piano

Features Nettle & Markham s special transcription of Scenes from West Side Story, presented to Bernstein for his 70th birthday. This unique combination of music for two pianos offers the best of American musical theatre in two exciting transcriptions as well as some masterful pastiche from Sir Richard Rodney Bennett.
15.00 eur Buy

R.V.Williams: Symphony No.6 - The Wasps Overture / Ireland: Prelude: The Forgotten Rite - Symphonic Rhapsody: Mai-Dun - Piano Duo Sims, Rowlands

R.V.Williams: Symphony No.6 - The Wasps Overture / Ireland: Prelude: The Forgotten Rite - Symphonic Rhapsody: Mai-Dun - Piano Duo Sims, Rowlands
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Piano

Vaughan Williams valued the opinions of close friends on his new works, even if he did not always follow the advice given. In the early years, it was to his first wife Adeline as well as to fellow composers George Butterworth and Gustav Holst that he would turn. Later, the circle of advisers widened, to include Sir Arthur Bliss, Gerald Finzi and Herbert Howells, the conductors Sir John Barbirolli, Sir Adrian Boult and Sir Malcolm Sargent and musical friends such as R.O. Morris, Steuart Wilson, Ruth Dyson and Roy Douglas. These and many others were invited to a ‘play-through’ of Vaughan Williams’ new work. Such first hearings were arranged for piano, or two pianos, and central to many of these performances in the 1940s and 1950s was Michael Mullinar (1895 - 1973). Mullinar was an expert accompanist, teacher and composer who would on occasion venture into solo repertoire.
Vaughan Williams sketches for the Sixth Symphony and Michael Mullinar’s two-piano arrangement with various interpolations by the composer can be found in the British Library. Alan Rowlands edited the two-piano arrangement for this recording making use of the final orchestral published version to fill in any gaps. Thus we can hear for the first time what a ‘play-through’ actually sounded like.
15.00 eur Buy

Piano Trio Serenade - Burlington Piano Trio

Piano Trio Serenade - Burlington Piano Trio
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Piano

15.00 eur Buy

Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring & Petrushka - Composer's Version for One Piano - Four Hands

Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring & Petrushka  - Composer's Version for One Piano - Four Hands
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Piano

At last, this recording is available again. Originally released by Saga on LP in 1985 and then lost in the mist of time following the labels closure. Now digitally re-mastered from original analogue sources, it is available on CD for the first time. This release will be much sought after as there is no listed competition in the current Muze Classical Catalogue for The Rite of Spring. David & Richard are currently celebrating their 30th anniversary season as Britain’s foremost piano duo and continue to tour the world enthralling all who attend their many concerts.
15.00 eur Buy

Saint-Saëns - Carnival of the Animals - Narrator: Jeremy Nicholas - Also Poulenc: Babar, the little elephant & Ibert: 5 Histoires

Saint-Saëns  -  Carnival of the Animals  - Narrator:  Jeremy Nicholas - Also Poulenc: Babar, the little elephant & Ibert: 5 Histoires
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Piano

Francis POULENC: Babar the Elephant
The story of Babar, the little elephant
(words by Jean de Brunhoff, in English)
[* = with ensemble]

Jeremy Nicholas (narrator)
15.00 eur Buy

Eddie McGuire - Music for flute, guitar and piano

Eddie McGuire - Music for flute, guitar and piano
ID: DCD34029
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Flute

Over the past 40 years Eddie McGuire, British Composer Award winner and Creative Scotland Award winner, has developed a compositional style that is as diverse as it is concentrated. This disc surveys a selection of his solo and chamber works, written for his home instruments, flute, guitar, and piano.

The writing, whilst embracing tonality, focuses on texture and aspects of colour, drawing on a myriad folk influences. The listener cannot help being drawn in to McGuire’s evocative sound-world, at once bold and playful.

Track listing

McGuire, E:
Harbour of Harmonies
Fountain of Tears
Prelude 13
Dark Cloud
Celtic Knotwork
Resistance Movement
Mrs de Ruyg’s Delight
12 Whitenote Pieces
Total playing time [72:22]
15.00 eur Buy

Instruments of the Russell Collection, Vol. 2 - John Kitchen

Instruments of the Russell Collection, Vol. 2 - John Kitchen
ID: DCD34039
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Piano

Edinburgh University’s Russell Collection is one of the world’s finest collections of early keyboard instruments. The second volume in John Kitchen’s ongoing project to bring its musical exhibits to life matches music by Handel, Purcell, the Scottish composer Robert Bremner and others including Mozart’s son Franz Xaver with a gloriously vigorous menagerie of spinets, virginals, chamber organs, clavichord and harpsichords.

