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"ORTHODOX CHANTS" - Vassil Arnaudov Sofia Chamber Choir- Theodora Pavlovitch

"ORTHODOX CHANTS"  - Vassil Arnaudov Sofia Chamber Choir- Theodora Pavlovitch-Choir-Sacred Music
ID: GD292 (EAN: 3800121302925)  | 1 CD | DDD
Publi: 2005
Gega New
Sacred Music
BORTNIANSKY, Dmitri Stepanovich | CHESNOKOV, Paul Grigor'yevich | HRISTOV, Dobri | KOUKOUZELES, John | RACHMANINOV, Sergey Vasil'yevich | SPASSOV, Ivan | TANEYEV, Sergey Ivanovich | TCHAIKOVSKY, Pyotr Il'yich
Vassil Arnaudov Sofia Chamber Choir
Chef d'orchestre:
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It begins with John Koukouzeles and 18th and 19th century anonymous works, goes on to Dobri Hristov, Petar Dinev, the Russian composers P. I. Tchaikovsky, D. Noskov, K. Shvedov, S. Rachmaninov, P. Chesnokov and then features works by contemporary Bulgarian composers of the second half of the 20th century: Ivan Spassov, Alexander Tanev , and Alexander Tekeliev . The release is thus like an anthology of the various styles of East-Orthodox church music and the booklet includes the respective texts of the chants.
John KOUKOUZELES (12807-1360) 
1. Slava Ottsu i Sinu / GLORY TO THE FATHER AND TO THE SON 1:10
Petar DINEV (1889-1980) 
Dobri HRISTOV (1875-1941) 
3. Tebe poem / WE SING THEE from "Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom" 2:18
Anonymous - 19th c. 
4. Dostoino est / MEET IT IS 1:56
Alexander TEKELIEV (b. 1942) 
5. Dostoino est / MEET IT IS 2:51
6. Dobri HRISTOV (1875-1941)
7. Herouvimska No. 4 / CHERUBIC HYMN No. 4 5:35
Anonymous - 18th c. (Elena) 
8. Gospodi, pomilui / O LORD, HAVE MERCY UPON US 1:37
Ivan SPASSOV (1934-1996) 
9. HOLY BULGARIAN LITURGY (fragments) 5:38
Alexander Tanev (1928-1996) 
10. Tebe poem / WE SING THEE 5:34
11. Ottche nash / OUR FATHER 3:24
Peter Ilyitch TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893) 
12. Dostoino est / MEET IT IS 2:26
Konstantin SHVEDOV (1886-1954) 
13. Ne imami iniya pomoshchi / WE HAVE NO OTHER HELP 2:35
Pavel CHESNOKOV (1877-1944) 
14. Svete tihii / 0 GLADSOME LIGHT, op. 9, No. 21 2:27
15. Hvalite imya Gospodne / PRAISE YE THE HAME OF THE LORD op. 9, No. 23 1:50
Dmitrii NOSKOV (?) 
16. Vo vsyo zemlyu / ON THE WHOLE EARTH 2:58
Sergei RACHMANINOV (1873-1943) 
17. Bogoroditse, Devo, raduisya / REJOICE, O VIRGIN from "All-Night Vigil", op. 37 2:49
Dmitrii BORTNYANSKY (1751-1825) 
18. Gospodi, Bozhe Izrailev / LORD, GOD OF ISRAEL (Sacred Concerto No. 26) 7:15 


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