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Orchestre, page 12

   Les titres retrouvé: 723

Sharon Kam - The Romantic Clarinet

Sharon Kam - The Romantic Clarinet
ID: CP038
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Clarinet

15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Elfrida Andrée - Symphony in A minor; Fritiof Suite. Stockholm Symphony Orchestra conducted by Gustaf Sjökvist.

Elfrida Andrée - Symphony in A minor; Fritiof Suite. Stockholm Symphony Orchestra conducted by Gustaf Sjökvist.
ID: CDS1016-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestre

Elfrida Andrée was a Reinecke pupil, as is obvious from the symphony's big brass chorale melodies. The Fritiof Suite shows this even more! Originally conceived as an opera, the work was shortened into a symphonic suite written with surprising independence by the foremost Swedish lady organist. How is it possible that music of this quality could be forgotten?
15.00 eur Buy

Otto Olsson: Symphony in G minor, Op 11

Otto Olsson: Symphony in G minor, Op 11
ID: CDS1020-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestre

Here is something very special. A grand, 57-minute, monumental romantic orchestral symphony, again written by an organ specialist. A truly great work with a slow, absolutely stunning third movement! This CD has already received high praise in the specialist press, resulting in excellent sales. Otto Olsson could have written many great orchestral works had he been allowed to develop his orchestral talents.
15.00 eur Buy

Albert Rubenson - Drapa; Symphony in C minor; Symphonic Intermezzo; Trois Pièces Symphoniques.

Albert Rubenson - Drapa; Symphony in C minor; Symphonic Intermezzo; Trois Pièces Symphoniques.
ID: CDS1029-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestre

Rubenson: what a character! Starting off as a composer with fresh ideas, returning from Germany in the mid 1850s, he ended up as a strongly conservative professor at the Stockholm Musical Academy. What a sad fate, with many promises unfulfilled! Goodman regards the composer as a very interested figure in Swedish musical history - with many gifted ideas - linked to Schumann.
15.00 eur Buy

Erns Mielck - Symphony in F minor, Op. 4; Concert Piece for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 9.

Erns Mielck - Symphony in F minor, Op. 4; Concert Piece for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 9.
ID: CDS1035-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Orchestre

A tragedy, when the Finnish Romantic Ernst Mielck died at the young age of 22, dreams unfullfilled. He was an extremely gifted pupil of Max Bruch. His symphony is a dark beautiful drama, with a third movement filled with an inward quality. The concert piece is based on folk musik from Finland, with many charming melodies.
15.00 eur Buy

Ludvig Norman - Symphonies 1 and 3 National Symphony Orchestra of Johannesburg, Mika Eichenholz

Ludvig Norman - Symphonies 1 and 3 National Symphony Orchestra of Johannesburg, Mika Eichenholz
ID: CDS1038-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestre

Schumann is not far away in these unusual, most competent and exquisite performances. Third symphony particularely noteworthy for flow and charm
15.00 eur Buy

B. I. Tishchenko - Dante Symphonies (No. 1 and No. 2)

B. I. Tishchenko - Dante Symphonies (No. 1 and No. 2)
CDs: 1
Type: CD
St. Petersburg Musical Archive

Manufactured at the plant.
Quality assured factory produced.

His Dante Symphonies (No. 1 and No. 2) are performed by the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Yuri Kochnev and Nikolai Alexeev
15.00 eur Buy

B. Smetana - My Country (Má vlast) - Prague Symphony Orchestra - Tomas Netopil

B. Smetana - My Country (Má vlast) - Prague Symphony Orchestra - Tomas Netopil
ID: FOK0001
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Orchestral Works
Subcollection: Orchestre

15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Hans Huber - Sym. No. 1 - 8; Erste Serenade (Sommernächte), Sym. Einleitung zur Oper "Der Simplicius", Eine Lustspiel-Ouvertüre

Hans Huber - Sym. No. 1 - 8; Erste Serenade (Sommernächte),  Sym. Einleitung zur Oper "Der Simplicius",  Eine Lustspiel-Ouvertüre
ID: CDS1042-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestre

Continuation of the Huber series. This time an immature but vivacious 1th and a refined and personal 7th. This time a beautiful and serene ending of the slow movement of no. 7. Much lovely Swiss folklore in orchestral dress!
15.00 eur Buy

Franz Berwald - The Battle of Leipzig

Franz Berwald - The Battle of Leipzig
ID: CDS1051-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
World Premiere Recording
Subcollection: Orchestre

Battle of Leipzig, ouvertures and more. A collection of world prémiere recordings! The Battle of Leipzig is the real sensation here. A battle very much in Beethovian style, but with lots of typical Berwald signs! And some charming and early pieces for violin and orchestra.
"The Battle of Leipzig is quite a find." - ClassicsToday.com
15.00 eur Buy
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