World music CD DVD shop and Classic distribution
ID: MSVCD92006 (EAN: 034061026426) | 1 CD | DDD Publi: 2000
- Subcollection:
- Flute
- Compositeurs:
- ALWYN, William | BAX, Arnold | DODGSON, Stephen | HARTY, Sir Herbert Hamilton | MAW, Nicholas
- BEYNON, Catherine (harp) | BEYNON, Emily (flute)
- Pour plus amples dtails:
A beautiful and evocative combination, the flute and harp combine especially well in these modern romantic pieces by leading British composers of the mid twentieth century. Emily Beynon (flute) and Catherine Beynon (harp), both now leading and highly-regarded musicians, provide an exquisite performance in their debut CD which has been one of Metier's most popular recordings.
Arnold Bax:
Sonata for Flute and Harp
Stephen Dodgson:
Duo for Flute and Harp
Hamilton Harty:
In Ireland
William Alwyn:
Nicholas Maw:
Night Thoughts