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EDWARD HARPER - LYELL CRESSWELL - Jane Manning, soprano - The New Music Group of Scothland

EDWARD HARPER - LYELL CRESSWELL - Jane Manning, soprano - The New Music Group of Scothland-Voices and Chamber Ensemble-Vocal Collection
ID: MSVCD92014 (EAN: 0809730201424)  | 1 CD | DDD
Publi: 1997
Vocal Collection
Voices and Chamber Ensemble
BYRD, William | CRESSWELL, Lyell | HARPER, Edward
MANNING, Jane (soprano)
New Music Group of Scotland
Chef d'orchestre:
HARPER, Edward
Pour plus amples dtails:

Edward Harper is also the director of the New Music Group as well as being a fine composer, as is his contemporary Lyell Cresswell. Jane Manning is acknowledged as one of the world's leading singers of new music.

William Byrd, arr. Edward Harper:
Laetentur Coeli
Timor et Hebetudo
In Resurrexione Tua
L. Cresswell:
Prayer for the Cure of a Sprained Back
Words for Music
E. Harper:
Fantasia III
Ricercari in memoriam Luigi Dallapiccola
Byrd arrangements


“Lyell Cresswell and Edward Harper are both long-standing 'incomers' on the Scottish musical scene, both experienced exponents of mainstream contemporary styles, and often employing substantial orchestral or choral forces. This disc of smaller-scale pieces is something of a curate's egg, but variety is one thing it can't be accused of lacking. Harper's Byrd transcriptions for brass form an appropriate, and well-played, backdrop to his own Byrd derived Fantasia III, an efficient piece of work despite being almost too respectful towards its source. Harper's Ricercari in memoriam Luigi Dallapiccola (an excellent remastering of the 1979 recording) is also essentially sober, reflective tribute, though here the livelier music, with its hints of the more stressful Maxwell Davies, helps to keep the structure active and engaging. I found Lyell Cresswell's two short unaccompanied vocal pieces far more enjoyable than his Brass Sextet. The florid Prayer for the Cure of a Sprained Back (the text is from an army surgeon's 1859 attempt at a history of New Zealand) recalls Berio's works for Cathy Berberian without slavish imitation, and this, together with the later, shorter Words for Music, is finely performed by Jane Manning in recordings which make admirable use of church resonance (Rosslyn Hill Chapel). ... On this evidence, and that of earlier Cresswell discs..., this composer is most effective when writing for voices.”


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