World music CD DVD shop and Classic distribution
ID: NFPMA9947 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: St. Petersburg Musical Archive And finally, a new recording of music of Boris Tishchenko has been released; it is his Sixth Symphony, a monumental masterpiece to words by A. Naiman, A. Akhmatova, M. Tsvetaeva, O. Mandelshtam, and V. Levinzon. In memory of E. A. Mravinsky
CD series “St. Petersburg Musical Archive”
“St. Petersburg Musical Archive” is a series dedicated to St. Petersburg’s 300th anniversary. Many of the works in this series will be CD premieres, and many of the recordings will introduce famous St. Petersburg musicians, composers and ensembles as well as new performing artists. The “St. Petersburg Musical Archive” series includes rediscovering forgotten works - both of the 19th and 20th centuries. |
15.00 eur Buy |
ID: GR04 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal Collection Subcollection: Voices and OrchestraRecorded on 1st-2nd December 2008 in the Chapel of the Porziuncola House of
the Franciscan Fathers, Bahar ic-Caghaq, Malta.
Antonio Nani’s Messa is the tenth programme of the series with Maltese music released by Gega New with the support of APS Bank, Malta. The album adds to the selection of Maltese composers and acquaints us with a very interesting composer. Similar to most of the writers before him, Nani was also influenced by Italian musical culture and during the greater part of his life he lived and worked in Napoli. He has written operas, symphony music, messas. He was strongly influenced by Romanticism. Some of his most popular works are: Messa in onore di S. Paolo Naufrago, Messa da requiem, Responsori dei morti and the three magnificent operas Zorilla, Agnese Visconti ? I cavalieri di Malta. |
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock |
ID: GR100 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal Collection Subcollection: Voices and OrchestraRecorded in the Chapel of the Porziuncola House of the Franciscan Fathers, Malta, in December 2005
Paolino Vassallo was one of the most prominent Maltese composers, the first to move away consciously from the dominating Italian influence on Maltese music. After local music studies in Malta, in 1875 he left for Paris, where he remained for 10 years and continued his studies mainly with Ernest Guiraud and Jules Massenet. On his return to Malta in 1885, he founded in Valletta his extremely successful Music Institute. His students included the most important composers of the first half of the twentieth century, among them Domenico Anastasi, Giuseppe Caruana, Carlo Diacono, etc.
Vassallo composed both sacred and non-sacred music. His three operas, where Massenet’s example is quite evident, are very popular.
A concert version of the Grande Messa was first performed in the hall of the Public Library, Valletta, in 1889. He started working on the work while still in France. The music is richly melodious, with opulent orchestration. The soloists are treated predominantly as an ensemble group rather that as individuals and the Messa is dignified, grandiose and full of religious feelings.
The present release is again a result of the cooperation between APS Bank and Gega New Music House, an initiative which led to releasing seven CDs with Maltese music of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. |
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock |
ID: NFPMA9983 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Ballet Music Subcollection: Voices and Orchestra1, 2 - St. Petersburg Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra - Yurij Temirkanov, conductor
3, 4, 5, 6 - St. Petersburg Chamber Orchestra - Edward Serov, conductor
7 - St. Petersburg Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra - Alexander Dmitriev, conductor
8 - State Kapella Symphonic Orchestra - Alexander Tchernushenko, conductor / Maria Lyudko, soprano |
15.00 eur Buy |
ID: RRC1263 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Subcollection: Legendary VoicesC`te. Gobbi, Mas, Prandelli. Ch & Orch Op House, Rome/ Bellezza. Incls 6 bonus Puccini arias. Artists incl Tucker & Olivero (Regis) PG*** "..one of Gobbi`s finest performances on record.." |
15.00 eur Buy |
ID: GM4.0084 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Opera Collection 1 - Frank Guarrera (Jago)
2 - 7 Carlo Bergonzi (Rodolfo), Marcella Pobbe (Mimì), Frank Guarrera (Marcello), Heidi Krall (Musetta)
8 - 10 Martha Mödl (Isolde), Ramón Vinay (Tristan), Orchestra and Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera - L. Bernstein
11 - 15 - Martha Mödl (soprano), Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra - J. Keilberth |
15.00 eur Buy |