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Russian Songs and Romances of the XIX century

Russian Songs and Romances of the XIX century-Viola and Piano-Russe musique amoureux
ID: IMLCD095 (EAN: 4607053330953)  | 1 CD | DDD
Publi: 2008
Russe musique amoureux
ALIABIEV, Alexander | BULAKHOV, Pavel | GLINKA, Mikhail Ivanovich | GURILYOV, Alexander L'vovich | TCHAIKOVSKY, Pyotr Il'yich | YAKOVLEV, Mikhail
KOTELNIKOV, Konstantin (tenor) | RABOVSKY, Daniil (piano)
Pour plus amples dtails:

Konstantin Кotelnikov, tenor

Daniil Rabovsky, piano (1 - 19); Vladislav Motin, violin (2, 10, 15);
Eugeny Lushnikov, cello (2, 15, 16).
Alena Makavtsova, flute; Boris Maley, violin; Sergey Evtikhov, viola;
Vladimir Matveyev, cello (20 - 28).
ALIABIEV, Alexander (1787-1851) 
1. The Beggar-Woman (lyrics by D. Lensky after Berange)4:43 
VARLAMOV, Aleksandr Yegorovich (1801-1848) 
2. Along the street a snowstorm is raging (lyrics by A. Glebov)2:31 
3. Over the highlands (lyrics by M. Lermontov)2:22 
YAKOVLEV, Mikhail (1798-1868) 
4. Winter evening (lyrics by A. Pushkin)2:15 
GURILYOV, Alexander L'vovich (1803-1858) 
5. Separation ("At the dawn of hazy youth…") (lyrics by A. Koltsov)3:02 
6. The swallow is circling (lyrics by N. Grekov)1:56 
7. The monotonous little bell (lyrics by I. Makarov)3:04 
GLINKA, Mikhail Ivanovich (1804-1857) 
8. I remember a wonderful moment (lyrics A. Pushkin)3:01 
9. Travelling song (No. 6 from the vocal cycle "Farewell to St. Petersburg) (lyrics by N. Kukolnik)2:29 
10. A lark (No. 10 from the vocal cycle "Farewell to St. Petersburg) (lyrics by N. Kukolnik)2:52 
11. I am here, Inezilla (lyrics by A. Pushkin)1:58 
BULAKHOV, Pavel (1824-1875) 
12. Rendezvous (lyrics by N. Grekov)2:50 
13. My bluebells, flowers of the steppe (lyrics by A. K. Tolstoy)2:35 
14. No, I don't love you (lyrics by Zimenko)2:03 
15. In difficult moments in life (lyrics by M. Lermontov)2:55 
16. Don't Awaken Memories (lyrics by D. Davidov)3:36 
TCHAIKOVSKY, Pyotr Il'yich (1840-1893) 
17. I opened the window, Op. 63 No, 2 (lyrics by K. P.)1:28 
18. Again alone, as before, Op. 73 No. 6 (lyrics by D. Rathaus)2:05 
19. I should like in a single word… (lyrics by L. Mey after H. Heine)1:38 
GURILYOV, Alexander L'vovich (1803-1858) 
20. Turn away and look at me no more (lyrics by S. Lyubetskoy)2:42 
21. That young and wondrous century (lyrics by V. Konshin)2:37 
22. You'll never understand my grief (lyrics by A. Beshentsov)3:35 
GLINKA, Mikhail Ivanovich (1804-1857) 
23. My blood is burning with desire (lyrics by A. Pushkin)1:15 
24. Doubts (lyrics by N. Kukolnik)4:22 
TCHAIKOVSKY, Pyotr Il'yich (1840-1893) 
25. Only the one who knew that, Op. 6 No. 6 (lyrics by W. Goethe, Russian text by L. Mei)2:54 
26. Amid the noise of the ball, Op. 38 No. 3 (lyrics by A. K. Tolstoy)2:29 
27. That frightful moment, Op. 28 No. 6 (lyrics by P. Tchaikovsky)3:17 
BULAKHOV, Pavel (1824-1875) 
28. Shine, shine, my star (arr. by V. Sabinin, lyrics by V. Tchuevsky)3:27 
Total time 


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