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Children's audiobook "ABC Security" - Spoken Word with Piano by O.Pashkova - R.Serkov -O. Bezinskikh - V. Zaitseva, piano

Children's audiobook "ABC Security" - Spoken Word with Piano by O.Pashkova - R.Serkov -O. Bezinskikh - V. Zaitseva, piano -Spoken Word with Piano-Music for Children
ID: ART351 (EAN: 4651182213519)  | 1 CD | DDD
Publi: 2016
Music for Children
Spoken Word with Piano
BEZINSKIKH, Oleg | PASHKOVA, Olga (actress) | SERKOV, Roman | ZAITSEVA, Vera (piano)
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Spoken Russian

"Azbuka bezopasnosti/ABC Security" - a rare audio album for children. It's not songs, not a fairy tale, not a musical, but a real children's book in verse and with musical accompaniment. Poems read by various artists, which gives the book a fun, lively manner of narration. And the music complements and makes it interesting and even fascinating. Such a book is able to interest and teach any child the vital rules of behavior at home, at school, on the street, in transport and on vacation. The CD was based on the verses from the book "Azbuka bezopasnosti" by Kseniya Fedorova (2012), as well as new works by the author, whose work was highly appreciated by readers.

The author - Ksenia Fedorova
Music - Vera Zaitseva (piano)
They read - Olga Pashkova, Roman Serkov and Oleg Bezinskikh
1. Vsem detyam Zemli posvyashchayetsya0:40 
2. Pravila gigiyeny1:20 
3. Bezopasnyj Internet2:09 
4. Povedeniye s zhivotnymi1:13 
5. Kogda doma odin2:27 
6. Pitaysya pravil'no!0:58 
7. Na prirode1:12 
8. Opasnyye predmety2:10 
9. V obshchestvennykh mestakh2:00 
10. Odevaysya po pogode!4:22 
11. V metro2:39 
12. Vrednyye privychki1:04 
13. Nedobryye lyudi2:57 
14. Bezopasnost' na doroge2:43 
15. Khorosho, kogda chisto vokrug!1:10 


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