Track listing

Three pieces from Robert Bremner’s The Harpsichord or Spinnet Miscellany

Bach, J C F:
Five pieces from Musikalische Nebenstunden
Voluntary in C
Couperin, A-L:
Les Tendres Sentimens
Four movements from Partita in E major 'November'
Keyboard Suite, HWV 437 in D minor
Mozart, F X:
Deux Polonaises mélancoliques
Five pieces from Musick’s Handmaid
Rossi, M:
Toccata settima from 'Toccate e correnti d'intavolatura d'organo e cimbalo'
A sad Pavan for these distracted times

John Kitchen, harpsichord, piano, organ
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Wilde plays Brahms

Wilde plays Brahms
ID: DCD34040
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Piano

"David Wilde's power and individuality make a separation between composer and performer, between creator and recreator unrealistic. He sees the simple grace and lyricism favoured by many pianists as an evasion of a deeper poetic truth, and if he gives us all of Brahms' exulting strength in the fugue from the 'Handel' Variations, he is no less responsive to darker nights of the soul in Op. 117. Always there is an open invitation to re-appraise Brahms' genius, not by a radical reinterpretation (the determinedly 'different' way of, say, Gould or Pogorelich), but by a probing and enquiring look beneath the music's surface life. David Wilde may be true to the composer, but he is a pianist to make you think again." Bryce Morrison

"One of the most intense and involving performances that I've heard" International Record Review on David Wilde on Delphian

Track listing

Rhapsodies (2), Op. 79
Variations on an Original Theme in D major, Op. 21, No. 1
Intermezzi (3), Op. 117
Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel, Op. 24

David Wilde (piano)
15.00 eur Buy

R. Schumann - Etudes Symphoniques - Kinderzenen -Kreisleriana- P. Bradley-Fulgoni, piano

R. Schumann - Etudes Symphoniques - Kinderzenen -Kreisleriana- P. Bradley-Fulgoni, piano
ID: DCD34015
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Piano

In this all-Schumann recital, Peter Bradley-Fulgoni performs three pillars of the pianistic repertory - the Etudes Symphoniques Op 13, Kinderszenen Op 15 and Kreisleriana Op 16 - with a mastery that embraces magnificent poise and thrilling abandon.

Track listing
R. Schumann
Etudes Symphoniques | Opus 13
1. Thema Andante
2. Etude I (Variation I) Un poco più vivo
3. Etude II (Variation II)
4. Etude III Vivace
5. Etude IV (Variation III)
6. Etude V (Variation IV) Vivacissimo
7. Etude VI (Variation V) Agitato
8. Etude VII (Variation VI) Allegro molto
9. Etude VIII (Variation VII) Andante
10. Etude IX Presto possibile
11. Etude X (Variation VIII) Allegro
12. Etude XI (Variation IX) Andante
13. Etude XII Finale Allegro brillante

Kinderszenen | Opus 15
14. I Von fremden Ländern und Menschen
15. II Kuriose Geschichte
16. III Hasche-Mann
17. IV Bittendes Kind
18. V Glückes genug
19. VI Wichtige Begebenheit
20. VII Träumerei
21. VIII Am Kamin
22. IX Ritter vom Steckenpferd
23. X Fast zu ernst
24. XI Fürchtenmachen
25. XII Kind im Einschlummern
26. XIII Der Dichter Spricht

Kreisleriana | Opus 16
27. I Äusserst bewegt
28. II Sehr innig und nicht zu rasch
29. Intermezzo I (Sehr lebhaft) - Erstes tempo
30. Intermezzo II (Etwas bewegter) - Langsamer (Erstes tempo) - Adagio - Erstes tempo
31. III Sehr aufgeregt
32. IV Sehr langsam
33. V Sehr lebhaft
34. VI Sehr langsam
35. VII Sehr rasch
36. VIII Schnell und spielend
15.00 eur Buy

Instruments from the Russell Collection - John Kitchen, harpsichords and piano

Instruments from the Russell Collection - John Kitchen, harpsichords and piano
ID: DCD34001
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Harpsichord

A stunning recital on a variety of keyboards from Edinburgh’s venerated musical museum. Repertoire includes works by Byrd, Bach, Handel, Scarlatti, Greene, Couperin, and Forqueray. Photographs and descriptions of all nine instruments enhance the booklet. A must-have item for early keyboard enthusiasts worldwide!
15.00 eur Buy
Kunde: ungemeldet

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