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P. Fiala - De Amicitia

P. Fiala - De Amicitia-Voice, Choir and Orchestra-Vocal Collection
ID: UP0157 (EAN: 8594029811577)  | 1 CD | DDD
Publi: 2012
Vocal Collection
Voice, Choir and Orchestra
ŠKARKOVA, Hana (soprano) | FIALOVÁ, Kristina (viola) | FIALOVÁ, Terezie (piano) | HOUDA-ŠATUROVÁ, Simona (soprano) | VALEŠOVÁ, Ivana (narrator)
Czech Chamber Soloists | Czech Philharmonic Chorus of Brno | Martinů Voices (chorus) | Q Vox (chorus)
Chef d'orchestre:
FIALA, Petr | MATYÁŠ, Ivan | VASILEK, Lukáš
FIALA, Petr (b. 1943) 
Dam vykvest ruzi (I'll Have Roses Grow) 
1. No. 1. Za letu labuti (While the Swans Fly)2:16 
2. No. 2. Zeptam se labute (I'll Ask the Swan)3:31 
3. No. 3. Laska (Love)3:05 
4. No. 4. Dam vykvest ruzim (I'll Have Roses Grow)3:01 
Rondo for Viola and Piano 
5. Pisen pro jeste nenarozeneho (A Song for One Yet Unborn)12:38 
6. Flos et ventus (Flower and Wind)4:36 
De amicitia (Of Friendship) 
7. No. 1. Amicitia nisi inter bonos esse non potest (Friendship can last only between good people)1:49 
8. No. 2. Amicum an nomen habeas, aperit calamitas (A friend in name only is revealed in misfortune)1:40 
9. No. 3. Homo non soli sibi natus, sed patriae et amicis (Man is not born for himself, but for fatherland and friends)2:16 
Inter arma, silent Musae (When arms speak, Muses are silent) 
10. No. 1. Inter arma, silent Musae (When arms speak, Muses are silent)1:46 
11. No. 2. Omnia vincit amor (Love conquers all)2:00 
12. No. 3. Festina lente (Hasten slowly)1:19 
13. No. 4. Verba movent, exempla trahunt (Words stir, examples draw)2:18 
14. No. 5. In vino veritas (In wine truth)2:13 
15. No. 6. O tempora, o mores (What times! What habits!)2:08 
16. No. 7. Errare humanum est (To err is human)1:55 
17. Capriccio6:02 
18. Gratia Musa tibi (Thank you, Muse)4:37 


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