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Within A Mile of Edinburgh - John Kitchen, piano - Malcolm Green, baritone

Within A Mile of Edinburgh - John Kitchen, piano - Malcolm Green, baritone -Vocal and Piano-Vocal Collection
ID: DCD34005 (EAN: 801918340055)  | 1 CD | DDD
Publi: 2002
Vocal Collection
Vocal and Piano
DUSSEK, Jan Ladislav
GREEN, Malcolm (baritone) | KITCHEN, John (piano)
Pour plus amples dtails:

*world premiere recordings
John Kitchen, fortepiano
Malcolm Green, baritone

Baritone Malcolm Green joins John Kitchen in a sprightly drawing room concert from eighteenth-century Scotland, with folk songs from Robert Burns and the Scots Musical Museum and the fortepiano works they inspired. Includes premiere recordings of works by J.C. Bach and J.L. Dussek.

Track listing

1. Within a Mile of Edinburgh
2. J.L. Dussek - Variations on Within a Mile of Edinburgh
3. Thou art gane awa'
4. Loch Eroch Side
5. Domenico Corri - Varations on Loch Eroch Side
6. The Banks o' Doon
7. Domenico Corri - Variations on The Banks of Doon
8. Busk ye, busk ye
9. John Ross - Variations on Busk ye, busk ye
10. My love, she's but a Lassie yet
11. Roslin Castle
12. J.L. Dussek - Variations on Rosline Castle
13. The Lass of Peaty's Mill
14. Sic a wife as Willie had
15. Pietro Urbani - Variations on Sic' a wife as Willie had
16. Hamilla
17. The Yellow-hair'd Laddie
18. J.C. Bach - Variations on The Yellow-hair'd Laddie
19. Here's a health to them that's awa'


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